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Narmaya finds herself sneaking into Gran’s bed when she’s supposed to keep watch outside of his room.

//Art done by the wonder, Nayaa_NSFW. You can find him and his other work here.//

Ever since she joined the crew on the Grandcypher, Narmaya always had a strange fascination with her captain, Gran. He was the only one who truly praised her abilities with a sword and didn’t treat them like they were some gimmick before she joined the crew. And as a result, she promised herself that she would always strive to make sure that her captain was happy. Whether that meant giving him time on his own, helping him train with his sword so he could become as strong as he needed, or being by his side when he felt like the world was crushing in on him.

However, tonight was a little different. Gran had asked Narmaya to stay by his room and keep an eye on things. He didn’t explain why, but it was clear by the way he spoke that something might be wrong. And she did exactly as she was told. She kept guard at his door, doing her best to stay awake through her sleepy nature. Though, the moment she heard something in his room, Narmaya didn’t hesitate to throw the door open and see what was going on.

Fortunately, when she stepped into his room, the only thing that was out of the ordinary in her mind was the fact that Gran was sleeping naked and tossing and turning in his bed like there was no tomorrow. Was he having nightmares and just not saying anything so he didn’t worry anyone? Narmaya didn’t really know, and she wasn’t sure how to approach this. Should she wake him? Should she comfort him? Should she simply step out of the room and pretend she didn’t see anything?

Every option that went through her mind flew out the window when she heard him groan her name in his sleep. The instant she heard that, Narmaya closed the door behind her and made her way to Gran’s bed. There was no hesitation or shame in the way she climbed into it and pressed herself against his side, hoping that her body heat would bring him some kind of comfort without waking him.

And much to her surprise, that was exactly what happened. After just a moment, Gran stopped tossing and turning. His breathing calmed down, and the heart rate that she could feel through his chest began to slow as well. An eager smile came to Narmaya’s face when it began to sink in that she was doing something good and actually comforting him without waking him.

Though, when she moved her hand from above his heart down his body to bring it to her side, something stopped her. Narmaya immediately knew what it was and why it was there. His heart rate didn’t slow down just because she was comforting him. No. Gran was still a young man that had his needs and desires. And, deep down, despite how much she would argue against it, Narmaya knew that she was beautiful.

With a deep breath, she brought her hand to his thigh, keeping it there and wondering if she should take the initiative. Should she even do such a thing while he was sleeping? How would Gran feel about it? Narmaya knew that he cared about her, more than most of the other people she knew cared about her. But would it not upset him if he would up while she was taking advantage of him?

The thoughts raced through her mind as she allowed her hand to rest there. On one hand, something told her that he wouldn’t be too upset with her if she took a hold of his shaft and began to stroke it. She could even spin it and say that she was trying to comfort him in his sleep if she needed to. But, on the other hand, he had never really shown interest in anyone romantically. So, would taking this step on her own, while he was asleep, be something that could ruin the bond that they shared.

As she continued debating with herself about this, a strong scent began to fill Narmaya’s nostrils. A scent that she recognized after a moment. Due to her size, it wasn’t hard for the scent of Gran’s musk to waft into her nose while she was sitting there, still resting against his side. And the moment that scent began to fill her mind the same way it filled her nostrils, her thoughts began to cloud and turn lustful.

After a moment, there was no debate about whether or not she should stroke Gran off in his sleep. The thoughts quickly became how she would clean him up without waking him and just how she was going to get him off in the first place. All while she wrapped her hand around his rigid member and began to casually and gently stroke it. And the instant that she felt it throb in her hand, Narmaya knew that there was no coming back for her. She was going to see this through until either Gran came or he woke up.

Fortunately for her, as she carefully picked up the pace of her stroking, it didn’t seem like he was going to wake up any time soon. His cock throbbed and pulsed in her hand like she was getting him close to the edge but was missing something to put him over it. Narmaya was even able to feel Gran’s precum leaking out of the tip of his shaft, allowing her to pick up the pace of her stroking once again. And that’s when it hit her just what she was missing. With the thanks of his precum, her hand was slick and easily able to move along his shaft without being too rough with him. And she could achieve something similar, if not better for him, with her mouth or breasts.

When she pulled her hand away from his shaft, Narmaya paused for only a moment. Just long enough to make sure that Gran didn’t suddenly wake up from the fact that she stopped. And after a moment of looking at Gran’s face, watching for any signal that he was waking up, Narmaya adjusted the way that she was laying with him. Instead of keeping herself to his side, she instead moved herself between his legs. And incidentally, under the blanket that was barely still covering him.

In the heat of the moment, Narmaya wondered if anyone would be able to see her in this position. If someone randomly walked in to check on them would see Gran’s shaft buried between her breasts and resting against the underside of her chin. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized what she was doing and how much she was actually enjoying it. The more excited and aroused she became at the realization that she was doing something like this with her dear captain.

It didn’t matter to her that he was still asleep. It didn’t matter to Narmaya that anyone walking in would only be able to see his blanket covering her lower half and leaving the rest of her body exposed. And most importantly to her right now, it didn’t matter anymore if Gran would be okay with her doing something like this to him while he was asleep. Her lips curled into a gentle smile as she brought both of her hands to her breasts, determined to make this moment between them something special while she had the chance.

Fortunately for her, he didn’t wake up or even shift in his sleep when she began to move her breasts up and down the length of his shaft. Hot and heavy breaths began to leave Narmaya as she felt him throb between her breasts, making her wonder just how long it would be until he came. He was on the edge of his orgasm just a moment ago, so it would be a bit of a surprise to her if he wasn’t on the edge anymore.

However, she didn’t let the thoughts get to her too much. After a moment of making sure that Gran wasn’t going to wake up as she pleasured him in his sleep, she began to pick up the pace that she moved her body. Her grip on her breasts became tighter and her gaze on him became more lustful instead of observant. She excitedly licked her lips as a thought came to her mind. If he wasn’t coming from her moving her breasts along his shaft like she was, maybe he needed something more. Maybe Narmaya would actually need to use her mouth to get him off.

And without missing a beat after having that revelation, that’s exactly what she did. Narmaya adjusted herself to crawl a little bit further down his bed. Just enough so that she could wrap her lips around the head of his shaft. However, much to her surprise, the majority of his dick was able to still rest between her supple mounds while the head of his cock was in her mouth. His balls rested patiently underneath the underside of her breasts, and it sent an odd shiver down her spine to realize that her captain had such a wonderfully massive dick.

Unfortunately for Narmaya and her hope that Gran would stay asleep as she enjoyed herself, that shiver seemed to do more than just excite her. When her eyes moved back up from his stomach to his face, she was able to see him squirming and his eyes opening. And for a moment, just long enough for her to understand that she was in possibly the worst position that she could be in. Dick in her mouth, breasts resting against his balls and his shaft, him being naked and her being partially hidden underneath his blanket.

However, before she was able to even more from her position, Gran moved his hand while half asleep to the top of her head. His eyes weren’t fully open, letting her know that he wasn’t fully awake yet. But that didn’t stop him from using his grip on her head to move her up and down the first few inches of his shaft.

Of course, with all of this happening in a matter of a few moments, Narmaya didn’t know what to do. She was trying to make him cum this whole time, but now that he was starting to take control while being half asleep, she didn’t know if she should fight and wake him up. Or if she should let it happen and hope that he simply falls back asleep after he’s blown his load.

But whatever choice she was going to make stopped mattering rather quickly. With him being so close to his orgasm anyway, Gran came in less than a minute of using Narmaya’s mouth in his sleep. And just like she wanted, rope after rope of his thick and heated spunk flooded her mouth and splattered onto her tongue. Her eyes fluttered shut as she did her best to swallow each and every drop that left him, though, she was unable to keep it all contained in her mouth.

When the cum finally stopped flowing, Narmaya was lucky enough to be able to pull her lips off from around his member. She whined as quietly as she could at the feeling of his seed dripping down her chin and onto her breasts. When she looked down to see where the small amount had pooled together, it caught her by surprise to see some of it had dripped onto Gran’s thigh as well. And she couldn’t just let it sit there, leaving evidence of what she was doing.

Unfortunately, in wanting to clean up her mess, Narmaya seemed to simply put herself in another one. As she swiped her fingers along Gran’s thigh, scooping up the bit of cum that dripped onto it, she heard him groaning from above her. And for an instant, panic settled in her heart. It was either now or never. She either had to choose to let this ride, or try and hide to make it seem like nothing had happened.

But that instant that she froze was just long enough for Gran to be able to get a hold on one of her horns, causing a lustful moan to leave her lips as he held her in place.

“I thought… Something felt a little heavy…”

A deep blush came to Narmaya’s cheeks when she looked up and saw Gran looking down at her, meeting her gaze. “C-Captain, I can explain…” In the heat of the moment, Narmaya wasn’t sure how to approach explaining herself. She had been overcome by lust, sure. But she didn’t know if he would allow that to be enough of an excuse. Maybe to forgive her for crawling into bed with him, but as her heart began to race, Narmaya wasn’t sure if--

“It’s the middle of the night, Narmaya… And this is how you chose to wake me.”

The grip on Narmaya’s horn tightened, causing another moan to leave her lips. A moan that made it clear to them both that she wasn’t sorry for what she had done. A moan that caused Gran’s shaft to throb between her breasts and against her lips. “C-Captain, I--”

Before she could even begin to process some kind of excuse for the situation she put herself in, Gran was quick to flip Narmayua over so that she was on her back and he was above her. And with his hand still on her horn, he pulled her toward the head of the bed while she was underneath him. Just enough so that her head could rest on the same pillow that he was just sleeping on. “Don’t bother explaining. It doesn’t matter to me right now. There’s only one thing that does.”

Narmaya gasped underneath Gran when she felt his heavy breath against her lips, noticing that he was inching himself closer to her while keeping her in the same spot on his bed. But before she could get a word out of her mouth, she felt him steal a kiss right from her lips. A heated, desperate kiss that made it clear she put him in a certain mood by waking him this way. A mood that wasn’t about to hear her tell him ‘no’ since she choose to start this. A mood that was likely only going to fuel Narmaya’s love for him and send her lust through the roof.

But as one kiss lead to a second and then to a third, Gran growing more and more confident with each kiss, Narmaya couldn’t bring herself to care. With the way he held her horn with one hand, his other starting to move along her sides, and his cock pressing down against her thigh, she didn’t want to tell him no. She wouldn’t tell him no. Especially not when the hand that was moving along her sides suddenly stopped inches away from her pussy.


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