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Izuku couldn’t resist the massive smile forming on his lips at recent events that took place over the last few days. It had been a long and arduous journey for the young UA Student but after doing everything he could to reach this state, at long last, he had managed to receive his Hero License. And with this, he felt he was one step closer to achieving his dream of being a great hero like his idol All Might.

“Oh Izuku, I’m so proud of you!” Beamed Inko, her tone having no shortage of pride and happiness in it. Almost immediately after Izuku had called her to let her know about him receiving his license. The older Midoriya rushed out to get food and drinks, with the intent of making a huge celebratory dinner later that night for her baby boy. Looking to pour all her heart and soul into making all of his favorites and then some. Something Izuku was eager to dive into the moment he came home. “You’re almost there, it just feels like yesterday when you got the acceptance letter into UA. Words can’t describe how happy I am for you right now,” She said, wiping her eyes.

Izuku smiled, rubbing the back of his head bashfully, “Thanks mom, but really, I should be thank you,” He said earnestly, “After all, I never would’ve made it this far if it wasn’t for your support.”

“Izuku…” The tears that Inko had been trying to hold back, threatened to spill out after hearing her son’s sweet words. She knew it had been a tough road for her as well, having to deal with the fact of knowing that her baby would be in constant danger once he would become a pro-hero. But even with all of that plaguing her mind, she never let that stop her from supporting her son’s dream. If anything, knowing what Izuku had accomplished during his time in UA only reinforced her feelings for him.

Realizing she had some tears flowing, she wiped her eyes before smiling up to her son, “Now then, what say we get this evening started? I have a special celebratory drink bought for tonight.”

Izuku smiled and nodded, “Right.”

The rest of the night was an uneventful evening, both Izuku and his mother enjoying each other’s company as they had a wonderful dinner. The drink that his mother bought only made the dishes taste even better. He didn’t know what type of juice this was, but it was sweet, if not a little intense. His face flushed a nice deep red while his body grew hot. During that time, Inko was beginning to feel a little woozy herself but didn’t pay it much mind as she listened to her baby talked about the many misadventures that he’s had gotten into while in UA. A longing smile forming on her face as her face flushed red, letting out a soft sigh that grabbed her son’s attention.


“Sorry sweetie, I’m just thinking about how much you’ve grown,” She giggled, swirling her drink in her glass. Somewhere in her mind told her something was off about the beverage but didn’t pay it much mind, “You’ve gotten so much taller and handsome over the years; meanwhile, all I’ve managed to grow is sideways.”

“That’s not true,” Izuku exclaimed, surprising the mother, “I think you’re beautiful even after all this time.”

Inko flushed a bit at the compliment, offering a slight giggle, “Oh, thank you, honey, that’s sweet and all, but it’s the truth. Thanks to all the years of stress eating and such, I’ve grown into a rather unsightly woman. I doubt anyone would find someone like me attractive-”

“You’re wrong!” Izuku exclaimed, his face flushed with a different type of redness Inko didn’t recognize at the moment. She was stunned to see him circle the table and grasp her shoulders, “You’re still a sexy woman, even with your appearance now. Dad, heck, any guy would be lucky to have you as their woman, even me!” He exclaimed proudly.

Were Inko in the right frame of mind, she would’ve been touched by the heartfelt words Izuku was using to cheer her up. But at that moment, she felt something lit up inside of her. A sense of desire, along with a feeling of being wanted after all these years since her husband went abroad. She looked up towards her son, with an unintentionally small and cute look on her face.

“R-Really?” She asked timidly.

Izuku nodded firmly, “Really.”

What happened next was something both mother and wouldn’t be able to believe what happened if they had been sober. Cupping her son’s face gently, Inko pulled Izuku into a sudden passionate kiss, stunning the emerald-eyed boy as he felt his mother’s tongue invade his mouth as she poured all her spontaneous feelings into this one intimate gesture. Realizing that this was what his mother needed, he reciprocated the affections as best as he could despite not have much experience. Yet that didn’t matter at all to the mother, who had no problem taking the initiative with her newfound boldness as she let her hands roam about her son’s athletic body.

He was fit, something that was to be expected with the amount of rigorous training she had seen him do in preparation for UA Academy from time to time, a part of her thought about how much of a better body he had compared to his father but brushed it off to the side. Feeling Izuku’s hands begin to grope and hug her body made her heart beat quickly with a sense of self-consciousness. Despite her son’s encouraging words to her, she couldn’t help but feel her body didn’t look appealing enough for someone like her son. And yet, feeling his hands roam about so earnest couldn’t help but quash her fears. She didn’t resist him when he started removing her sweaters and skirt, leaving the plump woman in her underwear. Inko’s cheeks flaring with a hot blush as she looked down, but Izuku could only look in awe.

“You look amazing, Mom.”

God, what did she did to deserve a caring son?


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