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//Art for this story is done by DDDoodles (https://twitter.com/dddoodles). Be sure to give him a follow and maybe even commission him if you like his work.//

Minako wakes up to find Mitsuru walking around in just a long sleeve shirt and a pair of panties. She can’t keep her lust to herself anymore.

Day after day, week after week, Minako felt a true sense of pressure from Mitsuru with every step of the missions she went on. After she was declared the new leader of SEES and effectively put in charge of the group to defeat the shadows, she found herself with even more pressure on her. But being a teenager in high school, there were other things on her mind that she couldn’t indulge in now that she was a part of the group. And that she especially couldn’t indulge in once she became the leader.

However, that didn’t stop Minako from noticing the way Mitsuru seemed to walk around at night in nothing but a pair of panties and a long-sleeve shirt when she thought everyone was asleep. Someone needed to stay up on the few nights that Minako let everyone sleep in, just in case something serious happened. But it never failed to arouse the SEES leader to see the wonderfully hot and rich redhead walking around like that. And it always seemed to catch Minako’s attention when she noticed that Mitsuru left the button-up shirt that she wore during the night unbuttoned, allowing her large breasts to spill free.

Fortunately, Minako was the kind of young woman that had control of herself. She knew how to restrain herself from thinking sexually of her roommates at the SEES dorm, especially the former leader that still somehow commanded over everyone. At least, she was until she walked out in the middle of the night to a siren that she heard in her dream, rushing her way to the living room to see Mitsuru sitting on the couch. The busty redhead had a cup of coffee in hand, her button-up shirt open with half of each of her breasts on display, and only wearing a pair of red panties that matched her hair.

“M-Minako!? W-What are you do-”

In her half-asleep state, the lust that she felt toward the former leader just seemed to bubble up and take control of Minako. She didn’t bother to fight it as she rushed over to the couch and placed a hand over Mitsuru’s mouth, quieting her, while her other hand latched onto the plump and shapely breasts that resided in the long-sleeve shirt that she was wearing. Minako didn’t say a word as she cupped and kneaded the large breast that was in her hand. She didn’t say anything as she looked Mitsuru in the eyes and brought the hand that was covering her mouth down to the cup of coffee that the redhead was holding.

Usually, Mitsuru would be able to put the situation down in an instant, reminding Minako that she should be asleep and in bed. But with just how quickly, and incidentally rough, the newest member of SEES moved, it caught the usually stoic redhead off-guard. And she didn’t know how to react when Minako pulled her hand away from her mouth, the sensation from the firm grip that the new leader’s hand still lingering against her cheeks and her lips. On top of that, the feeling of Minako’s other hand kneading and playing with her breast through her top caused the usual quick reaction that Mitsuru had to be slowed even more.

Mitsuru didn’t even have anything to say when Minako leaned her head forward and caught the redhead’s lips in a heated kiss that caused her to reel in her seat. And when the kiss lingered, lasting for far longer than either of them would have expected, Mitsuru couldn’t bring herself to pull away. The combination of Minako’s soft lips against her own, that firm grip on her breast, the strong scent of musk that began to fill her nostrils and her mind, and the now free hand drifting along Mitsuru’s exposed thighs. All of it combined into something that caused the former leader of SEES to falter in her reaction. And in the moment of falter, she not only returned the affection that was given to her, but let out a quiet and almost inaudible moan whenever their lips would part.

Of course, Minako wasn’t done with Mitsuru. The lust that coursed through the young woman caused her to firmly grab onto the redhead’s thighs when her hand reached the point, forcing her legs apart in an instant while their lips were parted. And the sound of shock and excitement that stumbled out of Mitsuru’s lips sparked something inside of Minako. A mixture of lust, desire, excitement, anxiousness, and joy flooded the young woman’s heart all in an instant. And at this point, with everything flowing through her at once, she had woken up to the point that she knew exactly what she was doing and what she wanted to do from here.

Without missing a beat after spreading Mitsuru’s legs apart, Minako used her grip to pull down until she was lying flat on her back, the shirt that she was wearing shifted out of the way to fully expose her supple breasts. “I hope you can forgive me, Mitsuru. I can’t, and won’t, be holding back.” In the back of her mind, Minako knew that what she was saying made it sound like she was going to rape her partner, that she was going to see things through whether Mitsuru enjoyed herself or not. But from the look in Mitsuru’s eyes, the confusion and desire that swirled within them, she knew that Mitsuru didn’t see it that way.

Mitsuru didn’t know what to do as she watched Minako climb onto the couch and suddenly straddle her stomach, wondering just what was going to happen from here. All while watching her friend reach into the pajamas that she had on and pull out a cock that flopped down against her stomach, just inches underneath her breasts. Immediately, the heat and smell that radiated off of the quickly-hardening shaft struck Mitsuru. The heat that lingered against her skin almost felt like it was going to burn her, while the scent filled her mind and slowly but steadily clouded her thoughts.

There wasn’t a single thought in Mitsuru’s mind as Minako suddenly grabbed onto her breasts, pleasure and pain both filling her for a moment. Right before that scalding heat from her leader’s shaft dragged along her stomach and made its way between her breasts. Her breath hitched in her throat when she felt that heated, throbbing rod force its way into her cleavage, a foreign sense of bliss filling her. Sure, Mitsuru knew dozens of things lovers could do together, whether they were alone or whether they were in front of others. But it was her first time experiencing such a powerful heat and scent against her own skin.

Unfortunately for her usually stoic nature, that inexperience showed as she bit down on her lower lip while her leader squished those large breasts around her cock. A deep blush started to rise to Mitsuru’s cheeks when she realized that what Minako said was true. She wasn’t going to stop until she was satisfied. And, somewhere deep down, Mitsuru didn’t want her to stop. Especially once she felt Minako start to actually thrust between her breasts.

At first, Minako had a slow and steady pace, simply wanting to bury each and every inch of her hardened shaft between her friend’s wonderful tits. But as the pleasure that coursed through her started to grow, the arousal that she felt bubbling up inside of her, the pace that she had set quickly began to increase. It didn’t take more than a moment for things to go from that slow and steady pace to a near frantic chase for pleasure, Minako thrusting as quickly as she could between Mitsuru’s breasts.

However, the thing that she enjoyed the most out of this wasn’t the soft feeling of Mitsuru’s breasts wrapped around her cock. Nor was it the feeling of the former leader’s soft lips pressing against her tip with each and every thrust, thanks to her just reaching that far. It was the intense gaze of desire and lust that Mitsuru shot her way. A look that made it clear that, while she didn’t say a word, she didn’t want things to stop here. A look that silently begged for more.

Seeing Mitsuru of all people giving her a look like that was almost enough to make Minako cum right then and there, when she realized just how Mitsuru felt. But she knew better than to let things end too quickly. Something in the back of her mind told her to slow her thrusts and relish in the feeling and look that Mitsuru was bringing her. And that’s exactly what Minako did, forcing herself to slow her pace almost as quickly as she increased it while compensating by getting slightly rougher with her dear friend.

Hot and heavy breaths left both of the young women as they began getting lost in their lust. Mitsuru wasn’t able to pull her eyes off of Minako’s face, captivated by the fact that someone she held in such high regards had a side like this. And Minako couldn’t pull herself away from gazing into Mitsuru’s eyes, the fact that someone so beautiful and smart would be able to cave in to her desire so easily. It drove them both to wonder just how this was going to end and where this was going to go. Especially Minako as she pushed herself closer and closer to her orgasm.

In the back of her mind, the debate of whether to cum on Mitsuru’s face or in her mouth came to Minako. She didn’t know which would be better. Covering such a beautiful face would almost be like a work of art. But, ever since she first had sexual thoughts of Mitsuru, having her swallow every drop of her cum was something that Minako had always wanted. As she got closer and closer to blowing her load, she didn’t know just what she wanted to do, her thrusts becoming erratic as she tried to find an answer.

Thankfully, the answer came to her in the form of Mitsuru leaning her head forward and wrapping her soft lips around the head of Minako’s member. Neither one of them said a word as their eye contact broke for the first time in a while. Neither one of them knew just what to say to this. Mitsuru simply reacted to what her body wanted and took Minako’s shaft into her mouth and Minako was more than happy to give Mitsuru anything she wanted right now.

With the new sweet and welcoming feeling of Mitsuru’s mouth around her shaft, it didn’t take more than another moment for Minako to reach her peak. Unfortunately, the pleasure that she felt skyrocketed too quickly for her to be able to warn her friend that she was going to cum. The only thing that left Minako’s mouth as she blew her load was a loud and shameless moan that likely filled a few of the dorm rooms in the building. But she couldn’t bring herself to care about that as rope after rope of her thick, potent, and delicious spunk coated Mitsuru’s tongue.

As each and every drop of seed landed on her tongue, the blush that was on Mitsuru’s cheeks darkened. Embarrassment and lust filled her in equal measures as she silently debated on swallowing down Minako’s seed or spitting it out. But something in the back of her mind, some little voice told her to not pull away. To not quit just because she wasn’t in charge of what was happening. And, on a whim, Mitsuru did exactly what that little voice told her. She began swallowing her leader’s cum, taking each and every drop down her throat with audible gulps that could be heard across the room from her.

Mitsuru’s eyes fluttered closed as she swallowed her leader’s cum, unsure of just how to feel as she felt the hot and sticky substance flowing down her throat and into her stomach. The heat rolling down into her stomach caused a familiar heat to build between her legs, the excitement of being taken like this turning her own now that the first round was done. Though, the moment that Minako pulled herself back, her hard cock pulling itself from the redhead’s cleavage, Mitsuru immediately noticed just how hard she still was. It was like she hadn’t cum at all, like her leader was as far from satisfied as she could be. And the fact that it was clear with just a simple look that she could keep going, lit that fire inside of Mitsuru even more.

However, the thing that caught Mitsuru the most wasn’t the fact that Minako was still just as hard as when she straddled her stomach, but was the fact that she could see that, somehow, some of her cum was leaking down her length. Without saying a word, or even hinting that she was going to move, Mitsuru pressed her tongue against the underside of Minako’s throbbing shaft. Right where that single bead of cum was trailing down. And without missing a beat, she slowly and steadily dragged her tongue all the way up the length of her leader’s shaft.

Of course, in the heat of the moment, Minako didn’t know just what to do or how to react. The pleasure that rushed through her, the excitement that flooded her mind, and that lust that filled her heart. All of it caused her to stop and watch as Mitsuru practically pushed her backward so she could crawl and dutifully lick her cock clean. Minako was at a loss for words as she watched her former leader crawl onto her stomach while swirling her tongue around the head of her throbbing shaft. “M-Mitsuru… I…”

The words just wouldn’t come to Minako’s mind as the pleasure of having a pair of sweet lips wrapping around her cock swarmed her mind once again. Her lips curled into a gentle smile as she adjusted herself to get comfortable on the couch, bringing a single hand to the back of Mitsuru’s hair and tangling her fingers into those fiery locks. She may not have known how to react a moment ago when her former leader took charge for a moment, but if this was what Mitsuru had in mind, Minako wasn’t going to dare stop her.

Fortunately, that was perfect for Mitsuru. She didn’t want Minako to stop her, even if it was just so she could catch her breath. As she bobbed her head up and down the length of her leader’s shaft, relishing in the way it throbbed and pulsed against her tongue, the former SEES commander was enjoying herself too much to stop. Each time she lowered her head, down Minako’s length, she would push herself an inch or two further, slowly and surely attempting to reach the base of her member.

Even as the thick and throbbing shaft began to push into her throat, Mitsuru didn’t stop herself or shy away from the challenge she made for herself. And as Minako’s grip on the back of her head tightened, she only took it as a sign that she was doing just as she needed to. Though, as the lust and desire began to fill her mind and her heart more than she expected, Mitsuru quickly brought a hand between her legs. She didn’t hesitate to tease her pussy through her now-soaked panties, dragging her nails along the fabric with just enough force that she felt them against her lower lips.

After the titjob that she forced on Mitsuru a short bit ago, Minako’s shaft was still sensitive. And it was clear to both of them as her member throbbed against Mitsuru’s tongue the same way it did between her breasts just before she came. However, the current SEES leader didn’t want things to end so soon. She didn’t want things to stop after only using her breasts and her mouth. Minako wanted more. And seeing the way Mitsuru played with herself while sucking her off, it was easy for her to come up with an idea.

As soon as the idea came to her mind, Minako used her grip on the back of Mitsuru’s head to pull her friend off from around her shaft, giggling when she noticed a single strand of saliva connecting Mitsuru’s tongue to the tip of her shaft. The look of concern and embarrassment that filled her gaze also caused Minako to let out a gentle laugh before leaning in and catching those sweet and soft lips in a deep and passionate kiss. A kiss that she used to roll the two of them over until Mitsuru was on her back, half of her body falling off the edge of the couch while her head rested against the back of it. While Minako hovered over her, one hand on her plump rear end and the other on her supple breast. “Sorry, Mitsuru. For as wonderful as your mouth is… I’d much rather cum and fill your pussy.”

In this new position, Mitsuru instinctively wrapped her arms around Minako’s neck to keep herself from slipping off the couch and falling. Silence filled the room around them for a moment, the only thing either of them were able to hear being the hot and heavy breaths from the other one. Until Mitsuru had enough and had to speak up, her eyes locked on Minako’s hand shifting her panties out of the way at an incredibly slow and teasing pace. “If you’re going to do it, just do it. Don’t keep me waiting like this, Minako.”

The stern but still somehow lustful tone that filled Mitsuru’s voice made it very clear to Minako just how much she needed and wanted this. Without wasting any more time, she pushed her hips forward and carefully buried each and every inch of her sensitive and twitching shaft inside of her friend. And without missing a beat, the moment that the first few inches began to fill, Minako caught Mitsuru in another kiss. Another deep and passionate display of her affection. Though, this time, as she continued to bury inch after inch and stretched her dear friend’s inner walls, it was to keep her quiet and avoid waking any of the other SEES members. Something that seemed impossible with the moans that were spilling from Mitsuru’s lips with each passing second. Especially when Minako had finally buried every inch of her cock and reached all the way to Mitsuru’s womb, prompting the redhead to throw her head back and almost scream in a mixture of pain and pleasure from having something so big so deep inside of her.

Fortunately, neither one of them noticed the sound of one of the bedroom door’s opening on another floor as Minako began thrusting into her. And, in their current position, neither one of them would be able to care if they were caught, the bliss and pleasure that coursed through them too much to be able to pull their attention away from the other one. Minako leaned down and caught her former leader’s lips in another deep and passionate kiss as she picked up the pace of her thrusts almost as quickly as she started.

Of course, with something so large inside of her, reaching all the way to her womb with each thrust, Mitsuru felt an onslaught of both pleasure and pain. A twisted and powerful pleasure from being so full and finally having something buried in her pussy. And a delightful pain that heightened her pleasure from having the entrance to her womb hammered against with each and every thrust, especially when her inner walls began to mold to Minako’s shape.

Mitsuru’s eyes fluttered shut as her lips danced from one kiss to another with Minako, her mind swimming in pleasure and flooded with lust. All while each thrust that filled her caused the breast that her leader wasn’t holding onto to bounce and heave, the sound of their hips colliding together filling the room around them. And after a few moments, as Minako continued to pick up her pace, the sound of their hips colliding only grew louder and louder by the moment. But neither one of them could bring themselves to care as they continued to get lost in their own pleasure and desires.

As Minako continued to hammer away at the entrance to Mitsuru’s womb, feeling her orgasm on the horizon, she was so lost in the bliss that rushed through her that she failed to notice the elevator door opening behind them. She failed to notice the footsteps of a curious SEES member slowly making her way through the hall. And she failed to notice when Yukari poked her head out from around the corner and started to watch them have their fun. Not that it would have mattered to her as Mitsuru’s inner walls suddenly clamped down like a vice around her shaft.

In an instant, the feeling of her dear friend’s cunt clamping down around her shaft pushed Minako over the edge and into her orgasm. A loud and shameless moan erupted from her lips as she slammed herself forward and buried each and every inch of her cock as deep into Mitsuru as she could. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest as she pumped rope after rope of thich, potent, and heated cum directly into her former leader’s womb to the point that it began to overflow. Minako’s lips curled into a smile as she felt a near torrent of her seed flooding back around her shaft and onto Mitsuru’s inner walls.

Of course, being creampied like this, Mitsuru reached her peak as well. And right alongside Minako, the moan that left her lips was loud and shameless. She didn’t care if anyone could see her like this. Could see her halfway off the SEES living room couch, a hand on her ass, her breasts in the open as another hand clutched onto one of them, and cum started to leak out of her pussy and onto the carpet underneath her. Her eyes fluttered shut as she accepted every ounce of the pleasure that filled her, even as Minako pulled her hips back, unsheathing her cock from Mitsuru’s cock.

Unfortunately, right as she felt Minako’s cum-covered cock slap down against her stomach, the sound of Yukari’s voice filled the room around them. “H-How could you two do something like this…? I know everyone is asleep but… Couldn’t you do it behind closed doors…?” Pain and confusion riddled Yukari’s voice as she spoke, taking a few steps closer to her two leaders as they shared a quick and affectionate kiss in front of her. “J-Just how?!”

Minako giggled under her breath before adjusting Mitsuru to sit down on the edge of the couch, letting her go and fully turning herself to face Yukari. “Like you said, everyone was asleep! And if you saw Mitsuru walking around in this top while it was open in nothing but a pair of panties? I know you’re a bit shy, but I don’t think you’d be able to hold yourself back either.~” Minako playfully licked her lips as her cock throbbed at the thought of seeing Mitsuru like that once again.

However, she didn’t move from her spot as she reached a hand out toward Yukari, gesturing for her friend to come closer. “I don’t know if you’re jealous, Yukari. Or if maybe you just wish we hadn’t woken you, but… How about we make it worth your time? Why not join us?~” As she spoke, Minako fell back onto the couch and threw her arm over Mitsuru’s shoulders, grabbing one of her large breasts in her hand. “I’m sure Mitsuru here wouldn’t be against you joining us for a little while. And even if she would rather keep me to herself, I don’t mind being shared. So, why not join us?~”


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