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Sunspot Lantern – Sunstalker

This one has just got better with the release of 1.5 and the changes to People of the Lantern.  This neat piece of gear includes three minor abilities mixed into one piece of support gear.  First of all we have the +1 Accuracy, which is a rare and useful stat bonus. Then we have the 2 green affinities, in a layout that is useful for Monster Grease activation. Finally we have the ability to cast darkness, which is otherwise never present when you are not fighting the Sunstalker.  This darkness allows for someone else to collect salt statues, or most importantly it provides a spot for users of Ink Swords to attack from. The Ink Sword is one of the most powerful swords in the game and the Sunspot Lantern on another (usually tanking) survivor allows for the se of the most powerful crit farming build in the game.


Bloodskin – White Speaker 

(Card here at Techraptor)

While this is a promo item, it's added into the core game in a very balanced and reasonable fashion via a story event upgrade (see link above for the details).  It includes 2 very useful and hard to get affinities along with an ability that makes it almost impossible for you to die via bleeding.  This has a lot of applications with self bleeding builds, but it also increases your general resilience, so it combines well with the Tough fighting art.

Almanac – Barber Surgeon

Rarely seen, even more rarely talked about. The Almanac is one of the most powerful items in the game. Correctly used it makes you immune to death via Brain Trauma.  If you have Accept Darkness as your society principle (and there is no reason for picking the other choice atm) then any survivor with this and less than 2 Disorders will never gain that third disorder and therefore be impossible to kill.  It also allows you to lock in 3 disorder combinations on a survivor and never lose them.  It's a super powerful item and the only real drawback is that gear grids can only contain a maximum of 9 items.

The combo with this and the fighting art Unbreakable should also not be overlooked!

Scavenger Kit – Barber Surgeon

This one is very straightforward, it pays for itself very quickly by providing an additional resource from the monster deck and if you completely drain the monster deck you can still grab a basic resource!  Add onto that an affinity that links with the Leather Shield or the tools and you have an amazing farming item that can help activate Monster Grease.  The only downside is that this item is heavy.

Skyhook – Sunstalker

The Skyhook gives access to a whole new special hunt event - Skyfishing.  This event is dangerous without the Skypoon being used in combination, but the end result of the hunting is incredible.  

First of all, the three fish you can catch in the event all count as resources, Jowls in particular is an iron resource and that's very valuable.  But if you get all three fish, you gain the Filleting table, which gives +1 basic resource to every victorious hunt.  That's a huge bonus, especially when combined with the Scavenger Kit!

I'll probably write more about Sky Fishing, and why it's criminally underrated at some point in the future.


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