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Thank you all so so much for your amazing comic suggestions! Now it's time to vote for me to draw one of them! I reserve the right to take some creative liberties, but will do my best to honor the spirit of the suggestions selected!

Voting will end after June 12th, and after the selection is picked, I will have the comic completed before the end of the month.

Without further ado, here are this month's contestants!

1.) Voodoo-ed: Two men are lost in a bayou when they find a small shack. When they knock on the door, a witch opens the door. They ask her if she knows the way back to town but she tells them she doesn’t as she’s lived there all her life  She then tells she can still help them by “getting more used to the swamp”. They agree as she casts a spell on them, turning one into a extra thicc Gator Girl and the other into a slim but busty Egret Girl. They decide that to stay with their new witch friend instead with their new forms.

2.) Squad Goals 2: The Cheerleaders are in a pinch. Their group has so many members now, they need to officially register as a coven. And coven's require a base of operations.  It just so happens there is a rather small fraternity on campus with plenty of extra space in their house.  The Cheerleaders work a bit of magic on the President of the Fraternity to establish the Phi Alpha Mu (FEM) Sorority and Coven.

3.) Jodie and the Alleycats: Two metal heads go to a gig which gets hijacked by a pop princess type. The longer the gig goes on the more they enjoy the music. Their new love of this artist of course manifests via transformation into an obsessed college aged daughter who has brought their milfy mother to a gig.

4.) New Game Plus: A young man down on his luck decides to boot up his favorite game: "Swift the Needlemouse" only to find he's progressively getting worse and worse at it, as if he's lost his touch, even forgetting bits about the game, confusing the characters in it, to even the system he's playing on, until he eventually grows bored and puts it down, revealing him to now be a wonderfully curvy Milf now, having no interest in her son's "Funtendo" and just wants to have some fun with her Hubby.


Star Journeyfriend

Excellent suggestions this month, everybody 👏👏👏

Billie Doherty

4 seems more like a horror story, haha, having a hobby you enjoy taken from you? I'm sure it'd still look great, though, but the mental stuff ehhh not my bag. 1 has my vote, because I'm dying to see how you'd draw those two


"Jodie and the Alleycats" We see what you did there, Mira. You ain't slick. ;P

Finn the Human

Voodooed sounds epic I'd love to see it and hope it wins lol


Geez. I’m happy just to make the board. Got in right under the wire.


Do one of the polls where we can vote for multiple things and maybe do a mash-up of two concepts if they work together? Wouldn't work for this month, but yes...

Smoke Midlands

Yeah there were some really fantastic suggestions this month


Unsolicited suggestion: maybe wait until you hit 2,500 again - that way you can expand to 2 comics and with a higher selection. Just a thought.


I’m so happy to have made the list! I should have thought of the name Voodoo-ed, haha.