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What happened in the bathroom during Ann and Makoto’s date before they got to the table.

After not seeing her girlfriend in a few months because of school, Makoto was more than happy to finally get a few nights to be alone with Ann. Especially with things starting as a nice dinner date between the two of them. With her beautiful girlfriend going on to become a model and her taking her priorities to college, it was hard to see each other. But as she held tightly to Ann’s hand as they were led to their table, Makoto couldn’t stop herself from smiling. She couldn’t stop herself from imagining just how this night would go and if things would turn out well for the two of them.

However, after they were seated and their waitress walked off with their drinks, Makoto was surprised to hear Ann ask for her to go to the bathroom with her. “Ann, please. I know it’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other, but we’re both adults. You don’t need me to hold your hand in the bathroom, do you?”

“Well, that’s not quite what I had in mind, but I certainly wouldn’t tell you no. Just come on.” Without giving her lover a chance to turn her down, Ann reached her hand out and grabbed tightly onto Makoto’s. She didn’t hesitate to drag her loving girlfriend into the restaurant’s bathroom, opening the door and playfully shoving Makoto in front of her. One look around was all Ann needed to see that the bathroom wasn’t the kind she was expecting. Instead of the typical one-person bathrooms that were basically a glorified stall, she was greeted with a full-sized bathroom with six stalls and a mirror that was easily long enough for six people to be in front of it. “This makes it a little risky, but I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.~”

“Risky? A problem? Ann, what are you talking about? I thought you--” Before she could finish her thought, Makoto felt both of her girlfriend’s hands suddenly latch onto her hips and hoist her into the air. She quickly found herself placed on the edge of the sink with Ann’s lips connecting to her own and keeping her from saying anything more. Unfortunately for the thoughts that swam through her mind, the first kiss that they shared quickly and fluidly shifted to a second and then a third. And she quickly found herself unable to pull herself away from Ann’s lips in the heat of the moment. Something that her girlfriend easily took advantage of.

When she realized that Makoto wasn’t going to pull away from her or try to argue about what was happening, Ann quickly took notice and used this moment to take things a step further. Without pulling away from her lover’s lips and breaking the kisses that they were sharing, she unzipped Makoto’s skirt and pulled it off of her body, tossing it across the bathroom without missing a beat. In the back of her mind, she wondered if it would end up in one of the stalls that was behind them, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.

Ann was also quick to slip one of her hands underneath her lover’s top and latch onto her supple breast. They hadn’t grown all that much since they were last together, but she could easily tell that they were more than the subtle handful they were the last time they had seen each other. Fortunately, she was able to use that to her advantage, pinching Makoto’s nipple and giving it a simple twist while she brought her other hand to her own crotch.

Makoto was too lost in the heat of the moment to realize what Ann was doing. She was too lost in the sweet and gentle feeling of Ann’s lips crashing against her own. She was too lost in the lust that sparked from her chest from having her nipple pinched to notice that her girlfriend was carefully forcing herself between her legs. And she was too lost in the cool sensation of the sink against her plump rear end to even realize that her skirt was no longer on her body, likely tossed into the toilet in one of the stalls with how Ann carelessly threw their clothes around half the time.

And she was certainly too lost in the bliss and excitement of a night like tonight to notice that Ann had freed her cock and was now pressing it against the entrance of her pussy. At least, she didn’t notice right away. The moment she realized what that familiar sensation of heat between her legs was, Makoto forced herself away from Ann’s lips and looked her in the eyes. “A-Ann, we can’t. We can’t do something like this in public. What if we get caught?”

“Then we’ll have to be quick and you’ll have to be quiet.~” A gentle giggle rumbled in Ann’s throat as she leaned her head down and gently placed a few loving kisses against Makoto’s neck, pushing that button and trying to force a moan from her girlfriend. Unfortunately for her, Makoto didn’t give her that satisfaction. But something that she did get was the realization that her girlfriend wasn’t stopping her. Makoto wasn’t telling her no or trying to make this stop.

In fact, it almost seemed like Makoto was excited for this to happen and just didn’t want to admit it. And Ann was more than willing to take advantage of that while she had the chance.

Without hesitating for even a moment, Ann thrust her hips forward and buried each and every inch of her cock deep into Makoto’s cunt. And the moan that left Makoto’s lips was unlike anything she had heard in the past. The sheer amount of lust and desire that filled Makoto’s voice was utterly surprising to the young model. Especially when she thought about all the times she had pushed Makoto’s pleasure to the bring before letting her cum in the past. “Maybe you enjoy having fun in public more than you let on.~”

Makoto gasped as Ann licked her lips, the feeling of her lover’s cock rocking back and forth, plunging into her cunt time and time again. Each and every thrust that Ann made reached deep enough to kiss the entrance of her womb. And every breath that left Ann’s lips made Makoto shiver in place on the sink. They were actually doing this. They were actually fucking in public. Her pussy was actually filled with the best cock she had taken while she was seated on a public bathroom sink.

As it slowly and steadily sank into her mind, Makoto didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around Ann’s neck and pull her in for a heated and loving kiss. A kiss that caused both of the young women to forget about everything around them, the only thing on their minds now being the pleasure that coursed through them and the bliss and excitement of being unrestrained where they were at.

At least, that was until the door to the bathroom opened.

The moment it did, both of them turned their head to see a woman standing there, shocked at the sight before her. Of course, Ann didn’t stop thrusting her hips into Makoto as her eyes met with the strangers. Fortunately for them, the bathroom door closed as the woman slowly stepped away and seemed to wave the two of them off. And it didn’t even cross their minds about if she would tell someone about what was going on in here or not.

Even when the door seemingly slammed for that last inch or two before it closed, the only thing they were concerned with was the lover that was in their arms. And that only pushed Ann to pick up the pace of their thrusts, her heart now starting to race in her chest when she realized that they had been caught and gotten away with it. In the back of her mind, she didn’t know why that turned her on so much, but she couldn’t argue with the fact that it made her cock throb inside of Makoto’s cunt as she inched closer and closer to her own orgasm.

On the other hand, Makoto couldn’t pull herself away from Ann’s lips. She couldn’t pull away from her lover’s touch. And she couldn’t pull her mind away from the pleasure that was racing through it as Ann continued to fill her time and time again, the sink actually creaking a little bit underneath them. Her lips curled into a smile as she looked into Ann’s eyes, seeing and relishing in the lust and desire that swam in them. “Don’t you dare stop, Ann… You’ve pulled me this far down… I don’t want you to stop until you're satisfied.”

Ann couldn’t stop herself from giggling when she heard her girlfriend say such a thing. Not stop until she was satisfied? “Babe, you do know that I’m never satisfied unless you can’t think straight when we’re done, right? We’ll be in here for awhile and miss our entire date night if I don’t stop until I’m satisfied.~” Ann playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she reached one of her hands to the back of Makoto’s head, bringing the other one to her supple breasts before squeezing gently with both of her hands. “Unless you’re fine with that.~”

With all the pleasure swimming in her mind, Makoto didn’t know what to think. She didn’t know if she should be okay with letting this last until the restaurant found them when it closed. But when she felt Ann’s grip on the back of her head tighten a bit, something inside of her told her that it would be smarter to end things sooner and then have round two start a little later. Her lips curled into an anxious and excited smile. “Cum inside me, Ann. Cum inside me. And then after dinner, we’ll skip the movie and go straight to bed a bit early…”

“Sounds like a wonderful plan, Makoto.” Ann leaned her head up and placed a desperate and loving kiss against Makoto’s lips, forcing her tongue past those sweet lips and picking up the pace of her thrusts. All while holding tightly onto her lover’s breast, pinching her nipples and giving them a devious little twist. Just enough to where she knew Makoto would feel pain, but not enough for it to detract from the bliss and excitement that either of them were feeling.

Unfortunately, while it didn’t take long for Ann to reach the peak of her pleasure and cum inside of Makoto, it seemed that Makoto hadn’t reached her peak with her this time. Something that Ann couldn’t help but regret in the back of her mind as she blew rope after rope of her thick and potent seed deep into her loving girlfriend, filling her womb and painting her insides white with her seed.

However, instead of just settling for having reached her peak and not getting Makoto off with her, Ann grabbed a firm hold of her lover’s hips and spun her around. Without missing a beat right after she came, the young model bent her girlfriend over the sink they were just fucking on so her plump rear end was sticking out. And she didn’t hesitate to pine Makoto in place by bringing a hand to the back of her head to grab onto her hair, pushing her cheek against the glass of the mirror. All while her other hand remained on Makoto’s hip and squeezed her almost tight enough to bring her a small bit of pain.

Makoto gasped when she realized just what was going on, turning her head the best she could to look at her lover. “A-Ann!? W-What do you think you’re doing? We said we were--”

“Oh no. If you think I’m going to stop without making you cum, then you’re as dumb as Ryuji is. Even if I’m satisfied, I’m not stopping until we’re both happy.”

Ann’s grip on the back of her head told Makoto all she needed to know. That she wasn’t going to get out of this unless she used all the strength she could to force Ann off of her. And while part of her wanted to do that just to put things to an end so they wouldn’t get caught, Makoto couldn’t bring herself to do such a thing when she felt the tip of Ann’s shaft drag along the entrance to her pussy. And before she knew it, the all too familiar feeling of Ann’s dick forcing its way inside of her, spreading and stretching her inner walls, caused all reason to leave her mind right then and there.

Hot and heavy gasps left Makoto as she was fucked against the sink, every thrust that filled her causing her to let out a heavy breath that made it clear just how close to her orgasm she was. And before she knew it, maybe due to just how intently Ann was thrusting into her, that orgasm she was on the verge of rushed through her. Her inner walls clamped down like a vice around her lover’s shaft as it continued to rock back and forth inside of her, the loud moans leaving her lips more than likely able to be heard out in the restaurant.

Fortunately, Makoto couldn’t bring herself to care about anything that was happening outside of the bathroom as Ann slowly pulled out of her, slapping that slick member against her plump rear end. The only thing that mattered to her was the way Ann’s arms wrapped around her body in a tight and loving embrace after they had their fun. And the way Ann’s lips met with her own as silence began to surround them, the sound of their pleasure and fucking fading away.

But once the moment was over and Ann pulled away from her lips, Makoto couldn’t hide the smile that came to her lips. She couldn't hide the joy that filled her eyes or the excitement that caused her heart to race. Not only had she been caught having sex in public, but she had sex in public and got her womb filled as a result. Two things that caused her to completely forget the fact that Ann had tossed her skirt into one of the stalls when their fun started.

And that realization didn’t come to Makoto’s mind as she made her way out of the bathroom with Ann in tow. “Remember, don’t say a word to anyone about this. We don’t need to get arrested just because you can’t control yourself.”

“Coming from the one that almost lost her mind at the end there.~” Ann giggled as she took an extra step forward to catch up to Makoto, placing a kiss against her cheek. “Almost makes me wish I didn’t stop. But don’t worry. I won’t tell a soul. Not until we’re already deep into round two.”


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