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Heyho, you funky sexy dungeon delver!

Imagine you're in a dungeon. A dimly lit corridor, full of creepy statues and old, wet stones.
Suddenly, you see the faint ghost of a woman. She beckons you to come closer, and you feel the safety and warmth eminating from her.
She was once the guardian of this dungeon, until a strange power whisked it away from her... Now, reduced to a ghostly image of her former self, she's bound to get rid of this evil power, and to protect the dungeon once again.

As she tells you her story, you wonder what she's been before she ended up as a ghost.
Was she a mighty warrior? A powerful mage? Or a caring cleric?

Vote now for the class the Dungeon Mistress should have in your opinion!

Take the picture above as a mere character study in progress. Her outfit and appearance will change depending on your choice.
Her class will also determine her personality to an extent - so choose wisely, friend! :)

Have fun and stay funky,


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