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After being cheated on and dumped, Ryuma is approached by his teacher, Yuki, and things take a quick turn.

Yuki Yakamura was the kind of gym teacher that would always keep an eye on her students if she could. Even if they weren’t in gym class anymore, she would look out for them and make sure that all of them were having a good day. And she became a beloved and respected teacher by the students as a result because of it. Even when some of her students would lie to her and tell her that everyone was okay, she would see them smile all the same when she finished talking to them.

However, when she stepped onto the roof of the school for lunch, she noticed one of her better students, Ryuma sitting on his own. And while she took a moment to gauge how his reaction to seeing her would be, she heard him sniffling to himself and crying. She quickly made her way over to him and sat next to him, opening her mouth to ask what was wrong before he simply blurted out what was getting to him.

“I didn’t think you’d be able to find me, Miss Yakamura… But since you’re here, I guess it’s only fair that I let you know what’s wrong. Saki, my girlfriend, left me for Kenshin today. I walked in on them fucking in the bathroom and she told me to never talk to her again.”

Yuki’s eyes widened when she heard Ryuma’s story. In the back of her mind, she didn’t know if it was true or not, but she had seen him and Saki together around school quite often recently. Though, she had never seen Saki with Kenshin. A gentle breath left her lips as she scooted just a little bit closer to him, caressing the side of his head and pulling him close enough to be able to rest against her body. “It’s okay, Ryuma. I know it hurts now, but as someone who’s been through life for a bit longer than you, let me tell you that it will be okay in the end. Whether you find someone else, you get back at her by fucking someone even more beautiful, or you simply move on. Somehow, someway, it will get better for you.”

As she spoke, Yuki threaded her fingers through Ryuma’s hair, allowing him to cry into her D-cup breasts without a care in the world. She would have to get changed after lunch for her next gym class, after all. Why not allow him to get her a little bit dirty. “Tell you what, Ryuma. A hot little thing like you shouldn’t be sitting here on the roof crying. What if I help you go find one of the sluts in the school to get you off a few times and show you that there is better out there than Saki?”

Ryuma’s eyes went wide when she heard the suggestion from his gym teacher. She wanted to help him get laid just to help him feel better? “I-Isn’t that the kind of thing a dad would suggest to his child? Why… Why would my teacher offer to help with that? I-I mean… I appreciate it, but is that really-”

“Oh. Maybe you shouldn’t go for one of the sluts. They might be fucking who knows how many of the boys in the school. Maybe you need someone a bit older to make you feel better?” A quiet giggle spilled from Yuki’s lips as she looked Ryuma in the eyes. “Us older ladies actually know how to treat our partners. None of us would ever cheat on someone as cute as you. Especially if you actually put effort into our relationship.” Yuki smirked as she leaned in close and placed a gentle kiss against Ryuma’s forehead. “Yeah. Maybe we should find you a teacher that wouldn’t mind having a relationship with a student. Until you feel better enough to go about your own way and find you the woman of your dreams, that is. Don’t want you getting married too early!”

An older woman? One that wouldn’t cheat on him? The thought rushed through Ryuma’s mind as he looked at Yuki’s beautiful face. Her deep blue eyes, and the small beauty mark she had underneath her left eye. She was one of the kindest teachers in the school. If there was going to be any teacher that would take care of him in his time of need, it would be her. Especially considering that she was still gently petting him while he looked up at her. But, she’s a teacher. It wouldn’t be right for him to-

“Oh, I just realized something… I’m the only teacher at this school that isn’t married…” Yuki fell silent for a moment as she looked into Ryuma’s eyes. It was clear that she was thinking of how to best handle this situation with him. But the more she looked at him, the more she realized just how cute and handsome he was. Sure, he wasn’t the hottest looking boy in the school, but he was certainly one of the better ones. “Ryuma… You might not like what I have to say, but… Hear me out.”

Yuki paused for a moment as she brought one of her hands to Ryuma’s cheek, keeping herself silent until she pulled him closer and into a gentle and loving kiss. The kind of kiss that a teacher shouldn’t share with a student. The kind of kiss that clearly had a sense of tenderness and love behind it. The kind of kiss that Yuki placed on his lips once again when she reached a hand down toward his crotch. “Don’t worry about trying to find someone that’s better for you. Just enjoy the moment you have right now. The moment you have with me. And I’ll make you forget about Saki. I promise.”

Ryuma’s eyes went wide when he felt Yuki’s lips press against his own. He didn’t know what to do when she suddenly kissed him the first time. Or when he felt her hand press against his crotch and rub his cock through his clothing. But he didn’t fight her as she placed a third kiss on his lips. In fact, he started to return the affection, unsure about if he should, but enjoying the way she teased his cock through his clothing.

The moment that Yuki felt Ryuma giving into her affection in the slightest, she forced her tongue past his lips and started to explore his mouth. She also unzipped his uniform pants and eagerly fished out his cock, simply starting to stroke it as they went from one kiss to another. In the back of her mind, she knew that it wasn’t right for them to do something like this. But as he returned her affection, it became clear to her that he was likely a better man than any she had been with so far.

Her lips curled into a smile as she brought the hand that was caressing his cheek to the gym shorts she was wearing. She impatiently climbed over his lap and carefully slipped her shorts and panties down to her knees, quickly kicking the fabric off to the side to leave her bottom half exposed. “This may be a bit too quick for your tastes, Ryuma, but I want you to just sit back and enjoy the moment. I want you to enjoy how I feel around your cock.” Yuki playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she slowly lowered herself onto his hard cock, making sure to take her time as to give him a chance to tell her to stop and to give herself a chance to adjust to his size inside of her.

However, when she reached the base of his member, her plump rear end meeting his thighs, and he didn’t tell her to stop, Yuki knew that she could keep going. With a smile on her face, she started to slowly bounce in her student’s lap, making sure to move slow enough that it wouldn’t cause too much noise but fast enough that they could feel pleasure from this experience. Though, it wasn’t a struggle on her end to feel bliss and ecstasy course through her. Ryuma’s cock was thick enough to stretch her inner walls out around it and try to mold her to the shape of his shaft. All while her inner walls remained tight around his shaft.

In the back of his mind, Ryuma knew that he shouldn’t have given in as quickly as he did, allowing his teacher of all people to fuck him like this. But some part of him also knew that she was right. In a time like this, he didn’t need someone that was getting fucked by everyone in the class. And he didn’t need someone that wouldn’t be able to show him the kind of love that his ex-girlfriend showed him. He needed someone like Yuki that was able to put herself into his life and almost immediately make a place in his heart.

As she picked up the pace of her bouncing, Yuki felt Ryuma’s hands make their way to her hips. One latched onto her hips as the other slowly and carefully inched its way along her stomach and up to her breasts. “It’s okay, Ryuma… As long as we are together, my body is yours to play with. And my love is yours to take as much as you can.” A quiet and blissful sound spilled from Yuki’s lips when she felt Ryuma’s hand latch onto her breast, squeezing and kneading her soft mound as she continued to bounce on his cock.

She could tell from the way he throbbed inside of her that he was getting closer and closer to his orgasm. That he was going to cum sooner than she expected. But in an odd way, Yuki found it adorable that her teenage student would cum faster than she would. A gentle smile came to her lips before she leaned her head down and placed a loving and tender kiss against Ryuma’s lips. She even slowed the pace of her bouncing for a short bit in order to allow them a little bit longer together.

One kiss led to another, and a second quickly led to a third as Yuki started to make out with her student and new boyfriend. She couldn’t bring herself to stop kissing him when he held her the way he did, something about someone so young and handsome holding onto her breast and her ass cheek like he needed them. Like he wanted them to belong to him and never leave his side. Something about that desperation in his grip and the way he kissed her shown through and caused Yuki’s heart to flutter in her chest.

When she dropped back down into his lap, Yuki stopped her bouncing and instead started to sway her hips from side to side. “Ryuma, I don’t want you to hold back. I don’t want you to feel like you need to restrain yourself. If you want to cum, I want you to cum inside of me. I want you to let out every drop you can. Give me all of your love. Okay?~” Yuki spoke with a bright and loving smile on her lips as she caressed Ryuma’s cheek and looked into his eyes, making it clear that she meant everything she was saying. “While our love may be starting rather abruptly, I want you to feel comfortable giving me everything you can. Because I can take it. And I’ll happily return your affection with my own.”

A quiet giggle left Yuki’s lips when she felt Ryuma throb and twitch inside of her as she spoke. It was clear that what she was saying was getting to him, and that’s exactly what she wanted. However, instead of letting him take a moment to process everything she was saying, she instead started to bounce on his dick once again, hoping to bring him to orgasm to solidify what she was saying in his mind. Fortunately, it didn’t take long before Ryuma reached the peak of his pleasure and cum inside of her.


Yuki didn’t hesitate to start dropping hints to other students that she had a boyfriend after the day she had spent with Ryuma. Nor did she hesitate to start sharing kisses with him in the halls of the school, letting people see them together from time to time. Even when Ryuma would occasionally grab her ass in front of a few students, Yuki didn’t mind it one bit. In fact, she loved it when he would give her attention like that in front of other people. It showed her that he was really sinking into the role of being her boyfriend, even if other people were around.

However, she knew that some of the students and teachers were jealous of the two of them. And others were just confused and concerned. It was a rumor made into common knowledge that Ryuma’s ex cheated on him and left him. But then to see him with Yuki Yakamura, the beautiful and bubbly gym teacher not even a week later? Fortunately, it seemed that no one was against the two of them being together, and that allowed Yuki one privilege she was always happy for.

During his lunch break after they started dating, Ryuma would always come to find her and eat with her. Whether she was teaching a class or just doing a bit of paperwork, they got to enjoy a bit of time together when they could. And it was something that Yuki cherished as a few days of their relationship turned into two weeks of a budding romance.

However, things took a turn for the unexpected when Yuki found out that she was pregnant with Ryuma’s child. Of course, she admired him and was starting to love him after all the time they spent together. But to make a teenager that’s still in school help her raise her child? Deep down, she didn’t know if she could ask him to do that. She didn’t want to leave him, but it was something that she needed to bring to his attention. Which is why she brought him back to the roof two weeks after the first time they had sex.

“Ryuma, there’s something I need to tell you. I had a feeling that things might come to this, but I was hoping it would take a little bit longer. I’m pregnant with your child. But you’re still in school. I couldn’t dare ask you to help me-” Yuki stopped cold when she noticed the look of fear in Ryuma’s eyes. It wasn’t the same look he had in them when she first comforted him on this roof two weeks ago. But it was the kind of look that said he knew what she was going to say. Unfortunately, she couldn’t bring herself to say it with him looking at her like that. “R-Ryuma, I’m sorry, but I think you should-”

“I don’t want to make you go through this alone, Yuki. I know we’ve only been together for a few weeks, but… I’m not going to just let you raise my child on your own. Even if it’s quick. Even if it’s too fast for most people, I want to marry you. I want to live my life with you. And I want to raise our child with you.”

Yuki’s eyes widened for a moment when she heard Ryuma. Marry him? She loved him, yes, but he was only a teenager. Should she really let him try and chain himself to her like this? Maybe if he was about to graduate, it would be different. He might have a plan for things, he might--

“Please, Yuki. I love you. And I don’t want you to go through this alone. Especially after you’ve helped me find someone that truly matters to me and will treat me right.”

Tears of joy started to sting at Yuki’s eyes as she listened to Ryuma once again. She quickly wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a loving embrace before nodding her head. “Yes, Ryuma. Yes, I would love to marry you. Despite you still being in school, I want to spend my life with you and raise our child together.” A smile came to her lips as she pulled him into a loving kiss, the tears that stung at her eyes starting to flow down her cheeks.


It took no time at all for the school to find out that Yuki and Ryuma were engaged and Yuki was pregnant. As the months went by, the school started to notice that the two were getting more and more affectionate with each other and that the teacher’s stomach was growing slowly while they were together. Yuki wasn’t the type of woman to hide that she was pregnant, but no one caught on until her stomach had swollen to the point that it was impossible to hide it. However, she didn’t care that the students or faculty knew. She was leaving on Maternity Leave soon and Ryuma would be taking as much time away from school as he reasonably could to help her.

As for the school finding out the two were engaged, it didn’t take more than a week or two for Yuki and Ryuma to find engagement rings for themselves and wear them. Yuki wore hers loud and proud, showing it off to anyone that even so much as looked at it. On one hand, she was proud that Ryuma was able to afford the rings himself. On the other, she was also happy that their relationship and lives were taking an official and wonderful turn. And she was able to show the entire school their love when she happily kissed him in the hallways whenever they ran into each other. Or when he still teased her body in front of everyone despite her being pregnant.


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