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//This story was written by Rebecca Chesire, a friend and helper for KovaCommissions. You can find her Patreon here > https://www.patreon.com/R_Cheshire < if you like her work and want to support her in some way. I would have posted it earlier, but I didn't have the link until now. Either way, I hope you all enjoy the read// 

Goku and Android 21 have a bit of fun after a sparring session.

“Huh! Ha! Huh! Come on, Twenty-One, I know you can pack a better punch than that. You hit like a girl.” Goku said teasingly to the Majin woman as he dodged her punches.

“Trust me, Goku, you'll wish you could hit like a girl after this.” Android 21 said with a grin as she swung her tail at Goku which struck him quite hard and throw him off balance.

Oof! Heh, not bad. But let's see you handle this!” Goku exclaimed as he flew backwards then stuck Twenty-One with a literal flying kick.

With nothing better to do today, as his friends were either tending to their own families and hobbies plus his sons were enjoying their own free time, Goku decided that the best thing to do in order to pass the time would be to spare. And fortunately for him one person was available to stimulate his mind and muscles – Android 21. Now that the winter season is in full swing the Majin woman was free from her duties as a university professor. So she has a lot of free time on her hands and not really many friends to spend it with. That's when the Earth bound warrior came knocking on her door, as if to answer her unspoken prayers. He too had some time on his hands but no one to spend it with. So he came to ask Twenty-One if he would be interested in a sparring session. Of course she had to say yes, as this would give her the perfect chance to enjoy at least part of Goku's epic power that she has always been enamored by.

And here we are with both combatants at a draw, trying to gain the upper hand in their some odd number round in their canyon battlefield.

“Come on now, Goku. Don't tell me that you're letting the peaceful times weaken your resolve. I work up a better sweat fighting with my students when they get pissy about turning in assignments.” Android 21 remarked in a sassy tone, swishing her tail as she and Goku circled each other.

“Oh believe me, Twenty-One, I'm just getting warmed up. But I thought I'd go slow so you can catch up with me.” Goku said with a grin.

“Ha! Is that so? Seems like I'll have to teach you exactly who is the one that needs catching up. And this will be a lesson from the school of hard knocks.” Android 21 exclaimed as she charged at Goku with a fist drawn back.

Goku charged as well to meet her halfway and the pair clashed, their fists hitting each other so hard that it resulted in a sonic blast. But even with that they combatants still stood.

“Give it up already Twenty-One! It'll save you the embarrassment of losing so early.” Goku said, then raised his leg to kick the woman but she grabbed it with her free arm.

“Ha! Don't get cocky, Goku. I may be cute but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass three times a day.” Twenty-One said and swung her tail to slam the man into the ground but Goku grabbed the extra limb before it made contact. “I can go on just as long as you can and longer.”

“Yeah? Well I can go on longer than you ever could.” Goku stated in a challenging tone.

“As if! You couldn't possibly out last me!” Android 21 confidently replied and the two combatants stared each other down.

It seemed like they were at a stalemate...until both of their stomach growled like starving dogs. The pair immediately dropped their intense gazes instantly and drooped their heads as they groaned from the hunger pains. Slowly Goku and Android 21 turned their heads up to look at one another and chuckled awkwardly at their hungry growls of unison.

“Hey, how about we call a truce and break for lunch?” Goku asked as he let go of Twenty-One's tail and held out his hand.

“Sounds good to me. Truce.” Android 21 said and let go of Goku's leg to take the offered hand and shook it.

So the two warriors settled down near a tall rock in the canyon with a curved top that provided a sizable amount of shade for them. Goku took out his bento and began to eat the rice cakes, takoyaki and korokke pan while Android 21 took out her lunch box that consisted of daifuku, pocky and cream bread. In addition to having great strength Goku and Twenty-One have near equal appetites. Near equal due to the fact that Twenty-One knew the limits of her stomach, while Goku's had none. Regardless they were grateful to be able to bond over besides just fighting and the like.

“Wha! Nothing like a nice lunch after a sparring session!” Goku exclaimed happily.

“Mmm hmm ~” Android 21 spoke in muffled agreement as she shoved a long pocky stick down her mouth, lapping up the sweet coating around the stick cookie.

Something that Goku couldn't help but marvel at.

“Impressive...” The Earth bound warrior trailed off.

“Hm? What do you mean?” Twenty-One asked as she took out her half licked pocky.

“Oh no, I was just saying it's impressive how you can shove something so long down your throat while you eat. I guess you don't have a gag reflex.” Goku pointed out with a small smile.

“Ah yes! When you're a creature like me, gag reflexes are non-existent. It's pretty cool to have for eating.” The Majin looking woman paused, then cast a flirty grin to Goku. “Or for doing other things.”

“What kind of 'other things' exactly?” Goku asked, his expression looking like a cross between curious and already knowing.

“Well, I could tell you...but wouldn't Chi-Chi be angry if I did? I'd like not to get into a fight with her.” Android 21 said.

“Ah, she won't mind at all. Over the years we've developed an open marriage. She has her fun and I have mine.” Goku assured with a smile.

“I see. Then if that's the case...why don't I give you a demonstration of what other things you can do without having a gag reflex?” Android 21 asked as she slowly pulled down her black halter top to reveal her supple bubblegum pink breasts which jiggled at the motion.

“Why I would be delighted, Twenty-One.” Goku said coyly as he pulled out his already erect penis.

It didn't take long before the pair were fully undressed and they started things off with a classic 69 position. Android 21 laid on her back while she was sucking the head of Goku's dick and Goku was lapping at the folds of her clean shaven pussy. Android 21 then lifted her head a bit to suck on the massive balls of the Saiyan while stroking his hard dick. Goku grunted from the new pleasurable sensation and decided that he would also up the ante. So he nibbled on her clit, pulling on it and softly biting down on it with his teeth. Twenty-One gasped in pleasure and tried to buck her hips up but Goku held them down. He even had the nerve to turn and and grin before turning back to tease her clit. Oh, so that's how he wants to do it? Well two can play at that game.

Android 21 then put her hands behind her head and flexed her tail move between her face and Goku's dick so that it could stroke the erect phallus for her. Meanwhile she just teasingly licked the head of the phallus. Goku was surprised by the new feeling but didn't let that stop him from going down on the Majin looking woman – and from there it became a race to see who would cum first between Goku licking as well as occasionally thrusting his tongue into Twenty-One's pussy while the woman stroked the Saiyan's penis and lapped at the head of it. Eventually though they both came at the same time with Android 21 squirting into Goku's mouth and Goku busting his load all over Twenty-One's pretty face. The couple gasped and moaned at their sudden bodily outbursts and panted from the slight exhaustion of the session. Android 21 unwrapped her tail from around Goku's softened dick and used the tip to wipe up the cum from her face then licked up the musky white fluids. And Goku did the same by lapping up the juices splattered along the woman's thighs.

“Mmm...You're just as delicious as I thought you'd be Goku.” Twenty-One said with a moan as she licked her lips.

“And you're just as tasty, Twenty-One.” The Saiyan said, looking back with a smile.

“So now that we got a taste of our flavors, how about we mix them together? I want you to stuff me like a cream puff with that cock of yours, handsome.” Android 21 said and her pussy quivered in anticipation of the thought of being pounded.

“Gladly.” Goku said and sat up, then turned around with his dick once more erect and ready for round two and rubbed it against the bubblegum pink pussy.

“Mmm, how do you want me? Like this, doggy style or reverse cowgirl?” Android 21 asked as she played with her tits.

“I want you like this. That way I can see those nice breasts of yours bounce while I fuck you.” Goku said with a grin.

“Ooh. Such a naughty word from the goody-goody ultimate fighter. I think it needs to be washed out with my tongue.” Twenty-One said lewdly as she flicked her tongue out.

“Heh. Somehow I think it would only get dirtier with your mouth, but sure.” Goku said and leaned down to kiss Android 21. And while they immediately started in a new battle of locking lips he took the chance to thrust right inside her.

“Mmm!!” Twenty-One screamed in a muffled voice in surprise in Goku's mouth but the scream melted into a moan as she wrapped her arms around Goku's broad neck.

It didn't take long for the Saiyan to set a pace and he thrust inside Android 21 ruthlessly. He didn't start out slow, or even at a mid pace. He just went as fast as he could with his balls slapping against her fat juicy ass. And he could feel her breasts jiggle up against his chest which made him even harder, if that was possible. But he wanted to see her tits bounce before his eyes. So he paused in thrusting and gave a final plunge of his tongue inside Twenty-One's mouth and broke the kiss and sat up, then began to thrust again. He was greeted by the sight of two large tits bouncing up and down while showing the hot, lustful look that was on the Majin looking woman's face.

“G-God, Twenty-One. You look...so gorgeous like this! You like being pounded by a thick, big dick? I'll bet you remember...agh! All the dick sizes that have been in you. Bet you c-could even take my cock...Ooh! Plus three more at the same time.” Goku said between grunts as he went on a sexually graphic tangent.

“Oh! OH!! Y-Yeah...! I just love a nice th-thick, big dick. And yours is...oooh! So much thicker than the l-last one I had. Every time I get pounded I keep thinking about your...y-your...” Android 21 panted out but couldn't form the words as she was lost in the pleasure.

So, to get an answer out of her Goku pulled the Majin looking woman up into a sitting position on his dick. Then he smacked her ass hard with one hand while pulling a lock of her hair with the other. The action was so intense it made her squirt all over the Saiyan's penis.

“Tell me, you bubblegum slut!” Goku ordered.

“AHH!! I think about YOUR COCK shoved inside with the COCK FUCKING ME!! I can't stop thinking about your c-cock...And now I have it deep inside me. Oooh, so, so d-deep. Mmm...” Android 21 moaned out wantonly as her tongue was lagging out and her eyes were rolled back. She was completely far gone from the pleasure.

“I figured. The only things on your mind are sweets and dick. You're a real whore, Twenty-One, but you're a good whore. Since you were so honest...ugh, I think you deserve a treat.” Goku said huskily.

And with that he pulled his penis out from the woman's pussy, which was now thoroughly drenched from her cumming, then shoved it into her ass and went into the standard Super Saiyan mode and began to thrust at a rapid almost blinding speed. Android 21 howled in delight and grabbed at Goku's shoulders which made her nails scratch into his flesh and form little marks. Her tail was wagging and thumbing hard on the ground with the same power of a horse trotting at full speed. Goku spanked her again again which made Twenty-One buck into him with reckless abandon and a toss of her head. But while they had the spirit to go on fucking until the next sunrise they couldn't last long…

“Goku! Oooh, gonna cum!” Android 21 yelled in pleasure.

“Ugh...S-So am I!” Goku loudly grunted in pleasure.

They didn't last for one more minute when it happened. This time it was Android 21 who came and squirted all over Goku's midsection. She squirted so much that it dribbled onto the ground. Goku was the second one to cum – blasting so much of his semen that it actually squirted a bit out of Android 21's pussy and also leaked from her ass which formed a small puddle. Goku managed a few more thrusts and the Majin looking woman bucked against him once or twice more before they finally stopped, panting hard. The couple fell back with Android 21 laying on Goku's chest and the Saiyan laying his back on the cool dirt of the canyon. His Super Saiyan mode slowly vanished and he turned back to normal, which made his now softened dick slide out of Android 21's ass with a squelching noise and made more cum leak out.

After a moment of silence Android 21 chuckled.

“Heh, heh...guess I was wrong.” Said the woman.

“Wha...What do you mean?” Goku asked tiredly.

“I said you couldn't outlast me, but I came first that second round. So I guess you win.” Twenty-One replied as she looked up at the man with a silly smile. Goku blinked in surprise for a moment then laughed.

“Ha, ha! Well I guess I do.” Goku said and kissed Android 21 on the cheek. “Next time you should join me and Chi-Chi. She has a new horse cock strap-on she's been wanting to try.”

“Sounds like fun. Tell her I'm up for it any time.” Twenty-One replied and gave a sexy wink.


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