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Needing ingredients for her alchemy was par for the course nowadays for Ryza. The fact that everyone had left for their own journeys but she was still at home left her a bit bored whenever she needed to go out into the forest for supplies. But after everything that she had been through, she knew that she could handle whatever was thrown her way. Especially since the things that were around her village at this point were mainly punis and a couple of beasts, nothing that was too difficult compared to what she had to go through with everyone.

So, of course, as she stepped into the forest to get her ingredients, it wasn’t a surprise to her to see a few punis in the distance, doing whatever they wanted. For a moment, she thought about going up to them and collecting a bit of their slime. She rarely needed it with her alchemy anymore, but it was never bad to have a fresh batch on hand in case she needed to throw something together. And thankfully, there were only one or two of them. Certainly, a number that she could handle if they got aggressive with her, which punis rarely were.

Thankfully, it wasn’t an issue at first collecting their slime. With just how much the slimes were moving, they left more than enough of a trail for her to gather. Though, in the back of her mind, something told Ryza that gathering it from the ground and the bushes wouldn’t give the same result as if she got it straight from the source. And when it clicked that she would need to actually approach the punis, something clicked for her. Should she really do this? It wouldn’t be an issue, but alone, if she got tripped up, anything could go wrong, right?

For a moment, the young woman hesitated as she approached the two slime balls that were on the ground. It was only for a moment, though, as they stopped and looked at her, curious about what she was going to do. But it was at that moment that things went south for Ryza. Almost as soon as she leaned down to gather some of the puni slime, she could hear more approaching her from behind. Almost as if they were waiting on her to get close enough.

And as soon as she realized what was happening, all of the punis jumped at Ryza and latched onto her and her clothes. For the first moment, it was just startling for her. Being the trained alchemist and adventurer that she was at this point, it was just a shock that they would try and gang up on her like this. Even if she could handle them all, it didn’t take away the surprise factor of something like this. Nor did it prepare her for the realization that her clothing was starting to melt because of the slime that came into contact with it.

As soon as Ryza realized that she started to feel lighter and a bit of a breeze, that was exactly when she realized what was happening. She tried to get out from between the group of punis as quickly as she could, rushing her way through them and to a nearby tree to try and force them off of her. Unfortunately, with every step that she took, more and more of the puni slime got onto her clothing and onto her skin. Fortunately, it didn’t harm her skin to be in contact with the slime. But her clothes? That was a different story all together.

And almost as quickly as this moment started, it came to an end. The punis quickly left Ryza and rushed away from her when she began to move too much. Unfortunately, this was also when she was down to only her dwindling pair of panties and a bra that essentially was just a piece of string trying to cover her nipples due to how much the slime had eaten it.

With the excitement having stopped, Ryza let out a heavy sigh and leaned against the tree that she had rushed to. She stayed silent for a moment and simply thought about just how she was going to get back home like this. Sure, her hideout was closer, but she never kept any clothes there since she always made her way home each night to avoid getting lonely. “How am I going to do this…? My house is all the way across the city. I’d never make it just making a dash. And with more punis around the island, the outskirts wouldn’t help…”

Another sigh left Ryza as she leaned her head back against the tree, trying to come up with some sort of plan. “I know Lent isn’t home anymore, but his place is the most secluded I can think of where I know there are some of my clothes. But that’s still halfway through town…”

As she continued to think, Ryza noticed that the punis were making their way to her again, this time in a bigger group than the last. Her heart raced as she knew they couldn’t be back just to eat away at her clothing again. Unfortunately, with how she ran to get the punis off of her, she didn’t have her staff with her, leaving her nearly defenseless against the five or so puni that approached her.

Of course, she knew that she could try and run, but with the puni approaching her at every angle, there wasn’t a safe spot for her to get to. If she tried to sprint through them, they would eat away at her panties and she would be left completely naked. Which is something that she wanted to avoid. But if she sat here and let them approach, there was no telling what they would do to her.


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