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Let's hear your suggestions for this month's promo picture, while I'm drawing the one from previous month (Amélie binge eating at night in front of a fridge).

What would you like to see me draw?
Starting today until the end of Monday the 23th, you are invited to submit in the comments of this post
up to 2 suggestions per patron for this promotional piece. By then, I'll be collecting the suggestions and putting them in a poll for you to vote for your favorite idea (if I have more than one suggestion).

So here are a reminder of the few basic rules for this thing:

  • The focal character of the picture must be selected from my original characters gallery (Living Large and a few others). It may also involve in a minimal capacity other generic or specific characters: I can be flexible here.
  • The picture can imply more than one of my characters. The context/scene doesn't have to be canon with my comic's storyline, although it would be nice to stay in the characters' spirits/personnalities.
  • I reserve the right to adjust or reject a suggestion: I don't draw everything and I don't want to draw overly complex and time consuming pictures. The patron would be able to submit a new suggestion over their rejected one.
  • The scene can have text/speech bubbles, the patron can suggest their own writing if they want to.
  • Each patron can submit up to 2 suggestions per month. Make it count! ;)
  • If there's no suggestion or vote by the scheduled dates, I'll pick the subject for the standalone picture.



I think Tatiana should see Greg at the grocery store but she doesn’t see that he’s wit a Amelie as she’s trying to run for Greg in the store instead she runs into Amelie gigantic belly that would knock her down has she blindly runs for greg not noticing he was wit someone that’s is 4x her size


I would LOVE to see a continuation of your last promo with Tatiana, with her in the same outfit, much fatter, being strapped to a lab table or a chair and force fed by a machine at a remarkable speed by the doctor as her cheeks bulge and her eyes strain and cross from the sheer pressure. The machine's hose is quickly filling her up and fattening her at a remarkable speed with a special formula to make her grow fatter even faster. She is barely keeping up, and her clothes are bugling and tightening everywhere, believing she is surely going to explode at any moment, but instead, just growing bigger and bigger. And her growing both aroused and worried as the numbers on a scale fly by and as the good doctor tells Tatiana that the doctor is about to increase the machine's flow yet again because she's still far too skinny and she still has so much more weight to gain!