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The penultimate episode of Moon Knight is here, and we go deep into the origins of Steven Grant and Marc Spector. Brace yourselves, because it's going to be a bumpy, emotional ride. Queue up your Disney+ and join us!



Hiya Fellas! I'm going back and looking at your stuff before I became a Patron and this rewatch is awesome. FYI I slid into those DM's and I was respectful...but no response. Maybe I'll try again... Or maybe it's the meds talking.. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.. Love the reaction as usual. I just wish I found you guy sooner!

Madison Berrett

Have you guys watched United States of Tara? That is another AMAZING show that deals with DID.


This was a surprisingly emotional depiction of Marc trauma and how it lead to the creation of Steven. Particularly wrenching to see how Marc manifested Steven to cope with his childhood trauma, yet how Marc eventually tries to protect Steven from learning the truth about his mother's abusive behavior. While I long suspected that Steven's "mom" was dead despite his phonecalls to her, I didn't anticipate the sadness of Steven confronting the fact and admitting she was dead. I thoroughly enjoyed your reactions to this episode, homies. Yet another reason I'm glad to be a Patreon supporter.

Barbara Jones

Thx for holding my hand during my re-watch!!! Needed your support. Still cried. Just wondering, is the Patreon watch your first watch then you go and watch again (on your own in the dark?)

Carol Rozendo

Oooh, Adam is single? 😘😋

Nurhadi Roshaimi

Hippopotamus song on repeat to comfort me till next week.


Yes the Patreon watch is our first watch though. We all watch it on our own later if we have time, but sometimes this version is the one and only time we watch the episode


Here's a particular mind blowing element to this episode: Rewatch the first Dr. Harrow visit from this episode. The behavior and accent of Oscar here is not matching Marc. Some people pointed out it is a Brooklyn accent, and of the personalities that Marc Spector has, Jake the cab driver is the one with the Brooklyn accent. That may have been our real first look at Jake!

Tom Clough

Well this show just took a turn i wasnt expecting. It was great that they addressed very quickly that different cultures ans gods have their own versions of the afterlife. Its crazy to think that after Iron man 3 dealt with PTSD we have now got phase 4 dealing with basicly every aspect of mental trauma. Marvel deserve a lot of credit for that.


Not just the accent and behavior but also the look. He has blood on his nose and other injuries. Neither of which show up later on Marc or Steven.

Jake Samuels

I'm really glad that they took a full episode to delve into Marc and Steven's origins, as I feel like anything less than that wouldn't have been enough to handle it with the care it needed. Can't believe there's only one episode left, it feels like there's so much they need to do.

Peter Evans

Hector and Augustine at the overboard was spectacular. Disney phase for 4-? let it add the feels.