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Trigger #17: The Sala City University Cheer Squad (aka the Sala City Coven)

Organization Class: A group of cheerleaders and sorority girls I've taken under my wing as Fledgling Witches.

Transformation Type: TG, Shortstack, Ass Expansion.

Threat Level: Benevolent. I'm trying to teach these young witches to use their great power responsibly (although they do like to cause a little mischief here and there, just like their master.)

Subject: Misty Leducky, 20, F, formerly Miles Leducky, AMAB.

The following is a biographical account of events based on the subject's own testimonies and several eyewitness accounts.

"All clownfish are born male. The largest clownfish in a school will biologically transition to female in order to reproduce.

This transition however is a one way ticket."

-Sala City Science Museum

"So. Finally come crawling back to apologize, huh?" Amy taunted Misty, flipping her fire red twin tails over her shoulder.

Misty shuffled her feet nervously. She had just finished her daily laps in the pool when she ran into Amy in the hallway. She didn't have much time to change today, so she was just wearing her wet swimsuit underneath her clothes. As always, the crotch of her trusty swimsuit was slowly but surely riding its way up between her massive butt cheeks.

She hadn't decided if she liked that or not yet.

Amy stalked her way around Misty like a raptor teasing its prey. There was something extra humiliating about being talked down to by the shortest girl in the school.

Well, the FORMER, shortest girl in the school. Amy was barely 5 feet tall, maybe 4' 11" eyeballing it. Misty was definitely at least 4 inches shorter than her, as she had to tilt her head up slightly just to look Amy in the eyes.

She hadn't decided if she liked this or not yet, either.

"What was it you called me again? 'A twerp?' 'A shortstack, in more ways than one?' Well who's laughing now Ms. "Shorty Mc Short Pants?' Ms. 'Too Short to Reach the Bottom Shelf, Let Alone the Basketball Net?' Ms... um..."

Misty could smell the smoke coming out of Amy's ears as she came up with one last zinger.

"M-Ms. SHORT!!!"

Misty rolled her eyes. Amy, please for the love of GOD, shut the FUCK UP so I can APOLOGIZE already.

Misty cringed as she remembered that faithful day her life changed forever. 

Misty used to be Miles. She used to be a lofty 7' 5" tall titan, captain of the basketball team at Sala City U. They'd won state TWICE while' he'd been in charge. Everyone looked up to him. Literally.

Then one day, he bumped into Amy in the hallway, spilling his energy drink on his brand new varsity jacket. "HEY! Watch where you're going, TWERP!" he said, desperately trying to wipe the stain off with his hand. "What the fuck did you just call me...?" Amy said, glaring daggers up at him. He could swear her eyes were glowing, but decided it was a trick of the light. "Oh, sorry, can you not here me down there? Lemme get down to your level," Miles teased, leaning down to meet her eyes. His posse laughed, and this egged him on. "I said watch it! This jacket is brand new! Not that I'd expect you to understand, shortstack! In more ways than one..." he said, eyeing her relatively flat chest. "They don't give jackets out for twirling pom poms around and looking pretty, so I guess a cheerleader wouldn't get it."

At the mention of pom poms, a switch flipped in Amy's head. She smiled smugly, and pulled one of them out of her bag, pressing it against Mile's chest. He laughed. "What the hell are you doing, weirdo?" he said, rolling his eyes. His friends laughed nervously, just as confused.

"I'm about to become the consequence of your actions," she said with a smirk.

"I don't think my "consequences" should be allowed to be SHORTER than me," Miles quipped.

"Oh, that won't be a problem in a minute." Amy retorted, her eyes glowing a deep, neon magenta. The pom pom flared into the same color, like she was holding a firework in her hand.

"What the fuck?" Miles said, trying to back away from her. But suddenly, it felt as if his feet had sunken into concrete. He couldn't move an inch! He started glowing bright pink, and he looked to his friends for help, but they just stood there, frozen in shock. "What the fuck are you doing to me, you freak?!"

"Taking you down a peg. Or two. Or three." Amy giggled, a look of delighted malice on her lips. "I'm a little tired of being the shortest girl in school. Maybe you can take that title off my hands."

"The fuck are you-?" Miles started, before his throat caught in his chest. He coughed, each hack getting lighter and softer. "The fuck are you talking abou- huh? My voice?! What happened to-?!" Miles squeaked in a very high pitched and undeniably feminine tone. And that wasn't the only thing getting higher. The lockers  Miles once towered over were quickly getting larger and larger. No, they weren't getting bigger. HE was getting SHORTER!

"What the fucking fuck!? W-Why am I shrinking?!" Miles cried, his hands scrambling to his face, which was also shrinking, becoming soft, cute, and pouty, like a scared chipmunk.

"Awwww, what's the matter, Miles? Never picked on someone your own size?" Amy, tall enough to easily reach the top of his head now, ran her fingers through his hair. While he grew shorter, his hair grew longer, thicker, silkier, draping like a shawl over his shoulders. "S-Stop that!!!" she squeaked.

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything! Nothing anyone would believe if you told them, anyway..." Amy ran her hands over his broad shoulders, and they crunched closer together. His carefully toned arms thinned into soft twigs. She made her way down to his chest, her fingers reaching under his shirt and delicately squeezing his nipples. She pulled, and instead of pain, warmth filled his chest as several pounds of fat rounded them out into plump, D cup breasts. Miles lurched forward and almost fell over from the new weight, saved only by his glued feet. "I could have made you flatter than week old soda, but somehow this seems more satisfying..." Amy said, squeezing Mile's new chest and laughing at his pathetic yelp.

"G-Guys?! Help!!!" Miles cried out to her friends, cradling her new chest and blushing. "N-No way dude! Sorry,  I ain't getting turned into a chick!" one of them cried, and they all scattered away.

"Some friends," Amy said as she ran her hands down his waist like it was a clay vase on a pottery wheel. And like clay, his waist became thin and waspish, his hips flaring out to mythic, motherly proportions. His ass and thighs swelled up to the size of tree trunks and ripped the seams of his pants. It was like several airbags had gone off all at once around his hips. His own thighs were so thick they were threatening to pop his testicles, which were uncomfortably squished between them. His squirming thighs rubbed up against Amy's slender fingers as she reached under his pants and cupped his manhood. "Normally I'd let you choose what you want down here, but it looks like you're having a bit of a situation down here, so I'm gonna make an executive decision and prune your twig and berries..." True to her word, Amy pressed up, hard, and Miles moaned like an animal in heat as his 'twig and berries' blossomed into a delicate, aching lotus.

Miles was finally freed from her concrete shoes and sank to her knees, gasping and holding her new womanhood like it was an open wound. She wobbled up to her full height, a meager 4' 7". Everything and everyone towered over her, and her goliath-like confidence shriveled away into paralyzing fear and doubt. As promised, Miles was now shorter than Amy, and had to look up to her to beg. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm fucking sorry already, ok?!"

"Too late for that. Try again once you've walked a few miles in my shoes. Hell, if you try heels you might get a few of those inches I stole from you back! See ya later, 'Misty!'" Amy said over her shoulder as she strode off.

Miles tried to give chase, but her shoes were so big she tripped and fell flat on her chest. "C-Can I at least get some new clothes first?!"

Amy stopped, considering the request, and without even looking back, twirled her pom pom in a final flourish. Misty's clothes grew smaller and tight. Too tight. Much smaller and tighter than normal clothes should be. The baggy cloth tightened and darkened like ink into a skin tight spandex swimsuit. It left absolutely nothing to the imagination, and only served to highlight her new sex. She shivered at the cold breeze that kissed her bare shoulders, back, and legs. She felt the most exposed she had in her entire life. As a final insult to injury, an invisible set of fingers carefully plucked at the wedgie between her ass cheeks, pulled it back like a bow, and let it slap painfully against her rear end.

Her girlish scream could be heard through the entire school.

The next few weeks were hell for Misty. Aside from her friends, anyone she tried to tell about her condition insisted she was crazy, that she had always been a girl. Even her own parents said as much. Misty considered medically transitioning back to her old self, but didn't see the point as she would never get back to her old height. Sucking up her pride, she tried out for the Women's Basketball team, but that was a humiliating exercise in futility. Her body simply wasn't built for basketball anymore. Her tits bounced when she jumped and only got in the way, and her ass and thighs rubbed against each other when she ran and only served to weigh her down. Her first period was HELL, but Amy took mercy when she called in tears and stopped by with some tampons and chocolate. The last straw was when she visited the student book store and couldn't reach the top shelf. After a few minutes of hopping up and down trying to reach the textbook she needed for her classes, a boy in her class that was average height at best plucked the book from above her like it was nothing. He put it in her hands, patting her on the head and teasing her for being short.

Misty went back to her dorm and cried, mourning her new life as the school shortstack. On estrogen, her emotions felt so much stronger. There were so many more colors to them now, like she had traded in a classic 8 pack of crayons for the whole 120 color collection. Right now, it only made the depression and hopelessness she felt taste like a whole new flavor of dogshit. She looked at her swimsuit, draped over her bedpost, taunting her, and sighed, deciding to give swimming a try. She was still an athlete. She needed to compete like she needed air, to push herself to her limits, girl or no. The next day, she tried out for the new swim team.

Misty had swum a little on summer vacations. She knew she liked it, but her father had always said it would be a waste. "You're so tall! You NEED to play basketball! You'd be great!" he said. Getting back in the water, Misty felt at home. She flew, weightless, like a jet cutting through the sky. Everything else washed away as she pumped her arms and legs in graceful, fluid motions. Everything she hated about her new body only helped her here. Her short stature made her core all muscle. Her huge legs and ass had much more strength in them than they led on. Water moved around her curved body like air around a sports car. She even made a new friend, a weird girl named Marina, who loved the water even more than she did, even joking that she'd literally die if she didn't take a dip every now and then.

Misty found herself in the water. She decided that maybe she could live with being a cute, short girl. In science class, Misty had learned about clownfish. How the biggest male in the school turns into a female to help reproduce and keep the species alive. She liked that idea. Changing to survive. She bought herself a cute little clownfish pin so she wouldn't forget that.

Misty came back to herself as she looked at Amy, who stared and smiled expectantly.

"I'm sorry. Really, I am. And not because I want to change back! Just the opposite, actually... I was a dick. And I kind of... hated myself. Truth be told, I hated being tall. Everyone was always looking up to me, always had these great expectations of me. Just because I was tall, I was always the center of attention..." Misty confessed.

Amy's mocking smile turned into one of pleasant surprise. "And now?"

Misty smiled back. "Now? I'm finally happy. I like being a girl, I even like being short! And I LOVE swimming! I don't know how I even lived without it... So I wanted to thank you. I don't know if you did this on purpose or not, but... sorry! And thank you!"

Misty, overcome with embarrassment, ran off back to her friends in the swim team. Amy smiled knowingly.

"I cannot WAIT to tell Miss Mira about this."  


From the desk of

Mira Alcott

Head-Mistress of Transformations

(Special thanks to TashaTheWitchQueen for the suggestion, to my Test Readers, and to all of you for your support!)




So wait, was she taking down Miles A peg or TO peg. Also, heh. He went from miles to inches (I know it’s a strained joke, but I’m making it.)



James Plowman

I like the idea of using the clownfish reference at the start. I actually didn’t know they did that


Thanks James! I know a couple fun facts about gender swapping animals, for uh, PERFECTLY CIS REASONS, of course 😂


Mira you’ve outdone yourself again! Misty is such an adorable shortstack and her story of self acceptance almost made me cry. I’m glad Amy has finally been named and the callback to Marinas story was a great detail. I’m glad I could add something to the Miraverse lore. Thanks so much for picking my suggestion! 💕


Thank YOU so much for making it and for supporting me! Absolutely none of this would be possible without you ❤️


I love the fact you took two Olympic swimmers names and just slightly changed them.

Auris A.

Anyone else hear Misty and instantly think of Pokémon? Even more so since she's a swimmer


I used to swim competitively, my fave swimmer is Katie ledecky, so of course I would notice.


Glad to see Marina is doing well


Marina is back! Yes!

James Raymond

A cute change, but I wanted to take the time to throw some knowledge at people: Since Mira said the shortest girl prior to Misty was 4'11"-5', it might interest people to know that around 4'10"-4'11" is roughly the height that marks where dwarfism ends and just being short begins. So by making Misty a few inches shorter than that, it technically makes her have dwarfism, which goes beyond being a shortstack (which is generally 5'4" and below). I know this stuff because I wanted to double check this stuff when making a character a few years back, and was curious about what the cut off point for dwarfism is considered to be.


Again, this was adorable!

Violet Velvet

Do the sorority girls also have egg o' vision, did Amy just guess that Misty was Trans, or did she just get really lucky? I can't imagine you'd be happy with one of the girls changing someone that wasn't actually Trans. (Super cute as always, and I feel the curse of the tolness ;~;)


"Egg-O-Vision" or "Empathy" is the first spell I taught them. It's a simple spell. All it requires is seeing beyond yourself and trying to understand other people. It doesn't burn a lot of mana, either. The perfect spell for beginners. It tells them what the target of the spell wants or needs. (Thank you so so much Violet! For the record, tol girls are super super cute too! ;))

Violet Velvet

Empathy is an *excellent* starting point for training young witches. Props to you for raising those girls right. (Thank youuuu ;~; <33)


It's funny, being tall actually makes you a better swimmer. So her dad is an idiot.