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Heyho, you funky sexy Tailnut!

I have a bit of sad news today regarding Yu Escape / Monday.
Due to the current unfortunate situation, we have to postpone the release by a month.
Steam's review process is taking much longer than we anticipated even with the rampant Corona virus, and as of today, we don't have a 'go' from the Steam review team yet.

The new launch date is May 1st.

I'm a bit down at the moment, we've worked so hard to bring you the best version of the game we are capable of making, submitted everything well in time and then we can't release it due to factors we sadly don't have any power over (nor does the Steam review team, of course).

Sorry, guys.
Stay funky and see you tomorrow.



Daniele Roversi

Hi! i'm a fan of your Pigglet in Mrs. Big Bad Werewolf and because of this i would know if in the future, will this game comes on Steam?


Heyho, Daniele! Thanks, we're glad you enjoy our game! I can't make promises yet, it depends a bit on how Yu will fare on Steam - fingers crossed ;) Take care and stay funky, Dez