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“Sorry, I won’t be able to come back home this evening,” Minato laughed bashfully, bringing a hand to the back of his head. “I’ve been getting swamped with a lot of work back at the office.”

“Can’t be helped,” Kushina giggled behind her hand, “Being Hokage’s a tough job at the end of the day.”

“Haha, you know it.”

“Don’t worry Hokage-sama,” The third voice spoke up as both adults look at a teenage boy with dark hair and brown eyes, offering a megawatt smile as he leaned into the redheaded wife, “With me around, I’ll make sure Kushina-sama has all the company she needs.”

The blonde-haired man smiled, “Thank Hao, I’ll be counting on you then,” turning, he waved a hand to the pair, “Well then, I’m off.” Was all he said before disappearing in a shunshin no jutsu, leaving Kushina and the young man now named Hao to wave at the spot where the man once stood. The latter still harboring a wide smile with the former had a light blush forming on her face as she looked slowly behind her. Where she felt Hao’s hand at her rear, the boy squeezing down firmly, still maintaining his innocent smile as he looked up at the redhead.

“Ready to head back?”

Kushina bit her lip but nodded, unable to trust her voice at the very moment.


“I-Is Naru-chan fully asleep?”

After the two arrived back at the home and got themselves situated, paying the sitter for their services in watching Minato and Kushina’s child. Hao held nothing back at throwing himself at the mother. Pinning her against the wall as he attacked the mother’s lips with eager ferocity as he felt up the lovely redhead’s body. Kushina offering little resistance on the matter as she felt the young man’s hands going for her ass and chest, almost letting herself be swept away by the passion until she remembered her baby boy sleeping in the other room. Causing her sudden sense of panic, until the teen spoke and quelled her fears for her.

“No worries Kushi-nee-chan, Naru-chan’s all tucked in and won’t be waking up for quite a while,” He said, his eyes glowing red with a soft grin, A glowing red tail with a heart shape tip pointing to the room. Where a spell glyph was placed on the door leading into the baby’s room. “And I’ve made sure that no sounds would reach him while we had our fun.”

Kushina could only nod slowly as she processed her assistance’s words. Of course, he would be three steps ahead of her, it was something to be expected of him ever since he had been summoned into this village.

It had been over three months since Hao had been summoned by Kushina with the intention of helping her around the house. A decision that had been agreed upon by both husband and wife after Kushina’s recent birth-giving of their child, Naruto. Which had left her rather weakened, unable to do most tasks outside of taking showers, and getting dressed. Any with Minato constantly busy with work, there had been little he could do to provide help with his wife. That’s where the Uzumaki Clan Secret scroll came into play. Used by the many women of the clan, this contract existed for the sole purpose of helping out the new owner in any way possible. In other words, just what Kushina needed at this very moment. Still, the couple had been surprised when they saw that the forbidden scroll of Kushina’s clan, contained a demon of all things. One that had been sealed away by Kushina’s predecessor, Mito Uzumaki.

Kushina would admit, she did feel a little hesitant about having the boy around once she knew his full nature. But the teen merely grinned as he floated over to his new supposed Master. Offering a confident expression while he said the following:

“Don’t judge me on my appearance, but rather on what I can do. I promise; you won’t regret having me around.”

And he was right, despite his demonic background, Hao seemed like a good person for the most part; dutiful, reliable, able to get things done faster than the Uzumaki ever thought possible. He’s even gone as far as to help out her husband on a few occasions. And Kushina would be lying to herself if she said if he didn’t make for some great company from time to time. Perhaps that was probably the reason why she ultimately ended up falling into his arms in the end.

Make no mistake, Kushina loved Minato, she loved him with all her heart. But as a wife and as a woman, she had needs; attention that she craved that was, unfortunately, have not been met by her husband. Not that she could blame him, as his duties as Hokage was very important. That’s what she told herself each and every night when he would come home, too tired to spend time with her, and would often retire early for the night. She knew how important his job was, and it honestly frustrated her.

When Hao came into the picture, that all changed, as he was able to give her everything she had wanted and more. She reasoned with herself that the boy was simply doing his job and nothing more, but she saw the signs, the subtle gestures, the clear interest she showed in her. She knew it was a bad idea to give in, to indulge in something she was sure to regret in the future.

But since when has she ever been known for making smart decisions in an emotional state of mind?

A swift sharp gasp snapped Kushina out of her thoughts. Feeling Hao’s tailed rubbing itself against her crotched as he fondled her chest through her clothing. The dark-haired boy grinning playfully before he tore off the mother’s outfit from her body. Making the mother pout at the ruined clothing, but did not pay it much mind as Hao helped himself suckling at one of her breasts. The puffy pink nubs had grown to be extra sensitive ever since Kushina had given birth. Biting her finger, her legs nearly buckled underneath themselves as the teen’s fingers slowly slipped into her lower lips. Wriggling about slowly before pumping them deep into the woman writhing about in his arms. It was absolutely crazy how the boy knew about her body better than she did.

“I swear, y-you Incubus’ a-aren’t f-f-fair…” She pouted with a moan. Glaring cutely at the sexual demon before her.

Hao poked his cheek in an innocent yet cheeky manner, “Hey now, you make that sounds like it’s a bad thing,” He purred, kissing at her neck once more earning a slight shiver from the mother, “After all, your body seems to like it whenever I tease you like this.”


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