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When her Lucky Lecher activates around the new recruit, Tamaki finds herself slipping into a few unlucky situations with him.

After everything that happened with Rekka, Tamaki was surprised when she was shifted from the 1st Special Fire Force station to the 8th, the captains agreeing that a change of pace would do good for her. Especially after what she had seen. But, something that surprised her even more was that there was another new recruit that joined the 8th. One that she was told wouldn’t ever join them on missions but would be more of a stationary support for the team when they went out for whatever they needed to. She didn’t have a problem with it, but in the back of her mind, Tamaki knew that it would only lead her Lucky Lecher to act up even more with more men around her.

Fortunately, things had seemed to be perfectly fine for the first week or two they were both there. Neither Tamaki nor the new recruit had any issues with each other and nothing seemed to happen between the two of them, even if she ended up flashing Shinra multiple times around the new recruit. At least, that’s how things went until she stepped out of the 8th shower with a gentle sigh leaving her lips, a nice and warm shower after a long day of training being a nice feeling. However, the towel that was wrapped around her body seemed to catch on the doorknob as she stepped out of it, tugging it off of her body and exposing every inch of her lithe but perky frame to the new recruit.

Unfortunately, in the split second that this happened, Tamaki couldn’t react fast enough to grab the doorknob or her towel. Her hand slipped and missed the doorframe of the bathroom entirely, causing her to fall forward faster than she could catch herself. And just as she was going to let out a scream, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her, the new recruit instinctively catching her and turning his head to look away from her and at least try and not see any of her body. For just a moment, she was thankful that he was willing to look away from her. It was certainly a change of pace from every time her Lucky Lecher activated around Shinra and his face ended up buried in her panties or her cleavage. “T-Thank you…”

Gently pushing herself off of him, Tamaki reached behind her for the towel that she had used to cover herself. Embarrassment filled her when she realized that her plump breasts and shapely rear end were likely on display for him as she rose to her feet and grabbed the towel. But that embarrassment was quickly wiped from her mind when grabbing the towel only caused her to slip once again and land back in the new recruit’s lap.

However, this time, instead of ending up with his arms wrapped around her body to keep her from falling, Tamaki landed with her shapely ass cheeks square on his hardening cock. His hands latched onto her breasts and almost immediately started to grope them. In the back of her mind, she wondered if he was just taking advantage of this moment and enjoying himself or if she just happened to land in such a position that it was easy for him to grope her.

No matter what the reason was, when she turned her head to apologize to him, Tamaki felt their lips connect in a quick kiss. A quick kiss that lingered for longer than it reasonably should have, even for an accident that caught them both off guard. Especially when their lips parted for just a second. Just long enough for Tamaki to realize the small amount of pleasure that coursed through her from his fingers sinking into her breasts. But once that second was over, she found herself slipping in his lap and connecting with his lips once again, another kiss being shared between the two of them. All of this while the new recruit continued to hold her body and attempt to push her off of him, causing his grip on her body to shift from her breasts to her hips to her thighs.

And every time he grabbed onto her body, even though they both knew it was just to try and push her off of him, Tamaki found herself slipping on the towel that now rested underneath her feet from when she dropped it. Each and every push that the two of them made caused her to slip and grind in his lap, her plump rear end pressing harder and harder against his rigid member while they continued to accidentally share more and more kisses with each other. She didn’t know how long it would last, but every time the two tried to separate, Tamaki found herself only pressed against him even harder than she was the last time.

And with just how long this seemed to drag on, Tamaki found herself growing accustomed to the feeling of his hands on her body. To the feeling of his fingers sinking into her breasts and her thighs. To the feeling of his lips pressing against her own. And more specifically, to the feeling of his hard cock straining against his clothing to try and press against her ass. Her eyes fluttered shut as a strange sense of bliss started to creep through her, a form of acceptance and desire starting to sit in her heart.

Unfortunately, just as the feeling was starting to fill her, the two finally separated and she was brought back to her senses. Tamaki let out a heavy and almost disappointed sigh as she immediately grabbed the towel that she had dropped, wrapping it around herself and hoping he wouldn’t notice her arousal dripping onto the floor beneath her. “Um… Please don’t say anything to anyone… This kind of thing happens… Far more often than I want to admit. But…” Tamaki paused for a moment as she tilted her head to look at the new recruit, her cheeks flaring a deep shade of red. “Something was different this time. So, please?”

When he nodded to her request, Tamaki nodded in response and started to rush back toward her room to get dressed while she had the chance.


Later that night, when everyone was doing their own thing and trying to relax, Tamaki decided to make her way to the new recruit’s room and apologize to him. Even if it was something that wasn’t needed, she felt that she should at least explain why it might happen again and that he shouldn’t think anything of it when it does. A gentle blush came to her cheeks as she made her way through the 8th’s halls toward his room, which seemed to almost be sectioned off from the rest of the dorms.

Thankfully, it didn’t take her long to find it, stepping up to it almost in silence as she thought about just how she would approach things. But when she thought about how to explain how lewd things almost constantly accidentally happened to her, Tamaki couldn’t stop herself from blushing as she knocked on his door. “Um… Hello? It’s Tamaki. I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier today. Even if it’s not something I need to apologize for, with you being a new recruit, I want to at least clear things up.” A gentle chuckle left her lips when she didn’t hear a response from him. But the fact that she knew he was in there prompted her to open the door without thinking to ask his permission to step in.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Tamaki knew that she should have expected to see something she wasn’t wanting to see. But when she opened the door and saw him openly masturbating on his bed, stroking his cock at a rapid pace, she couldn’t even bring herself to gasp in surprise. Sure, she knew that her Lucky Lecher always would cause lewd things to happen, but after having dealt with Shinra for so long, she didn’t expect anyone to actually be aroused around her.

However, thanks to not being able to make a sound for a moment after opening the door, Tamaki found herself watching with a deep sense of interest. She didn’t hide on the other side of the doorframe or step out of the way for him to not be able to see her, but she instead just stood in the doorframe and watching as he gasped and groaned. She watched him stroke his shaft with something clearly on his mind, the subject of his arousal being unknown to her. Though, something told her that it was likely herself and what happened earlier in the day that she was here to apologize for.

Not that it mattered right in this moment as she watched, her eyes locked on his surprisingly thick and lengthy shaft as he started to pump it even faster now. Fortunately, with his eyes closed, it was clear that he hadn’t noticed her standing there. Or that he at least didn’t pay enough attention to the door opening to realize that someone had walked in and was now watching him. And the fact that she was able to watch like she was caused Tamaki’s heart to race in her chest, her breathing slowly growing hot and heavy. But she couldn’t tell if it was excitement, arousal, or shock that was causing her to react this way.

Unfortunately, just as she got the idea to leave him be and apologize later, not wanting this memory to stick into her mind, her Lucky Lecher unknowingly activated once again. As soon as Tamaki turned her feet and her body to leave the room, her pants slipped down just enough for her foot to catch on the fabric and cause her to trip. And, of course, as she fell, Tamaki screamed out, letting the new recruit know that she was right there.

Just like anyone would do when they heard someone scream while they were masturbating, the new recruit turned to see just who had seen him and what caused her to scream. Unfortunately for Tamaki, him turning his body to look at her caused her to fall directly onto his shaft, her mouth wide open. But fortunately for him, the feeling of her throat vibrating from the scream and her tongue dancing around his member as she started to struggle and try and get off of him felt far better than his hand ever could.

As soon as Tamaki felt his shaft plunge into her throat and fill her mouth, she started to try and get off of him. But she found herself unable when he brought his free hand to the back of her head, keeping her in place at the base of his cock as she continued to whine and scream around it. And as fear and embarrassment started to fill her once again, Tamaki found herself enjoying the flavor of his shaft as it throbbed in her mouth. Something about the way she simply wouldn’t be in this position if she didn’t open the door causing her tastebuds to be even more sensitive to the strong flavor that currently covered them.

When she finally got a grip on the edge of the bed and was able to prop herself up from it, Tamaki let out a heavy sigh through her nostrils. One that she immediately regretted doing when she had to inhale and breathe in the musky and wonderful scent of his cock and balls. For just a moment, the scent and flavor combined to make her mind fizzle away for just a few breaths. Just long enough for the new recruit to reach his peak when she dropped back down and impaled her throat on his shaft once again.

As the sound of pure bliss left the recruit, Tamaki’s mind started to return and her senses came back to her. Just in time for him to cum down her throat and fill her mouth without any regrets or concerns for her. Thick and hot cum splashed against the back of her throat as she was forced to stay at his base, her nose almost squishing against his pelvis with the position that she was in. At first, she was determined to spit it out as soon as she was able to unwrap her lips from his member. But as he held her there, his grip on the back of her head being surprisingly tight, Tamaki realized that she didn’t have a choice in the matter anymore.

Whether it was because of her Lucky Lecher, the new recruit’s arousal, or her body seemingly accepting the way he touched her and held her in place while he came. She didn’t know just what reason she didn’t struggle against him as more and more of his delicious spunk flooded into her mouth and her throat, coating her tastebuds and pumping almost directly into her stomach. But, after a few moments, when the cum finally stopped flowing, Tamaki was finally able to push herself up far enough to pop her lips off from around his member.

Unfortunately, before she could spit it out onto the floor, her pants around her ankles caused her to slip once again and fall flat on her plump rear end. And the impact forced her to close her mouth and instinctively swallow what was in it, causing her to swallow down each and every drop of his seed in one large gulp. Having swallowed his cum on accident, tears of embarrassment started to fill Tamaki’s eyes. But before she could start to cry, a gentle breath left her lips, revealing to the recruit that she had indeed swallowed all of his cum in one gulp.

However, as the two stayed still for a moment, the recruit still just as hard as when she tripped, Tamaki thought that maybe her Lucky Lecher would allow her to leave. That, just maybe, she’d be able to escape this and make it to her room, apologizing to the recruit at a later time. But as she rose to her feet with a few deep and heavy breaths, the scent of his cum was still present in her nostrils and the taste of his seed still lingering on her tongue. Her heart skipped a beat as she took one last look at the hard cock before turning around and slipping on her pants for yet a third time, gasping and almost screaming when she fell backward and into his lap now.

When she landed in his lap, something immediately felt off and different for Tamaki. And when she looked down a moment later, she realized exactly what it was. In all the excitement and struggling to get out of his lap the first time, she managed to cause her panties to drift down her legs and expose her pussy. And, unfortunately for her, but blissfully for both of them, that caused her cunt to become impaled on his throbbing shaft when she fell back into his lap.

The moment that Tamaki realized that the new recruit’s dick was buried deep into her pussy, nothing stopped her from screaming out in bliss, pain, embarrassment, and fear. She didn’t know what was going to happen now that she was in this position. It was the farthest she had ever gone with anyone before, even the times her Lucky Lecher would activate around Shinra. And the sense of bliss and pain that coursed through her was unlike anything she had ever felt before, the pleasure of being stuffed so full starting to outweigh the pain of the sudden insertion. Especially with each and every throb of the recruit’s dick against her inner walls.

However, Tamaki knew that she couldn’t stay in this position with him. Accidents happen, even more so when her Lucky Lecher is playing tricks on her. This was something that she could forgive him for if only she could get out of his lap and make her way out of his room. Unfortunately, when she gripped onto the edge of the bed and pushed herself upward and almost out of his lap, only the tip of his cock remaining inside of her, the sheets that she was holding onto slipped off the side of her bed and caused her to drop back down. Each and every inch of this recruit’s surprisingly hard and thick dick plunged back into her pussy, forcing a shrill moan to leave Tamaki’s lips in the process.

Of course, she wasn’t about to let one slip up cause her to remain in his lap. If she could just get away from him, she would be able to talk and apologize for something like this happening. And she did everything that she could think of to move from his lap. Lifting herself out of his lap by standing on her feet, putting her hands against his torso and shoving herself off, simply leaning forward until she would roll out of his lap and land on the floor, and many other things. Unfortunately for her, each and every one of them failed her, forcing Tamaki to seemingly bounce on this new recruit’s cock each and every time she tried something.

However, the more and more she moved, the more she took his dick into her cunt, and the more she felt his hands pressing against her body, the more Tamaki found herself enjoying the bliss and pleasure that coursed through her. She didn’t know what it was about this that was so blissful. But the way his hands grabbed onto her sides when he tried to help push her off of him combined with the feeling of his shaft stretching her inner walls and reaching all the way to her womb, and the way his moans filled her ears as she bounced on his dick. All of it pushed her to feel something strange and intense in her core.

And before she knew it, that intense feeling grew into something that Tamaki recognized almost immediately. A powerful sense of pleasure twisted into an orgasm that made the world around her start spinning when her climax crashed through her. Hot and heavy breaths spilled from her as her inner walls clamped down around his shaft like a vice, greedily attempting to milk his dick dry as she stopped bouncing and simply rested against him. Fortunately, Tamaki’s body got exactly what it wanted from him.

The feeling of hot and fertile seed pumping into her womb as the recruit came right along with her. Tamaki felt his shaft throbbing and pulsing against her inner walls with each rope of cum he poured into her, gasping and moaning when she felt his tip twitching against the entrance to her womb while it filled her. It was such an odd experience for her, but she couldn’t stop herself from loving it as his grip on her body shifted from her hips to her breasts. The new recruit didn’t play with or maul at her breasts like she expected him to, but it brought a smile to her lips to feel the warmth of his skin against her own and the racing beat of his heart against her back while she leaned against him.

And now that the both of them had cum from her constantly slipping and falling into his lap, Tamaki didn’t know what she should do. In the back of her mind, she was content with just sitting there in his lap while his hands explored her body. She was happy with the feeling of his fingers sinking into the soft skin of her breasts while she rested her head against his shoulder. She was excited to feel his cock continuing to throb against her inner walls and remain just as hard as when she walked it. The fact that he found her attractive enough to cum inside of twice and still be hard gave her a strange sense of pride.

But Tamaki didn’t shy away from things as she turned her head to face the new recruit once again. And, this time, instead of wanting to apologize to him or ask him to push her out of his lap, she simply placed a few gentle and loving kisses against his cheek. She had been defeated by the pleasure and bliss that his cock and her Lucky Lecher had brought her. And, on some level deep down, Tamaki was happy for it. Whether it was because her Lucky Lecher might only activate around him, or whether it was simply because he didn’t shout at her when something like this happened and instead embraced it. Whatever the reason was, it caused her heart to skip a beat in her chest when she felt his lips pressing against her own a moment later.


It had been a week since Tamaki’s Lucky Lecher had activated. During the span of the week since she had been creampied by the new recruit, it didn’t activate a single time. But that didn’t stop her from running into him from time to time, unable to apologize properly for what happened that day. However, today was different from the rest of the week that passed. Ever since she first woke up, some felt off to her. Like something was going to happen and she wasn’t going to be able to take it back.

When she stepped out of the shower a little bit after lunch, slipping at the doorway to her room, Tamaki realized exactly why something felt so wrong. Her towel fell off of her body and got caught under her foot, causing her to slip and fall toward the door to her room. Fortunately, before she collided with it, the door slid open and the new recruit was there to catch her. Unfortunately, it caused Tamaki to land right into his arms with her lips crashing directly against his own.

However, she didn’t struggle or fight him when he started to make out with her. When he first kissed her, she immediately returned the affection without a second thought. And she put a bit more passion and affection into her kisses when she felt his hands starting to roam her nude body. When one of his hands connected with her breasts, she didn’t hide the moan that spilled from her and into the hallway. Nor did she hide the quiet purr that rumbled in her throat when she felt his other hand connect with her plump rear end.

In the back of her mind, it was strange to her that the feeling of his hands against her body felt as good as it did. But she couldn’t think of a reason to fight it when the familiar feeling of his fingers sinking into her skin caused her body to heat up in a blissful way. Her heart started to race in her chest when she felt him pull away from her lips and get a good look at her body, her breath quickening and her heart racing as she looked into his eyes. She could see the lust that swirled in his gaze and she understood what he wanted.

Fortunately for the new recruit, it was something that she was starting to want as well. She wanted him inside of her. She wanted him to fuck her, right here in the open and against her doorway. And that’s exactly what Tamaki hoped would happen as she gently and carefully pushed herself out of his grip so that she could stand on her own two feet. Once she was able to, knowing her Lucky Lecher wouldn’t activate again, an excited smile graced Tamaki’s lips while she pressed herself against the doorframe. “This happened once… I wouldn’t be against it happening again.”

A gentle gasp left Tamaki’s lips when she felt the recruit’s hands connect with her hips, the feeling of his fingers sinking into her skin lighting her up inside. It was such a familiar and wonderful feeling that she couldn’t help but be excited over it. Especially when she felt him press his body against her own, his torso pressing against her back while his cock pressed against her plump and shapely rear end. The heat that radiated off of him caused her heart to start racing in her chest, heavy breaths leaving her as he slowly and carefully dragged the tip along her skin until he reached her pussy.

Before she could ask him to fuck her against the wall and fill her with his cum, Tamaki was greeted with exactly what she wanted. The feeling of his cock slowly pushing into her cunt and spreading her inner walls, stretching her around his length and molding her into his shape. In the past, she would always try to fight this feeling, unsure if she wanted it or not. Or, at least not wanting it to happen accidentally. But after that first time with him, the first orgasm that told her things might be okay, the first kisses they shared, Tamaki found herself wanting moments like this.

She wanted the feeling of bliss that coursed through her as she was slowly filled to the brim with his cock. She wanted the anxiousness of his hands dragging along her skin and making their way to her breasts. She wanted the tingling sensation that came from his cool breath against the back of her neck. And she especially wanted the pure pleasure that rushed through her body when the tip of his dick kissed the entrance to her womb before he started to slowly and carefully pull himself back. Right before he hesitated for only a moment, just long enough to leave her wondering how long it would take for him to fill her again, before plunging back inside of her cunt.

Tamaki gasped and almost screamed in pleasure as the recruit started to pump his hips back and forth inside of her, fucking her at his own quick and intense pace. It was an odd feeling to have her cleavage spreading around the doorframe she was being fucked against, but that didn’t matter to her when she felt his fingers suddenly pinch both of her nipples. Before she could say anything, hoping to ask him to not tug too hard, she felt him eagerly pull on her nipples. He pulled them straight down toward the floor, causing her to suck in a painful breath through her teeth before he swiftly let them go and allowed her surprisingly plump breasts to snap back into place.

The feeling of her breasts swinging back brought Tamaki an intense amount of pleasure, her heart racing in her chest as the recruit picked up the pace of his thrusts. Her eyes started to roll into the back of her head as he grabbed hold of her breasts once again, his fingers sinking into her soft skin while his cock throbbed against her inner walls. In the back of her mind, she wondered if he would cum inside of her once again. If he would be able to get her pregnant, or if the sick feeling in her gut this morning meant that she might already be.

However, that thought was quickly washed from her mind when he pulled her back away from the doorframe and purposefully leaned his head down, catching her in a deep and passionate kiss that caused everything in her mind to simply vanish. The only thing that remained in her mind was the feeling of his tongue pushing past her lips and into her mouth while his cock pulsed like he was going to erupt inside of her. Tamaki’s heart skipped a beat when he pulled away from her lips and looked her in the eyes, something about his gaze telling her that he wasn’t going to pull out of her.

Much to her surprise, the new recruit followed up on his silent promise as he thrust his hips forward, burying each and every inch of his member deep into her cunt in one swift movement. And just as Tamaki let out a blissful and excited breath, he came inside of her, flooding her womb with his seed. Rope after rope of his thick, scalding hot, and fertile cum pumped directly into her womb as she accepted every drop of bliss that it brought her to be filled like this.

Of course, being filled with the sheer amount of cum that was being pumped into her, Tamaki reached her orgasm as well. Her inner walls greedily clamped down like a vice around his member, trying to milk him of every drop of his seed once again. Even if she was already pregnant with his child like she thought she was, the pleasure and lust that clouded her mind pushed her to try and make sure that she was certainly going to be carrying his child by the end of the day. Especially when she felt his lips meet hers in a loving and gentle kiss.

When their lips parted a moment later, Tamaki looked at the new recruit while gently pulling herself away from him. She didn’t move enough to fully get away from him or even out of his arms, just enough to be able to slip his cock between her shapely ass cheeks. Her lips curled into a smile as she turned her head to look him in the eyes, a deep breath leaving her. “You know… With just how good it feels to be around you… I don’t know if it’s my Lucky Lecher activating or simply fate bringing us together… But I want this to happen again at some point. Especially since… Well...I may have been ovulating the first day we were together…” She paused for a moment before turning herself around and wrapping her arms around him. “I might be pregnant since you finished inside of me. And… It makes me happy.”



Ever been so clumsy that you accidentally get bred by a stranger?