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After an argument with Teppei, Sylvia finds someone who’s willing to comfort her.

A heavy and annoyed breath left Sylvia’s lips as she stormed her way out of Teppei’s room. The amount of times that he failed to listen to her and force himself on her was astonishing and she was finally able to tell him that they needed to take a break and stop. She adored Teppei and had issues showing it, but when her fiance took things one step too far and bragged about how he slept with his servant earlier in the day, Sylvia had enough. Her heart and body still craved him, but her mind was smart enough to know that she had to take a step away from him if he was going to brag about something like that.

Fortunately, as she stormed out of the building, tears filling her eyes, Sylvia was joined by her friend Charlotte. The two didn’t say a word to each other as they made their way off campus and toward a spot they knew they could be alone. It was late in the night, so Teppei wasn’t likely to follow them. Unfortunately, with how focused she was in getting away from her fiance and taking a moment to herself, Sylvia failed to notice when she got separated from Charlotte. Maybe it was because of the tears in her eyes. Maybe she took a turn sooner than Charlotte and the two just couldn’t catch back up to each other.

Whatever the reason actually was, Sylvia found herself sitting against a wall and crying to herself. She kept her eyes closed as she tried to think about just what to do. Deep down, she didn’t hate when Teppei forced himself onto her. The way he treated her body always sparked something inside of her that made her just want more. But for him to brag about learning to do such a thing because of his servant? It just struck a cord wrong in her heart. And Sylvia couldn’t stop herself from crying as she stayed still now, not even wanting to look up as she heard a set of footsteps approaching her.

“Umm… Are you okay? It seems like you’re crying, so I guess you’re not. But if you need to talk about it, I’ve got a few minutes I can spare.”

The voice that she heard was one that almost sent chills down her spine and made her stop crying right then and there. Something about the way it hit her ears just made her shiver in disgust. But when she looked up, all she saw was a fat bastard of a man looking at her with a bit of a concerned expression. At first, Sylvia didn’t know if she even wanted to respond to him, the tornado of emotions that filled her leaving her unsure of what to do at all right now. “I-I… I appreciate the offer. But… It’s not something that you need to concern yourself with.”

“I’d say you’re right, but when you’re crying in the middle of the open, late at night? I just think you’d be safer back at your home. Who knows the kind of people you’d find out here.”

Somewhere deep down, Sylvia knew that this man had a point. It wasn’t safe for her to be out here alone. Especially with how vulnerable she must seem right now, sitting on the ground and crying to herself. “Maybe you’re right…”


Taking the man’s advice, Sylvia made her way back to her room with the man in tow, keeping him close out of sheer kindness and thanks that he wanted to help her in her moment of need. In the back of her mind, she knew that she should find Charlotte and let her friend know that she’s safe. But when she got to her room, the fat bastard still behind her, Sylvia felt that it could wait. She didn’t know what it was about this man that made her feel comfortable, but before she knew it, Sylvia found herself in his lap with his hands on her rear end, their tongues dancing and trailing from one kiss to another. And she didn’t struggle against him in the slightest as his large hands began to explore her body.

When his fingers grazed over her skin, dancing and trickling against the sensitive parts of her body, it felt like he was trying to find her sweet spots simply to abuse them. And with the way he pulled away from her lips and slowly pushed her down toward the floor, Sylvia knew just what he wanted. Fortunately, with how she was still feeling toward Teppei, the way this man simply guided her body and didn’t force himself onto her felt like a once-in-a-lifetime moment. It felt like something that would never happen again if she simply went back to find Teppei and apologize.

So, without missing a beat, Sylvia licked her lips and pulled this man’s pants down, gasping when his hard and rigid cock smacked against her cheek. For a moment, she stayed silent, simply out of being confused on how a dick could be so big and large. But when that moment ended, Sylvia continued to stay quiet, the heavy scent of his shaft wafting into her nostrils and clouding her mind. And after another moment, when she felt this fat bastard place his large and strong hand on the back of her head, she snapped back to reality, remembering what she was going to do.

A gentle blush came to her cheeks before she parted her lips and took the head of this man’s cock into her mouth. The flavor that immediately hit her tastebuds was foul and almost revolting. It was powerful and pungent. But it was addictive and already reaching into her throat as she lowered herself down his length. Before she knew it, Sylvia was halfway down this man’s member and her tongue was dancing around his length as it threatened to push into her throat. In the back of her mind, something told her that she should stop before things went too far and she was unable to come back from this.

But as the bastard’s grip on her head tightened, she couldn’t bring herself to fight him or the lust that coursed through her body. And she quickly pushed herself down, taking his entire length into her mouth and her throat. Unfortunately, having pushed herself this far, Sylvia began to gag and sputter around his member, her throat convulsing as her tongue stayed firmly pressed against the underside of his cock. At least, she gagged around his member when she first got that far down.

After only a moment, she began to adjust to the feeling of having something so large buried in her throat and feeling like it could reach into her stomach at any moment. She slowly brought one of her hands to her neck as she began to bob her head up and down the length of his member, looking him in the eyes all the while. Much to her surprise, Sylvia wasn’t met with the look of desire and domination that Teppei showed her when they were in bed together. But she was instead met with a gentle look of lust and longing from this man. Almost as if he was simply in this to make her feel better.

Something about that look in her eyes caused Sylvia’s heart to race in her chest. Maybe it was the fact that he didn’t seem to be after her body. Maybe it was the fact that the disgustingly addictive taste of his cock still lingered on her tongue and in her mind. Or maybe it was because her body was beginning to heat up as lust and pleasure coursed through her. Whatever the reason was for that kind and loving look setting her off like this, Sylvia began to pick up the pace that she moved along his member.

She made her way up to the tip of his shaft, keeping only the head of his cock in her mouth before swirling her tongue around it and dropping herself back down a moment later. When she dropped herself back down, Sylvia took the entirety of this man’s dick into her throat, not missing a single inch as her nose scrunched against his large stomach. And the way he moaned and groaned while she worked herself into this rhythm pushed Sylvia to do her best for her.

It pushed her to coil her tongue around his member as she moved her way down his shaft. It pushed her to bring the hand that was on her neck to his balls, playing with them and massaging him as she worked over his cock. And it pushed her to crave having his cum in her mouth, wondering just how much different it would taste from Teppei’s. Fortunately, just as she began to crave making this stranger cum, Sylvia felt that all too familiar throb that told her he was going to cum soon.

And cum he did. The stranger didn’t hesitate to tighten his grip on the back of Sylvia’s head before unloading in her throat. Rope after rope of his thick, disgusting, and wonderful semen poured into her mouth and down her throat, some of it spilling into her stomach without her being able to taste it in the slightest. But after only a moment, the man pulled her back so that only the tip of his member was in her mouth, letting out another few ropes in order to coat her tongue in his spunk.

Of course, with the amount of lust that was coursing through her, Sylvia didn’t stop herself from swallowing down each and every drop of his seed. The fact that he was holding her in place didn’t matter to her as she swallowed down every single drop that she could, not caring about the few that spilled out of the corners of her mouth and dripped down to her chin. With the wonderfully addictive taste that covered her tongue, she couldn’t care about anything more than enjoying the cum that he gifted her with.

At least, not until she felt him suddenly pull her back a few inches so that a single strand of his cum splattered against her face. Sylvia was so shocked by him doing such a thing that she didn’t argue with him in the slightest as he began to pull her back up to the bed, positioning her in his lap so that she was facing away from him. She was so lost in the lust that clouded her mind and the scent and taste of the semen that she couldn’t think of anything else.

Even as this man, this fat bastard of a stranger, wrapped his arm around her neck and put her in a headlock, Sylvia couldn’t bring herself to struggle against him. A smile even graced her lips as she felt the air in her lungs starting to fade away from her. She didn’t know what it was like to have a man be genuinely rough with her, Teppei only forcing himself onto her and being comparably gentle to what she knew men could do. But this stranger? He was willing to choke the life from her while he slowly and carefully positioned her over his cock.

At this point, Sylvia was so lost in the lust that she didn’t even want to pull away from him. Even as the world around her began to fade away from the lack of oxygen, she didn’t care. She lowered herself onto his member, taking inch after inch of his heated shaft into her tight cunt without any hesitation. And much to her surprise, when she reached his base, Sylvia was greeted with the feeling of him thrusting upward into her.

Instinctively, she reached a hand down to his hips, and another to her neck to pull on his arm. It was just enough to keep her balanced and just enough to give her the slightest amount of breathing room as he thrust into her. “Have you... No shame…? Knowing full well of me being bound to the man I love… But still taking advantage of me…” The smile that was on Sylvia’s lips grew even bigger as the man picked up the pace of his thrusting, something she said having sparked something inside of him.

Of course, as he picked up the pace, the bastard’s grip on her neck tightened and his roughness with her body grew. The pace he had set was one that Teppei had never reached while they were making love and it struck a special cord in Sylvia’s heart. A cord that prompted her to start moaning without shame or regard for her lover as this stranger filled her pussy, hammering against her womb, time and time again with his thrusts.

Sylvia’s eyes began to roll into the back of her head as the lack of oxygen started to catch up with her again, leaving her unable to hear both Charlotte and Teppei looking for her outside of her room. Unable to hear the two that she loved and trusted the most looking for her while she was being ravaged on her own bed like some cheap whore. Her breath hitched in her throat as the world around her began closing in, leaving her in the room alone with this man that was taking advantage of her. And she couldn’t help but smile as a bit of drool started to leak from her mouth, the pleasure and bliss that coursed through her being stronger than she could have imagined.

Her inner walls convulsed and spasmed around the shaft that was inside of her, the pleasure that rushed through her being the only thing she could feel now that she was being choked out. Without having the oxygen she needed, Sylvia found even the room she was in starting to fade away from her as the man suddenly laid them back onto the bed, her back pressing against his stomach and her feet meeting the edge of the bed. “So big… So hard… Fuck…”

Before long, Sylvia’s mind couldn’t process anything more than her body and the cock plunging inside of her over and over again. Even the pleasure that she felt was starting to wane as she drifted in and out of consciousness, the fat bastard choking her throbbing inside of her like he was going to blow his load once again. And with the last bit of her breath, her eyes rolling into the back of her head, and her inner walls clamping down incredibly tight around the dick filling her pussy, Sylvia said something she thought she wouldn’t say to anyone other than Teppei. “Cum inside me… Finish inside me. Don’t pull out. I want to feel your warmth…”

Fortunately, this man was more than willing to give her what she wanted as he suddenly let go of her neck and latched his hands onto her breast. The sudden onslaught of oxygen filling her lungs just as she was about to blackout caused a strange sensation that seemed to enhance everything that she was feeling massive, not only pushing her into an orgasm but throwing her so deeply into said orgasm that she both came on this fat bastard’s cock but squirting into the air and onto the floor of her room. Right before he blew his load into her without a care in the world.

As she came around his cock, Sylvia was greeted with the feeling of him unloading inside of her just like she wanted. Rope after rope of his thick, heated, and potent cum flooded into her womb and filled her to the brim before spilling out and painting her inner walls white with his seed. But she couldn’t care. She couldn’t bring herself to think of anything but the pleasure that filled her mind, even as he carefully pushed her off of him and left her to lie on the bed for a moment.

Her breath hitched when she realized that there was no longer a cock buried inside of her pussy, leaving her wondering just where the man went as the world around her began to return, air filling her lungs once again. Unfortunately, Sylvia didn’t have enough strength in her to push herself up from the bed and look around, only figuring out where he went when she heard the man digging for something in his bag. “Y-You’re going to leave… Just like that…? I thought… A man as kind as you… Would at least stay after he’s done…”

“Who said that I was done?”

Sylvia’s heart skipped a beat in her chest when she heard the man chuckling across the room, making his way back to the bed after he pulled something out of his bag. She couldn’t quite see what it was, but something inside of her told her that it was only going to make things a bit more intense from here on out. And when she rolled herself over to look at him, she was quickly greeted by the fat bastard standing in front of her with two needles for what looked like piercings. Both of them were attached to a chain that hung in his hands. “Just… What are you going to do with--”

Before she could finish her thought, Sylvia felt a sharp but narrow pain sing at her breasts, specifically in her nipples. She quickly looked down to see that the man had pierced her nipples and left the chain attached to the piercings. And when he gave the chain an ever so light tug, a loud moan of pleasure and pain rumbled in Sylvia’s throat. Her lips curled into a smile as she wondered just why he would do such a thing. But as tears began to fill her eyes, the pain becoming a bit too much for her to handle without any, the lustful thoughts that clouded her mind reminded her of something.

Not only was this man fucking her while she was engaged, but he was also willing to claim her in such a barbaric way. And that realization lit something up inside of Sylvia. Something that she didn’t know she could still feel after the way Teppei used her when he pleased. A sense of belonging that pushed her to grit her teeth and bear with the moments of pain until pleasure flooded through her once again. And as soon as pleasure started to fill her system once again, the pain of having her nipples suddenly pierced fading away, Sylvia felt this stranger’s hands grabbing onto her breasts and using them to push her down onto her back.

Before she knew it, this brute of a man had her pinned down and was straddling her stomach with his cock slapping down against her supple and large mounds. She didn’t know what to think or to say while he took this position. But she did know just what to do to a man when his dick was perfectly between her breasts. Without missing a beat, Sylvia brought both of her hands to both of her breasts and cupped her supple mounds, where she quickly squished them together around his massive member.

Hot and heavy breaths started to leave her as he began to rock himself back and forth. This stranger, this fat bastard, this man that was willing to claim her despite her already being engaged and bound to another, was using her breasts like they were his toys. He quickly picked up the pace of his thrusts once he worked himself into a steady rhythm, causing the breaths that left Sylvia to turn into lurid moans of pleasure. The heat that radiated off of his member, the way his cock throbbed between her breasts, and the way his dick almost seemed to try and force its way into her mouth when he thrust far enough. All of it combined into a twisted and devious sense of lust that pushed Sylvia to start thinking this man knew just what to do with a woman like her.

In the back of her mind, Sylvia knew that Teppei knew how to keep the women in his life happy. She knew that he knew how to please a woman and keep her feeling nothing but bliss for hours. But this man here? This stranger whose name she didn’t even know? Something about the way he was rough with her. Something about the way he claimed her body after only knowing her for a few hours. And something about the way he treated her like she was his property. All of it caused Sylvia’s heart to race in her chest and love for the man to start filling her mind and heart.

She didn’t know just how he was managing it, but she couldn’t fight against it as he brought both of his hands to her breasts and began thrusting even harder. And Sylvia knew exactly why he thrust even harder into her cleavage a moment later. Without any kind of warning, the man fucking her breasts came right then and there, erupting between her breasts and onto her face. She felt rope after rope of his heated spunk pouring into her cleavage before spilling out onto the tops of her breasts. And Sylvia relished in the feeling of bliss and joy that surged through her when he forced the tip of his shaft out from between her breasts and came onto her face as well.

Rope after rope of his thick, heated, and potent seed filled the space between her breasts while also splattering against her face. And Sylvia couldn’t do anything more than sit back and relish in the excitement of getting her face painted like she was. She couldn’t bring herself to do anything other than accept the gift of this man’s seed as a few strands coated her lips and fell onto her tongue, allowing her to swallow down a bit of it. But not hearing this man say something that sent a strange chill through her spine.

“You should come home with me. With just how well you take my dick, it’s almost like we’re made for each other, isn’t it? Don’t you think we should keep that going?”

For just a moment, Sylvia didn’t know what to say or how to even approach that. An engaged woman like her go home with a man like this? That’s not something she should do. Even if he brought her pleasure to heights that Teppei never did. Even if he made her feel like she belonged as his pet. She couldn’t just abandon Teppei like that. “I’m sorry but… I can’t do that… I can’t go to a pathetic pig’s degenerate home. I’m… A bound woman. I can’t just abandon that--”

“A pig, huh? I’m the pig when you’re the one loving this? Alright then.~”

Almost immediately, Sylvia realized that she had said something wrong. The moment that this fat bastard grabbed onto her hips and flipped her over onto her stomach, she knew that he was going to be even rougher with her. Maybe it was the way his grip was incredibly tight on her hips. Or maybe it was the way he forced her face into the sheets of her bred while he forced each and every inch of his cock into her asshole, not even giving her body a moment to adjust to suddenly having her ass filled. Both of the reasons made it obvious that he was going to be rough with her. But Sylvia couldn’t find a single reason to be upset with that as he began to thrust into her.

Right away, his thrusts were aggressive, painful, and brutal. And Sylvia found herself loving each and every second of it. The way his hips hammered against her plump rear end. The way his hands gripped firmly onto her body like he was now trying to break his toy. And the way his cock skewered her asshole and reached deep enough to feel like it was going to plunge into her stomach with every thrust. “So big… So rough…”

Hot and heavy breaths spilled from Sylvia with each and every thrust that filled her, leaving her unaware of the fact that his grip shifted from the back of her head to her golden hair. Right up until the point that he pulled on her hair, forcing her to look up from the bed and incidentally right at a full-body mirror at the other end of the room. A mirror that showed her a perfect reflection of what she was right now: a whore in heat that was fucking a stranger.

In this position, Sylvia easily saw the look of lust and desire that swirled in her eyes. She also saw the fat bastard that was fucking her plunging into her from behind, filling her asshole with each and every thrust as his balls slapped against her pussy. She could also see the chain that connected her nipples, reminding her of the fact that this man was trying to claim her body and take her away from Teppei. And, of course, Sylvia could also see the look of pure and utter pleasure that was written all over her face as he fucked her from behind.

“Yeah, you see yourself now? You see how much of a pig you are for loving the pleasure? Engaged woman, my ass. If you were engaged, you wouldn’t let another man inside of you. Especially one that you deem as a ‘pig’.” The bastard couldn’t stop himself from chuckling as he pulled harder on Sylvia’s hair, lifting her up until she was on her hands and knees while he fucked her from behind. “But look at you now. Look at the way your tongue hangs out of your mouth. If I’m a pig, you’re nothing but a pig’s lover, aren’t you?”

“A pig’s… Lover…?” Sylvia’s heart throbbed in her chest at the thought. While she was with Teppei, she saw herself as a woman. She saw herself as someone that could be approached as a woman with him taking advantage of her. But with this stranger? She was looking at a pig’s lover in the mirror. With just how he worded it, she couldn’t help but feel like he was right. And maybe that was because of the lust that swarmed her mind and clouded her thoughts. Or maybe it was because of the way she let this man claim her body already. Whatever the reason actually was, she could only bring herself to nod her head in response to the question.

“Then say it. Tell me what you really are. You aren’t an engaged woman, so what are you?!”

“A… A…” Sylvia’s heart froze in her chest. Was she really about to give in just like this? Was she really about to give this man what he wanted just because he was claiming her body? When she felt his hand come down and smack her plump rear end during her hesitation, all thoughts in her mind simply vanished. She knew right then and there that he was right. “A pig’s lover!”

As a reward for admitting to what she was, Sylvia was given what she wanted from this man. She felt him suddenly erupt into her asshole as he squeezed her ass cheek tightly in his hand. And the pain and pleasure that came from feeling rope after rope of his cum flood her ass pushed her over the edge and into an orgasm of her own. Her inner and anal walls tightened down as his cum flooded into her ass, filling her with even more bliss than she expected it would. Especially when he let go of one ass cheek and grabbed on to the other one.

Before she knew it, the strength in Sylvia’s arms gave out and she felt herself fall onto the sheets once again, her eyes meeting the mirror and allowing her to see her convulsing form just in time for her orgasm to subside. A gentle smile came to her lips as the stranger pulled out of her asshole and slapped his cock against her pussy, teasing her that he was ready for yet another round. “M-More…? You can still keep going…?”

However, before anything more started between the two of them, the door to Sylvia’s room opened and her friend, Charlotte stepped into the room. Almost right away, thanks to the mirror, Sylvia could see Charlotte’s long pink hair and bright violet eyes through the reflection. But she couldn’t bring herself to move or do anything other than smile as her friend closed the door behind her.

“Sylvia…? Are you in here? I thought I just heard you scream something about ‘being a pig’s lover’?” A quiet chuckle left Charlotte’s lips as she turned around from the door to finally look into the room, a sharp gasp leaving her at the sight of Sylvia with her face against the sheets and her ass in the air, a fat bastard behind her with his hard cock pressed against the entrance to her cunt. At first, she didn’t know what to do. It was clear that Sylvia wasn’t being raped, the look of pleasure on her face made that very clear. But who was this man that was fucking her best friend?

When she noticed Sylvia roll over onto her back, revealing her pierced nipples and the chain connecting them, Charlotte felt like she immediately understood just what was going on. “So this is why you disappeared earlier.~” She playfully licked her lips as she locked the door behind her, strutting her way toward the bed that Sylvia had just been fucked on. “You wanted to have a little bit of fun with someone else after the argument with Teppei. Why didn’t you just say so? I would be happy to join you.~”


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