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Red Ring – Spidicules

Automatic wounds are one of the most powerful ways of dealing with monsters once you're not interested in crit farming anymore.  While it seems difficult to activate the Red Ring, it is actually not the case when you consider how straightforward and repeatable getting 'The Story of the Young Hero' is. 

If you are not familiar with this, it's an ability gained from the White Speaker event (via the Storytelling innovation), that lets you inflict 2 bleeding tokens on yourself when you act in order to gain 1 survival.  

You can simply use this with bandages or the Bloodskin (White Speaker White Box Promo) to insure that you deal 2 wounds automatically whenever it is your turn to be the monster controller.  

Or you can go down the rabbit hole and combine it with a Gloom Hammer wielder, who will ensure that you are always the monster controller and you can deal 2 wounds each turn.

Or you can wander into wonderland and build the full RROD (Red Ring of Death) build, which is a solo build that will kill every single monster in the entire game.

It's a pretty broken item if you set it up correctly.


Apostle Crown - Sunstalker

This People of the Sun specific craftable item turns up in the occasional non Sun campaign because it can be gained from a Sunstalker specific hunt event. 

It's one of the more unique forms of Hit Location control, and it's super easy to activate for the People of the Sun because they can generate Strength Tokens via survival actions.

For everyone else, they're going to need support from something like the Steadfast Potion, Seasoned Monster Meat, Acanthus Doctor or Red Fist in order to get those +Strength Tokens. 

But when you do, you have probably the best Hit Location Manipulation item in the game at your fingertips.

Forsaker Mask 1.0 - Butcher 

Oh original version of Forsaker Mask, how you will be missed. This excellent support item gives you a free activation when you are insane. There is so much you do with this and it would take me literally all day to write out every single thing that you can use this for.

Sadly, in 1.5 it's been nerfed to the point of literal uselessness. We will have to hope that the hybrid Imitation Butcher armor set from the Gambler's Chest does something to make keeping this mask worthwhile. 

Me? I'm sticking with using the 1.0 version in all my games, it wasn't overpowered.

Satchel - Flower Knight

While this item is very limited in its scope and usage, normally the intention for this item is to allow your Vespertine Foil user (Pause for hysterical laughter at the idea of anyone using a Vespertine Foil) to carry a flower with them so they can keep their sword active.

No-one does this.

The main use for the Satchel is sticking as many as possible (up to 3) on your Acanthus Doctor and having them cart around resources that let them heal other survivors. Additionally the satchel has a high amount of green affinities, which helps combo with the Doctor's own abilities.

It's not higher in the list because there are other, equally good Acanthus Doctor builds that do not use the satchel and also because it has virtually no other reasonable use outside of being carried by Doctors.

Gorn - Gorm

This silent, non-noisy instrument is one of the best early game support items you can build. It has a rare and vital affinity that helps make both the White Lion and Gorment sets more viable and the activated ability of the Gorn is really powerful early on.

It's an expensive item to make, costing a total of 4 resources (Stout Heart and 3 Bone), but it is so potent and useful that you would not be wrong for wanting to take multiple copies of this item out on hunts.

In addition, it is not a noisy instrument, so it is the only instrument that doesn't cause auto-death when the stupid Harvester turns up.


Will Wight

Hey! Curious about the RROD build; I googled around and found some strategies for using Red Ring, but not a full build. Do you have any tips?


My number one tip is. Don't build it. It completely trivialises the game. However, there will be an article on it in detail in the future.