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Futaba and Ren fuck in Ren’s room while Sojiro is running Leblanc.

After everything she had done to get through her promise list and try to grow out of the trauma that she experienced, Futaba and Ren had begun dating. With everything that they had been through together, it had only made sense to both of them to chase how they felt and be together. And every time she was with him, Futaba felt her heart race in her chest. She felt nervous almost every time she spent time with Ren in the attic. “I thought this was supposed to get easier, you know? That you were supposed to get used to things once you became a couple.”

Ren stood with a smug look on his face as she looked at his girlfriend, enjoying the view of her standing beneath him at the top step into Leblanc’s attic. “You would think that, but we did add that one last thing to your promise list, didn’t we? I’m glad it keeps you nervous.”

Futaba’s heart skipped a beat in her chest at the mention of that final promise. “Every time I want to spend time with my boyfriend in Leblanc, I have to undress at the top step. And if either of us gets horny, I can’t shy away from it.”

“And? You’re forgetting the important part.”

“And…” A heavy breath left Futaba’s lips as she tilted her head down and looked at the step underneath her. “It was my idea and, as a result, I’m unable to back out of said promise.”

“That’s right. So, if you want to come spend time with me, I suggest you hurry. Makoto and Sae were wanting to come by later today, remember?”

Futaba felt a sudden surge of fear at the mention of their friends. On some level, what would it matter if Makoto saw her naked? She was the one who went shopping for her new favorite bikini, after all. But for either of them to catch her naked? She didn’t know if she could handle that. “A-Alright, alright. You don’t need to rush me.”

With bated breath, Futaba began to peel herself out of her usual outfit. First came the jacket that she always wore, resting it over the railing on the steps. After that, she grabbed the top of her strapless shirt and began to pull it down her body to her hips. Her cheeks began to gain a gentle red glow as she let it go, wiggling her hips in order to allow it to fall onto the step like it was a dress.

Seeing her undress like this was something that Ren always loved. From the fact that she was constantly nervous and shy about it to the way she seemed to change how she undressed every time, almost like she was putting on a show for him. All of it was a special treat that he always cherished when she came to spend time with him. Combine that with the fact that it allowed him to see Fubata like she was right now, in a bra and a pair of short shorts, then he was all for it.

After taking a moment to meet her boyfriend’s gaze and wonder if she could get out of being fully naked in some way, Futaba rolled her eyes and tried her best to steel her courage. “This is nothing compared to what we’ve done as the Phantom Thieves…. This is nothing. We’ve been through much scarier things than this…” Unfortunately, trying to talk herself through it, Futaba only seemed to gain Sojiro’s attention downstairs.

“Keep your voice down, Futaba! We’ve got guests enjoying their coffee down here!”

Immediately, Futaba’s heart leaped into her throat. She didn’t say a word but quickly peeled herself out of her boots and thigh highs, leaving herself in her shorts and bra before she took a leap into the attic. She knew that she was technically breaking the promise that she made for herself, but before she took another step deeper, she pulled the bra that she was wearing over her head and tossed it to the side. “Don’t say a word. I get an excuse this time.”

Ren couldn’t stop himself from chuckling as his girlfriend freaked out to almost being caught stripping in their coffee shop. But he did as she asked, not saying a word as she bent over and stripped herself of her shorts and panties in one go, leaving herself completely bare in front of him. And once she was naked in front of him, he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the couch at the end of his room. “You did good, almost getting caught like that.”

“S-Shut it… I just don’t want Sojiro to catch us. Who knows what kind of trouble we’d get into…” Now that she was in a place of comfort, Futaba didn’t hesitate to plop down onto her boyfriend’s lap and place a gentle kiss against his cheek. She knew that, eventually, one of them would want to fuck. But for now? She wanted her heart to stop thumping in her throat before they did anything. And the feeling of Ren’s arms wrapping around her body and holding her close to him was doing exactly that.

Fortunately, she was able to reach the remote to his tv while being firmly planted in his lap. And she didn’t hesitate to smile and turn it on, getting cozy against him to enjoy the time that they had together. “Makoto and Sae aren’t really going to come by today, are they?”

“Nope.~” Ren smirked as his grip on Futaba got a little tighter. “They’ll be here tomorrow, though. So, for today, we get to enjoy all the time we can together.”


Not even an hour after she had stripped herself, Futaba found herself absorbed into one of the games that Ren had bought for his retro console. She couldn’t believe that older games were as entertaining as this one was. But as she had her eyes locked on the screen, it was clear to her that her boyfriend’s attention was somewhere else. Maybe it was the fact that his hands were firmly planted on her ass cheeks. Or the way she could feel his tongue against her ass cheek. Or maybe the fact that she had spoken to him and asked about the game a few times and still hadn’t gotten a single answer.

Fortunately for him, she didn’t mind this one bit. It happened every time she was here, after all. Futaba would find herself lost in something and he would take the moment to enjoy her body while she wasn’t paying attention. And despite the fact that she told him several times that it always made her take her attention off of whatever she was doing in order to let him fuck her, he always waited until she was distracted. Though, there were a few times when she was able to keep her attention on whatever game or movie she was watching. And today was one of those times.

As his tongue continued to explore her ass cheeks and make its way to her asshole, she tried her best to focus on this game she was playing. And as Ren’s tongue reached her asshole and began to tease it, it became increasingly harder to do so. From what buttons did what to what her current objective was to even what her character was saying in front of her. All of it became harder for her to do as his tongue expertly worked her ass.

Surprisingly, he didn’t eat her ass for too long. She didn’t know what would cause Ren to stop while he was enjoying himself, but maybe he had something planned. Whatever it was, it allowed her attention to return to her and the game, making things that much easier for her. At least, it did until she felt something hard and hot split her cheeks and drag from her asshole to her pussy.

The moment Futaba felt Ren’s hands grab onto her cheeks, she knew it was a lost cause to try and pay too much attention to the game anymore. But that wasn’t going to stop her from trying. If she was able to enjoy him eating her out while she watched a movie while being able to pay attention, she could enjoy this game while he fucked her cunt, right? She knew she’d find out the answer within the next few minutes. But, just in case, Futaba paused the game and let go of the controller as she felt Ren carefully push each and every inch of his shaft into her.

Feeling him fill her pussy was something that she always loved. The way he stretched her inner walls, just how deep he always managed to feel no matter the position, and the way his grip on her body seemed to get all the more possessive when he was buried inside of her. All of it combined into a feeling of belonging and love that Futaba would never be able to surpass. Even when he began thrusting into her, it was the way he held her and guided her hips that she truly loved. Though, she certainly loved the waves of pleasure that filled her with each thrust.

However, when the pleasure that filled her wasn’t as powerful as she expected it to be, Futaba felt a bit more confident that she’d be able to play as he fucked her. She believed she could make it through a few missions before he would pick up the pace and truly send her into the deep end. But for now? She would happily play this retro game while he enjoyed her pussy. And as she did just that, picking up the controller and playing to her heart’s content, the pleasure and lust that filled her seemed to only enhance the experience of the game.

At least, it did right up until the point that she heard Sojiro calling to them from downstairs.

“You two doing alright up there?! You know you don’t have to stay in the attic while I have customers, right? They don’t care!”

The reminder that Leblanc was open downstairs immediately struck Futaba. And she found the pleasure that coursed through her to grow all the stronger. The fact that she was getting fucked while there were potentially a dozen people just a few feet below them lit her up inside. So much so that, when she opened her mouth, the only thing to leave it were the moans that spilled out with each thrust.

When he noticed that Futaba suddenly lost her composure like that, Ren couldn’t stop himself from admiring how adorable his girlfriend continued to be. Though, if Sojiro didn’t get an answer soon, he knew that they would be caught in a matter of minutes. Which prompted him to stop his thrusts with his shaft buried as deep into Futaba’s cunt as possible before calling out back downstairs. “We’re alright, Sojiro! We were actually just talking about going to Akihabara for lunch once she’s done playing this game! Thanks, though!”

“If you do, be sure to get me something! It’s the least you can do for this old man!”

Ren rolled his eyes as he could have sworn he heard Sojiro’s laughter through the floor. Normally, he’d shoot back some witty line about how making Futaba happy was the last he could have done. But right now, ‘happy’ wasn’t the word to describe his loving girlfriend. ‘Aroused’, ‘lost’, ‘lustful’, and ‘horny’ were all contenders for what described her. And he was more than happy to see it when he began thrusting into her once again.

Unfortunately for Futaba and her concentration, when Ren began to move his hips again, the focus that she had was thrown completely out the window. Not only did he use his grip on her hips to lift her ass into the air, but he quickly brought one of his hands to her head to press down against it. Sharp, blissful, and excited sounds left Futaba when he began fucking her in this position. And the fact that she was even playing a game escaped her mind as soon as he picked up the pace to his thrusts.

As soon as Ren started actually fucking her with her face down and her ass up, Fubata couldn’t stop herself from letting moan after moan spill from her lips. The pleasure that she felt was too much to be able to keep herself quiet as he fucked her like this. Maybe it was because of the fact that she knew Sojiro might be able to hear her. Or maybe it was the fact that she could faintly hear Sojiro talking to a few customers downstairs. Or maybe it was the fact that Ren always figured out the perfect position to hit that perfect spot inside of her pussy to send her mind spinning.

Whatever the reason really was, it didn’t stop the fact that Futaba was unable to keep herself quiet. Nor did it stop the fact that she was actually getting loud enough for those downstairs to be able to hear her. The only thing that stopped them from being caught as her voice continued to get louder was Ren covering her mouth and forcing two fingers onto her tongue. And, of course, with how much lust was coursing through her, Futaba didn’t hesitate to start suckling on Ren’s fingers as they danced along her tongue.

Downstairs, Sojiro stopped once or twice when he thought he heard his adopted daughter moaning from upstairs. Knowing that the two of them were Phantom Thieves, he knew that they were bold and weren’t afraid of too much. But something inside of him told him that they wouldn’t be dumb enough to actually fuck while the store was open. Maybe when it was closed and he was at home so they wouldn’t be caught. But during business hours? He chuckled at the thought before turning his attention to a customer that walked in. “Welcome to Leblanc. What can I get for you?”

Pleasure and bliss filled Futaba in equal measure as her boyfriend fucked her from behind. He was never too rough with her that she would have to worry about bruises, but when he hit that rhythm that made her worry about feeling sore when they were finished? She absolutely loved it. Especially when she could feel Ren’s shaft throbbing against her inner walls like he was getting ready to erupt inside of her. And for a split second, she wondered if she should let him. Futaba wasn’t on the pill and Ren likely wouldn’t live in this attic forever. But would it be worth taking the risk?

Her mind raced as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. Right up until the point that she felt him grab onto her hips once again, as if he was silently telling her that she didn’t have a choice where he was going to cum. And the instant she felt his fingers sink into her soft skin, Futaba knew it wouldn’t be smart to argue with him about it. So when he stopped his thrusts and buried his shaft deep inside of her, she simply took it and relished in it.

The feeling of rope after rope of his thick, potent, and heated seed flooding her womb threw her over the edge and into her own orgasm. Her inner walls clamped down like a vice around Ren’s shaft as her lips closed around his fingers, her tongue eagerly dancing around them while her inner walls were painted in his seed. Her heart raced in her chest as he poured each and every drop of his cum directly into her womb, pumping her full until he wasn’t able to cum anymore.

But instead of pulling out of her right away and moving on to the next round, Futaba relished in the fact that Ren stayed inside of her for a moment. It allowed her to savor the feeling of warmth that came from his cock erupting inside of her, the sensation of him throbbing against her inner walls, and the taste of his fingers on her tongue while her mind was clouded with pleasure. All of it combined into a moment that she knew she would never forget, especially if she did end up pregnant from this.


Around closing time, Sojiro was starting to wonder just what was going on with Futaba and Ren. They had mentioned wanting to go out to eat something, but instead ordered some pizza to eat while playing games upstairs. And outside of Ren stepping down in just a pair of shorts, he hadn’t seen either of them since Futaba first arrived this morning. He knew they were dating and wanted their alone time, but he was happy they were willing to have that alone time while he could still keep his eye on them. Which is exactly why he was careful when he started making his way up the stairs. He wasn’t sure just what he should expect when making his way up there.

Fortunately, when he started his way up the steps, Sojiro called out to both of them. Even if they were smart enough to not exactly fuck right above his head, he didn’t want to walk in on the girl he saw as his own daughter making out with her boyfriend. “Hey, are you two okay up here? Is there still any pizza left? I want to come get a slice!”

Upon hearing his voice, both Ren and Futaba had a moment of panic. He was coming up here out of the blue like this? Just a few moments ago, Futaba was bouncing on Ren’s cock as the two of them enjoyed a moment of comfort and lust on the couch. But now that they could hear Sojiro’s footsteps coming up the steps, they had to figure out just what to do. Fortunately, Futaba was smart enough to dive her way onto Ren’s bed and get into a comfortable position under his blanket. Unfortunately, that left her boyfriend dot figure out how to cover himself without making it obvious what was happening.

Thankfully, Ren was able to pull on the pair of shorts that he wore while he was downstairs while getting off of the couch. But that left him shirtless the moment Sojiro got to the top of the steps. “H-Hey…”

Like the diligent father that he was, Sojiro stopped and looked around the room to see if anything was off. Futaba was in his bed with her phone in her hand, the tv was on with some game’s pause screen, and Ren was making his way from the couch to the pizza box that Sojiro was asking about. “You okay, Ren? You’re looking a bit hot.”

“Huh? Yeah, I’m alright. I think I ate too much of the pizza.”

“You’d be surprised at how much he can eat, Sojiro! I’ve seen Ren beat Ann, Ryuji, and Yusuke in an eating contest!” Futaba smirked as she rolled over onto her side, almost revealing the fact that she was naked under this blanket when it began to slip.

“Is that so? Well, I hope you feel better soon, kid. I’d hate for one of you to end up sick. I can’t take care of the store and two children at the same time.” Sojiro let out a chuckle as he picked up the last slice of pizza from the box Ren held out for him. “And thanks. Forgive an old man for being a bit greedy.” With a smile on his face, Sojiro turned around and started to make his way back down the stairs, completely missing the fact that Futaba’s underwear and jacket hung on the railing at the top.

And when he was far enough down the steps, Fubata carefully made her way out of the bed to Ren’s side. Her being naked didn’t matter to her right now. The only thing that did was finishing what the two of them had started before they were interrupted. Thankfully, it was easy for them to hear the downstairs tv turning on, letting them know that Sojiro wouldn’t be able to hear them fucking.

The moment that the tv turned on, Futaba unzipped Ren’s shorts and spun him around so that he was facing her. And without missing a beat, she dropped down to her knees and took his shaft into her mouth. Both of them were still, somehow, incredibly turned on from fucking on the couch and almost getting caught. She wasn’t about to let this moment go to waste. Futaba was determined to enjoy her boyfriend’s cock as much as she could. And if sucking his dick while sitting on her knees like a slut was how she needed to do it, she was going to be the best slut she could be for him.

There was no hesitation as she dove her head down, taking every inch of his shaft into her mouth in a quick moment. Her nose scrunched against his pelvis almost immediately, and she knew how much he loved it by the feeling of his hands grabbing onto either side of her head. But instead of staying there and letting her tongue dance around his member, she began to bob her head up and down his length.

Pulling herself back until only the tip remained in her mouth, Futaba swirled her tongue around his tip before diving back down. Where she kept her tongue pressed firmly against the underside of his shaft on her way down. And when she reached the base, she diligently swallowed around his member, hoping to bring him to his orgasm sooner rather than later. If Sojiro was comfortable making his way upstairs and turning the downstairs tv on, he was bound to close up the shop soon and take her home.

Fortunately, with just how turned on they both were, Ren was already close to blowing his load. But what Futaba didn’t expect was for him to pull her off from around his member before stroking it in front of her. It only took a moment for her to realize what he was up to, prompting her to open her mouth and close her eyes. But much to her surprise, he didn’t simply cum on her face and cover her glasses. No, when Ren came, he pressed the tip of his cock against her lips.

A few thick ropes of his delicious seed landed on her tongue right then and there. But he quickly pulled himself back and pointed his shaft down to her breasts. They weren’t the biggest, but it always warmed Futaba’s heart and made her feel beautiful when he gave them attention, almost like he was letting her know that her size didn’t matter to him. But whenever he did something like this and gave them attention while they were fucking, her pussy quivered in pure pleasure.

As rope after rope of his cum splattered against her skin and painted her tits, Futaba brought one of her hands between her legs. She was on the verge of cumming right along with him and she didn’t want to wait for him to finish before she did. Fortunately, the simple feeling of two of her fingers dragging along her inner walls was enough to bring her to the edge. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to put her over that edge and let her reach her peak.

What did let her reach her peak, however, was when Ren grabbed onto either side of her head and quickly thrust into her mouth. The feeling of his rigid cock plunging into her throat without a care in the world was enough to throw her over the edge. And as she came around her fingers, Futaba couldn’t have been more grateful that Ren always knew just what buttons of hers to press.


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