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After everything that happened with that board game that they played, Issei, Gasper, Koneko, and Asia all spent a few days away from each other. But those few days were full of all four of them wanting to be with the others again, wanting to do something and spend some time with them. Maybe it was because of just how close they had become due to the game’s curse. Or maybe they all just didn’t want to feel like they were alone in what happened. Whatever the reason was, all of them met in the Occult Club’s main room after school had ended and everyone had gone home.

With everyone gathered in the room, Issei couldn’t stop himself from chuckling as he looked at Gasper, Asia, and Koneko. “I know we said we would play a simple game of Truth or Dare, but I wonder if this is going to break out into an orgy again.” Fortunately, the other three laughed right along with him after his joke, showing that they were all comfortable with what happened before. “Asia, why don’t you start us off?”

Asia’s cheeks turned a deep shade of red as she looked at Issei, confused on what he meant for a moment. Did he want her to start them off on a dare and have things turn into an orgy from the start? Or did he simply want her to start the game between the four of them? Just as she went to open her mouth, the feeling of Koneko’s hand grabbing her thigh caught her attention, prompting Asia to look into her friend’s eyes. “Um… Truth or dare, Koneko…?”

“Truth.” Her answer was quick and quiet, just like most of the time when she spoke. But there was a slight and comforting smile on Koneko’s face as she looked into Asia’s eyes, thankfully calming down her friend without really having to say anything.

“Hmmm. W-Well…” Embarrassment started to fill Asia once again when she looked away from Koneko, only one question on her mind after the thought that crossed it a bit ago. “Did you enjoy it when the boys… You know, came inside of you?”

Koneko’s eyes widened for a second at the question. She wasn’t expecting things to start out lewd, but she had said truth and so she had to answer truthfully. With a gentle breath leaving her, she pulled herself away from Asia and got comfortable once again. “Yes… It was a strange feeling at first. But… I quickly liked it.” Her own cheeks were turning a gentle shade of red as the room remained silent around her, Issei and Gasper sharing a quick look of pride before Koneko cleared her throat. “Gasper! Truth or dare?!”

Hearing his name, Gasper immediately gasped and almost screamed in shock. But when he heard the question, his heart swiftly calmed down, allowing him to look at Koneko and pick his answer. In the back of her mind, he knew that they couldn’t just keep picking truth and would have to pick dare at some point, but it made him happy to simply be doing something like this with everyone again. “I pick truth.”

“Did you like it when Asia and I teased you?” Koneko’s cheeks were beet red when she listed her head to look into Gasper’s eyes, wondering what his answer would be. However, he didn’t give an answer in the form of words, instead shoving one of the throw pillows on the main room’s couch over his face and nodding. It was a bit of a silly gesture, but it brought a smile to the young girl’s lips, making her giggle at his clearly embarrassed reaction. “Good… But, since you’re too embarrassed to talk… Issei? Truth or--”

“Since we’re doing a round of truth, I think it’s only fair I pick truth as well.”

Koneko thought for a moment of just what to ask, unsure if she wanted to tease Gasper a little bit or to get some actual truth out of Issei. Unfortunately, that’s when Asia spoke up out of turn and asked something for her.

“Did you enjoy being with Gasper like you were? It… Seemed like you had a lot of fun…”

Issei chuckled under his breath before nodding his head and looking at the still-blushing Gasper. “I did. Other than the curse, the whole thing was fun. And Gasper is surprisingly cute when he’s blushing and whining.” Playing up the part a little bit, he got off of Rias’s desk and gently cupped Gasper’s cheek like he was going in for a loving kiss. Only to stop and place one on the blushing boy’s forehead. “And he still is.~”


A few rounds of trivial dares passed through the group for some time. Issei had to kiss Gasper, Gasper had to make out with Koneko, Asia had to grope Koneko through her clothes, and Koneko had to sniff Issei’s crotch through his boxers. Of course, with each passing dare, the group started to get more and more exploitive of each other. In a matter of minutes after the first dare was given, they all knew where this was going to be going. But neither one of them minded this time around. It was under their control and they could stop at any point. That’s exactly why Issei laughed and turned to Gasper when the other boy had chosen dare for his turn. “Alright, Gasper. I dare you to make a girl of your choice cum before I make the other one cum.”

“W-What?! Y-You want me to do that…?” Gasper almost froze for a moment before he felt Asia’s lips press against his cheek, almost to calm him down a bit. And immediately, he knew exactly which girl he was going to pick between the two, wrapping his arms around Asia’s side and pulling her close to him. “I pick Asia. I’ll beat you, Issei. And I’ll make Asia feel good while I do it.”

Issei playfully whispered at Gasper’s sudden confidence, knowing that the usually-embarrassed boy certainly could do it if he tried. However, after everything that he and Koneko went through while they played the board game, he knew exactly where her sweet spots were and what to do to make her cum first. “Alright, Gasper, let’s get started, then.~”

Asia gasped when Gasper pulled her into his lap, unknowing of just what he was doing to do in order to try and get her to cum before Issei made Koneko cum. She got her answer in a matter of seconds when her partner slipped both of his hands underneath her clothing and immediately latched onto one of her breasts, his other hand sliding into her panties. She brought both of her hands to cover her mouth when she felt two of his fingers plunge into her pussy, pumping back and forth right away while his thumb teasingly circled her pussy.

Of course, Issei couldn’t see just what he was doing to Asia, but it didn’t matter to him. When he pulled Koneko into his lap, he already had his cock out and hard and ready for her. Thanks to the fact that she was only wearing a skirt and no panties underneath, he was able to teasingly drag his cock along her lower lips while placing a few gentle kisses onto her neck. And when she almost immediately started to whine and squirm against him, he knew he was doing something right. The way that she reached for her breasts and started to pinch at her nipples through her clothing only told him that she was already starting to lose herself to the bliss.

Asia watched with an excited gaze as Issei brought Koneko closer and closer to the limit after only a few seconds, watching as her friend’s pussy dripped onto Issei’s pants without either of them saying a word to the other. The boys were too locked into what they were doing and the girls were enjoying the feeling of pleasure that coursed through their bodies thanks to the boys. Of course, when she felt Gasper push a third finger into her cunt, Asia couldn’t stop herself from screaming against her hands.

However, Koneko was able to watch as Asia turned her head to let out a quiet moan, clearly enjoying what Gasper was doing to her, only to have her lips caught in a heated kiss by the usually shy boy. Koneko’s heart skipped a beat in her chest when she saw the two of them starting to make out, the bliss that Issei was bringing her causing her to feel almost jealous that she wasn’t making out with him. Though, that was remedied when she felt the tip of his shaft press against the entrance to her pussy a moment later. “Please, Issei… Please…”

Issei didn’t say a word as he bit down onto Koneko’s neck, plunging every inch of his cock into her in one swift thrust. One swift thrust that caused the poor girl to scream out in pure and utter bliss from being filled to the brim so quickly. But that only worked in Issei’s favor as he started to bounce Koneko on his cock. The feeling of her inner walls wrapped around his member, squeezing him tightly and convulsing around him, only caused him to moan in her ear as he fucked her. Though, that seemed to almost work in his favor, the sound of his moans causing her cunt to tighten even more around his shaft.

Things seemed almost at a standstill for a few moments as both pairs enjoyed themselves enough to forget about the other pair just across the room. However, it seemed that Issei and Koneko were inching closer and closer to their orgasms faster than Asia was. Maybe it was because of the way Issei seemed to do his best to tease every sweet spot Koneko had. Maybe it was simply because Gasper wasn’t fucking Asia the same way Issei was fucking Koneko. Neither of the pairs really cared, far too lost in their pleasure to worry about it.

Unfortunately for the dare, though, Issei was able to finish things faster than Gasper was. He grunted without shame into Koneko’s ear before he came inside of her. His cock throbbed and pulsed against her inner walls as he unloaded inside of her, his hot and thick spunk flooding into her womb yet again. And the feeling of being creampied like that only pushed Koneko over the edge and into her own orgasm as well. Her inner walls tightened like a vice around the shaft that continued to pump into her during their orgasms.

Of course, Asia had a front-row seat to the show the other two were putting on. The way Koneko’s eyes rolled into the back of her head while Issei picked up the intensity of his thrusts but kept the pace the same. It was clear the two of them were really enjoying themselves, even if they barely said a word during this dare. Fortunately for her, though, when she felt Gasper pinch one of her nipples, Asia reached her peak right then and there.

In the back of her mind, she didn’t know if it was the fact that she was making out with Gasper, so she had the intimacy that she enjoyed from something like this. Or if it was the fact that she could see Issei’s balls clenching when he came inside of Koneko. Or if it was as simple as Gasper actually brought her to climax with just his fingers and his hands on her breasts. Whatever the reason was, Asia’s heart raced in her chest as her inner walls clamped down around Gasper’s fingers not even a moment after Issei made Koneko cum.

The entire room was filled with the sound of the girls gasping and moaning in pleasure, the boys simply enjoying what they had done with Issei being extra proud that he had gotten to fuck Koneko again. However, it seemed that neither of them were truly done yet. Almost in unison, Issei and Gasper bent Koneko and Asia over the coffee table in the middle of the room before starting to fuck them together. Issei took a moment to let Gasper get ready and pull his cock out. And it was a surprise to both of them just how well Asia took it, gasping only inches away from Koneko’s lips.

Without saying a word, both of the boys started to thrust their hips in unison, Gasper moaning in Asia’s ear while Issei nibbled on Koneko’s. Almost immediately, both of the girls realized this was so that Gasper could reach his peak and cum inside of Asia since he was the only one that hadn’t hit his climax yet. And they couldn’t help but giggle as they looked into each other’s eyes, hot and blissful moans spilling from their lips as they did.

Luckily, it didn’t take too long for Gasper to reach his peak, the feeling of Asia’s inner walls clamping down around his shaft pushing him to the limit faster than he expected. But he didn’t shy away from this pleasure, grabbing tightly onto her breasts as he pounded into her from behind. And in a matter of moments, he unloaded inside of her, painting her womb white with his seed.

Hot, heavy, and excited breaths left Gasper when he finally came inside of Asia. But he pulled out of her almost as quickly as he forced himself inside of her, a slight look of disappointment on his face from not being able to achieve his dare. Fortunately, that look and feeling disappeared when he felt Asia place a gentle and loving kiss against his cheek. “Asia…”

Despite the pleasure that filled her, Koneko still felt a bit of annoyance and contempt for Issei for forcing himself inside of her as quickly as he did. “Pervert Issei… I dare you to eat your cum out of us.”

The words almost didn’t process in Issei’s mind, the pleasure he felt still filling him for a moment. But when he realized what Koneko had said, he didn’t know if he wanted to be upset with her or thank her for allowing her a chance to continue playing with her body. However, he didn’t say anything to her after he processed what the dare was, simply pulling his cock out of her tight cunt and chuckling as he looked into her eyes. He playfully dragged his tongue along her lips as he carried her over to Rias’s desk and gently placed her on top of it. “Gasper, do you mind putting Asia on the edge of the table for me?~”

With a smile on his face, Issei knelt down so that his head was between Koneko’s legs, putting his lips only inches away from her pussy. And when he heard the sound of Asia’s plump rear end meeting the table behind him, he immediately started to lick her pussy. He started playfully from the outside and swirled his tongue slowly inward, making sure to bring both of his hands to Koneko’s breasts as he carefully teased her.

Fortunately for him, it was a simple thing for Koneko to enjoy the way his tongue danced along her lower lips. The way his breath tingled against her clit sent waves of pleasure through her body, his tongue teasing her pussy only adding to the pleasure that she felt. But once he actually started to do his dare, Koneko couldn’t stop herself from bringing both of her hands to her mouth to try and keep herself quiet. Hot and heavy breaths spilled from her each time his tongue dragged against her inner walls, actually scooping some of his leaking cum out of her pussy and taking it into his mouth.

Asia waited behind Issei with her heart racing in her chest as she watched him. Gasper carefully held her up so that she could see what was happening and leave her to enjoy herself. But she couldn’t help but stare at her best friend and watch as the two were enjoying themselves. The fact that she could see the pleasure written on Koneko’s face and hear Issei’s cock tapping against the table with each throb told her just how much the two of them were loving this moment they had together.

All the while, Asia could only bring one of her hands to her breasts and play with herself as she waited patiently. And as Koneko’s screams of bliss grew louder and louder by the moment, something deep in her mind told her that she was going to love it when it was her turn. Especially when she felt Gasper’s grip on he body simply shift to her hips to hold her up better, prompting her to instinctively scream in bliss and bring her free hand to her cunt.

The fact that Issei made it a point to pull far enough away from her pussy to show her his open mouth before swallowing down his own cum only added to the excitement that coursed through Koneko. And as this dragged on, the sensitivity from having him eat her out after fucking her pushing her to an orgasm almost right away. All it took was a few licks, his hands on her breasts, his fingers pinching her nipples, and a look of lust in his eyes as he made sure to show himself swallowing down his own cum. And Koneko couldn’t stop herself from screaming in bliss as her inner walls clamped down around his tongue.

Issei laughed under his breath at the feeling of her juices flowing onto his face and into his mouth. He didn’t hesitate to lick up every bit of her juices as he stayed between her legs, looking her in the eyes and being purposefully slow and careful to lick up each and every drop of her arousal as it mixed in with his cum. And when he was finally done, he carefully pulled away from her and placed a gentle kiss on her stomach. “Forgive me now, Koneko?~”

Before giving her a chance to answer, however, Issei quickly turned around and made his way between Asia’s legs. He smirked as he positioned himself between her thighs and placed a few gentle kisses against her skin. “I’m sorry for making you wait, Asia. But now that it’s your turn, I think I can make sure you enjoy yourself.~”

Now that Issei had a firm grip on her, Gasper carefully stepped away from Asia and made his way over to Koneko’s side. He didn’t plan to touch her, but instead to watch Issei work once again. Even though all he was doing was eating the two girls out, it was surprisingly hot to see him do it to Koneko, so it might be just as hot to see him do it to Asia. Gasper slowly brought one of his hands to his cock, wrapping it around his throbbing member as he watched Issei slowly get to work eating out Gasper’s cum from Asia.

The moment she felt Issei’s tongue press against her lower lips, Asia brought her hands to her mouth. Hot and heavy breaths were leaving her right away, even as he was simply teasing her and getting her ready for the fun she was about to have. After just getting fucked and fingered by Gasper, she knew that she was extra sensitive, that the feeling of Issei’s tongue was something that would send her mind racing. And when his tongue started to swirl around her delicate clit, that’s exactly what happened.

The world around Asia started to disappear almost immediately when Issei pushed his tongue deep into her pussy, dragging it against her inner walls to eat Gasper’s cum out of her. It was a strange experience to say the least, but it was one Asia found herself loving as Issei’s tongue expertly moved throughout her pussy, leaving her gasping and moaning in sheer and utter bliss. Her eyes started to roll into the back of her head as he picked up the pace that he dragged her tongue along her inner walls, making sure to not miss a spot or any of Gasper’s cum as he ate it out of her.

Of course, while he was watching, Gasper couldn’t stop himself from stroking his cock at the sight of Issei playfully eating Asia out. The way he teased her, the look of lust in his eyes as he flattened his tongue and dragged it along her slit, and the way Issei actually ate Gasper’s cum out of her tight hole. All of it lit something up inside of the usually shy boy, pushing him to stroke his shaft at a rather quick pace right next to Koneko, who seemed to be watching and lazily playing with herself as well.

On the other hand, Issei was enjoying himself more than he thought he would in this position. The taste that coated his tongue was sweeter than when he was eating his cum out of Koneko’s cunt, some part of him wondering just why Gasper’s seed would taste different than his own. But as he closed his eyes and gently rested his cheeks against Asia’s thigh, he couldn’t bring himself to care. Especially when Asia brought her hands from her mouth to her breasts, now groping herself as Issei brought her an intense amount of pleasure, the sounds of her moans ringing out and echoing throughout the room.


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