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Mash spends a loving night with her Master.

“Nngh! Nngh! Ah!~” Mash’s voice echoed around the room that she and her Master were in, matching the pace of his thrusts. It was far from the first time that the two of them have shared a bed, leading to the two of them fucking like animals, but she just couldn’t help it when she was with him. With all the adventures they had been on, all the traveling they had done, and the multiple lives they had lived together. Mash almost felt like she was made to be by her Master’s side. Like her purpose in life was to be beside him and accept all of him.

So when part of that acceptance became accepting his lust for her, and her lust for him, she was more than happy to do so. And before she knew it, night after night, Mash ended up with her Master buried inside of her. And right now was no different. She was on her back, her dear Master holding her by her wrists and keeping her hands down toward her belly button. Her legs were spread so that he could fit between them, giving the man she loved as much access as he could want.

Of course, with just how deep their love for each other was, there was no shame between them. There was no negativity and no worry. The only things that the two of them felt in the moment were lust, love, desire, and pleasure. And all four of those feelings swirled into something that Mash could only call ecstasy. She felt ecstatic whenever she was with her Master like this, feeling his shaft grind against her inner walls and pound deep enough to feel like it was hitting her womb. Even when he leaned in close, catching her in heated and lustful kisses, she felt like this was exactly where she belonged.

In the heat of the moment, as the two of them danced from one kiss to another, their tongues began to dance as well. Mash’s heated moans became muffled as a result, making it so that no one outside of the room could hear her any longer. At least, that’s how it was for a moment or two. Her Master had a habit of doing his best to keep Mash on her toes and right now was one of those times.

Without any warning or his pace slowing down in the slightest, Mash found herself suddenly flipped over so that she was on her stomach. And without giving her a chance to say anything, her Master suddenly hoisted her lower half upward, propping her onto her knees. Only to then thrust his hips forward and skewer her cunt around his shaft. A loud, shameless, and loving moan erupted out of Mash when he penetrated her once again.

And almost as quickly as the pleasure started, it began once again. Her Master thrusted into her with the same intensity as he had a moment ago. But Mash couldn’t find the words to tell him how good it felt. She couldn’t find anything in her lust-clouded mind to tell him that she was loving this. However, it seemed that her Master knew her far too well, able to tell right away just how much she was enjoying herself.

“Every time we change positions, you always tighten up like that, Mash.”

Mash’s heart fluttered in her chest when she heard him say that. And she couldn’t stop herself from letting out another loving moan when her Master swiftly smacked her ass, the pain radiating through her spine and mixing in with the pleasure and bliss that surged through her. So much so that her eyes began to roll into the back of her head as the bliss that she felt started to become too much for her to handle.

“S-Senpai! Senpai!~” Lust riddled Mash’s voice as she screamed in absolute and utter bliss, adoring the way his cock stretched her inner walls. And as he started to pick up the pace of his thrusts, Mash found herself pressing her face down into the bed even more. The pleasure that ran through her was far too intense for her to handle properly. Not only could she not think clearly, but she also couldn’t stop herself from feeling an orgasm building inside of her.

With each thrust that stretched her inner walls, and molded her cunt to the shape of her Master’s shaft, Mash found herself loving it more and more. It didn’t matter how many times the two of them had fucked in the past, and it wouldn’t matter how much the two of them would fuck in the future. The fact that his hands were on her hips right now, holding her ass in the air as he fucked her from behind, was more than enough to make her heart soar. And soar it did, loving moans spilling from her lips as he pushed her closer and closer to her orgasm with each and every thrust.

Fortunately, it was always easy for Mash to know that her Master was reaching his peak as well. He was unashamed of the moans that would leave him as he approached his orgasm. And he also made it clear that he wanted to fill her with his seed every time they were together, his grip tightening against her skin so that she couldn’t pull away from him. Not that she ever would in the first place. So as his grip tightened against her supple rear end, Mash found her heart racing even more.

They were getting closer and closer to reaching their peak. To becoming one once again and accepting every ounce of lust toward each other that they had. So when her Master’s thrusts suddenly stopped, confusion filled Mash for a second. Only for that confusion to fade away when he forced her to lie prone against the bed, pressing himself against her body and beginning to thrust once again.

In this position, Mash could hear every ragged breath that would leave his lips. She could feel every throb of his cock against her inner walls. And she could feel his heavy breath against her ear. It was magical. And that magic only seemed to become enhanced when her dear Master reached his peak first. The instant that he stopped thrusting his hips inside of her, he buried his shaft as deeply as he could into her cunt. And, of course, Mash accepted each and every drop of his cum that he was able to give her.

Though, the feeling of him erupting inside of her was enough to throw her over the edge and into a wonderful orgasm as well. Her inner walls clamped down like a vice as she greedily tried to make him fill her even more, to spill more of his seed into her womb and paint her inner walls with his cum. Unfortunately, though her Master was never the type to run out of juice when they were in the heat of the moment, it always had to stop. And while Mash always craved more when they were done, she couldn’t find a single reason to complain about it. Especially not when her dear Master didn’t hesitate to pull his shaft out of her pussy and slap it down against her supple rear end, letting out another few ropes against her back and along her spine.

For a moment, the two of them stayed quiet. Not a word was said between them, the sound of their heavy breathing being the only sound to fill the room. And then, without saying anything to each other, without even signaling that they wanted more, the two of them adjusted their position once again. However, this time Mash took charge of things.

She did not hesitate to spin around and pounce onto her Master with a smile on her face, planting her lithe frame on top of him and plopping herself into his lap. Her freshly-filled cunt spread perfectly around the girth of his shaft as she sat on top of him. And before she impaled herself onto his shaft, she was quick to lean her head down and take a loving and needy kiss from his lips.

Smiles came to both of their faces as Mash began to rock herself back and forth against his cock, grinding on his shaft and relishing in the way his warmth felt against her pussy before doing anything more. But when her pleasure reached a point where she wanted more, Mash did not hesitate to reach a hand between her legs and point her Master’s shaft upward. There was no reason to hesitate. Not when it was him that she was with. But, of course, she wanted to tease him a little bit more, rotating her hips in a circle to purposefully make him wait to fill her once again. Only to then slam herself down onto his cock when he started to look desperate.


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