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Every glance at the nearby floor-length mirror reminded Ishtar of the demeaning outfit she was forced to wear. “Being a maid is ridiculous!” The usually half-naked demi-goddess was standing in the middle of a stranger’s living room, wearing a french maid outfit that somehow made her feel like more of her body was exposed than when she was wearing a simple bra and panties! Her cheeks started to burn a deep shade of red as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Deep down, Ishtar had to admit that she looked pretty good in an outfit like this. She swayed her hips from side to side as she got a good view of the maid’s uniform that she had been given to work in. The skirt was just short enough to barely reach her thighs, had no frills on the edges of it, and the rest of the outfit was basically string that connected to a black bra that was just barely large enough to contain her breasts. “Damn… I do look pretty good in this…”

As she continued to look at herself, not doing the job that she was being paid to do, Ishtar saw the man that hired her starting to approach from behind her. Her heart sank into her chest as she heard the man clear his throat. She was currently turned just enough to see her perky rear end sticking out through the hem of the skirt. And it certainly didn’t help that her breasts looked like they were about to pop out of the cups that contained them while she looked at herself in the reflection. The deep shade of red remained on Ishtar’s cheeks as her eyes started to drift up toward the large figure that was currently staring her down through the mirror.

“Just what do you think you’re doing, Ishtar?” The man’s voice was deep and gruff, almost like listening to deep bass that rattled the speaker it was coming through. “I’m paying you to clean, not to gawk at yourself in the mirror.”

Ishtar’s eyes swiftly shut as she adjusted her position and stood straight up in the mirror. Her master had commanded her to learn some dignity and patience to try and curb her attitude a bit. But this? This was making her wish that it was her kind and patient master was the one staring at her through the mirror instead of this boorish brute of a man. Of course, that didn’t stop her heart from pounding in her chest as she heard the man clear his throat once again, prompting her to slowly and steadily open her eyes. “I-I’m so sorry, sir! I didn’t mean to seem like I wasn’t working! I’m just not… Used to doing this kind of work… I also didn’t think that I’d be wearing something like-”

“Like what? Something that covers a little more than your incredibly revealing panties and bra?” This time, the man’s voice was almost mocking Ishtar as she stood there and looked at him through the mirror. But he didn’t budge from his spot as he stared into her eyes. “Not only am I paying you to clean my house, but your master of all people decided it would be a smart idea to use a command seal so you didn’t try to do anything funny to me. Something about you having a temper.”

Hearing a comment like that, Ishtar felt her pride being struck by this man. The outfit that she wore was her business. Not his. “H-Hey! I do not have a temper! And don’t presume to talk about my choice of dress like that! I don’t care if you’re paying me to clean your house! You don’t get to decide-”

“Oh, I don’t get to decide just how you’re dressed? Well, as long as you’re being paid to work for me, I get to decide anything about you that I want to. I can demand you work naked if I wanted to.” The man paused for a moment as he spoke down to Ishtar. As if an idea popped into his mind. “You know what? I might do just that.”

Before she could get a word out, Ishtar felt the man’s incredibly large hands grabbing onto the skirt that she was wearing before pulling it right off of her body. He made it look easy, the way he tore the fabric from her skin! It almost looked like he was just tearing a wet piece of paper! However, it took just a second before Ishtar noticed that she wasn’t even wearing the pair of panties she had decided to keep on when she first got dressed in the outfit that she had been given. A sharp, shocked, and desperate scream erupted from her lips before the man wrapped his hand around her lips to keep her quiet.

Ishtar was stuck staring at her naked body while a large and gruff man held her mouth shut to keep her from screaming out. And it only caused her heart to race even faster in her chest as she felt his hand starting to sleep from her mouth and toward the side of her head, his arm slipping just underneath her chin and wrapping around her neck. “You really think this will make me clean-” Before she could finish her sentence, Ishtar had the answer. The man didn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around her neck and start choking her. 

However, things didn’t stop there. Thanks to just how large the man was, it was incredibly easy for him to pick her slender frame up off of the ground. It didn’t take more than a few seconds for her feet to leave the floor and her toes to barely scrape against the carpet while she tried to get out of his grip. But Ishtar was stuck in his grip no matter how hard she tried. Her legs swung back and forth off of the ground as she quickly brought both of her hands toward the man’s arm in an attempt to pry it away from her neck.

Unfortunately, Ishtar couldn’t so much as budge the man’s arm as he held her in the air. “If you think… This will get the better of me...” Her voice strained as she grit her teeth, a small bit of drool leaking out the corner of her mouth and onto the man’s arm while he held her. No matter how hard she struggled and gripped the man’s arm, she couldn’t so much as move his limb from her neck. And what feared her the most wasn’t the fact that he seemed to easily capable of doing much more to her, but the fact that his other hand grabbed tightly onto her perky rear end.

“I’m… A Goddess… This… Is…” With every word she said, Ishtar could feel the breath in her lungs starting to fade away, leaving her struggling even more against the man that was holding her body in the air. For a brief moment, her vision drifted from the man’s smiling face down to her own, spotting the drool that was leaking out the corner of her mouth and the tears that were starting to fill her eyes. “You won’t… Break me…”

“Who said I was trying to break you, Little Bitch?”

Right at that moment, Ishtar felt the man’s grip on her neck growing even tighter, almost sucking the air from her lungs with ease. And all the while, she felt the man’s large and rough hand grabbing onto her ass. It made her shiver as the world around her started to get blur, leaving her in this man’s grip while her master’s command seal stopped her from doing anything to stop what was happening to her. She gripped as hard as she could onto the man’s arm, almost feeling her fingers sink into his skin. “H-Hurry up and let me go…”

“If that’s what you want…”

Ishtar found herself standing on the floor a moment later, not even realizing she had been let go when the man dropped her right then and there. Not until he grabbed onto the back of her head and pushed her against the mirror that she had been staring at herself through when this all started. But she was too busy taking deep breaths and trying to compose herself to be able to fight the man as he pressed her against the glass.

With every breath the took, the glass that she was being pressed against fogged up just a little bit more. Each and every heated and desperate attempt to fill her lungs caused the glass to get just clouded enough for her to not be able to see the man that had a firm hold on the back of her head. Though, that didn’t stop her from feeling something hard and firm suddenly slapping against her perky rear end as she tried to push herself away from the mirror. “W-What are you doing?”

When her eyes drifted down past the part of the mirror that had fogged up due to her breath, Ishtar was able to see the massive and throbbing shaft that separated her rear end from the man’s hips. A sharp and almost intimidated gasp escaped her as she tried once again to push herself off of the mirror, to no avail, unfortunately. “You wouldn’t dare… A flick of my wrist and I could kill you, you know. All I need is-”

The man grunted and slammed Ishtar’s face against the mirror he was keeping her pressed up against. “All you need is your master to remove the command seal that is keeping you from harming me, right? You mean the master that isn’t here and won’t be here to pick you up for a few more days? The master you’re about to forget about when I start using this cute body of yours? That master?

Ishtar’s eyes widened when she realized that what the man said was true. In the spur of the moment, she had forgotten that her master wouldn’t come to get her for another few days. That she was going to be stuck with this man for a few solid days of him fucking her. Unfortunately, she didn’t get another moment to think about just how much trouble she was actually in when that same thick arm wrapped around her neck once again, pulling her off of the mirror and making her see her naked form almost dwarfed by the large man that had his cock ever so casually sliding between her shapely ass cheeks and toward her asshole.

Unfortunately, Ishtar didn’t have a chance to force a word from between her teeth before she felt the first few inches of the man’s impressive shaft plunge into her tight back door. She grit her teeth hard enough to make her jaw tremble as she felt the massive member start to slowly fill her ass. Nothing as big as this man’s length had filled her asshole before. And it showed as drool instantly started to trail out of the corners of her mouth and onto the man’s arms, leaving Ishtar struggling as more and more of that thick member filled her perky ass.

“You’re nothing in this house, Ishtar. You’re just a cute girl with some holes for me to fill. If you think you’re anything more than that, then I think it’s time I prove you wrong.” There wasn’t a single second of hesitation before he finally allowed his hips to meet Ishtar’s perky rear end. His grip around her neck only grew tighter and more powerful as he grabbed onto the back of her neck, with the same arm that was wrapped around her neck, doing his best to keep Ishtar’s head pointed toward the mirror.

After just how quickly she lost all of the oxygen in her lungs the last time this man had choked her out, Ishtar didn’t say a word. She didn’t want to write passing out in the man’s grip while he forced her to look at herself in the mirror. Sadly, her eyes started to drift around the mirror as she tried to find anything to look at in the reflection that wasn’t herself. It only allowed her to stare at the member that started to slowly pull out of her, leaving her rear end void of the shaft that had just filled her.

And for a moment, just a moment, Ishtar felt secure in the fact that this man just might have changed his mind. But that thought was quickly dashed from her mind when he slammed his hips forward and slammed his dick as deep into her body as he could. And, despite the fact that she was trying to keep herself making too much noise in order to keep as much air in her lungs as she could, Ishtar found herself screaming when every inch of the massive member suddenly plunged back into her asshole once again.

But when the man’s fingers gripped onto the back of her neck, Ishtar found her eyes shooting back to look at her face. And all she could see was a look of pleasure and lust in her eyes. One that she would expect to see on some slut roaming the streets after leaving an orgy. The pleasure and lust in her eyes wasn’t what she expected to see from being raped in a near stranger’s home. But Ishtar couldn’t bring herself to do anything about it as the man started to rock his hips back and forth at a rapid pace.

In and out the cock moved in her asshole. Ishtar felt each and every inch stretching her anal walls to accommodate for his size. And the knowledge that some part of her was enjoying what she was going through didn’t help her mentally wrestle the fact that she was being raped after being forced into a maid uniform for a stranger. It certainly didn’t help that a simple glance down her body allowed her to see her modest breasts jiggling and bouncing with each thrust that filled her asshole. Or the fact that just a little bit further down and she could see her thighs starting to be coated in her juices.

“You see that, you little bitch? You’re already starting to enjoy yourself. And all you needed was a cock in your ass to put you in your place.” A deep and hearty chuckle rumbled in the man’s throat as he gripped just a little bit tighter onto Ishtar’s head. “And don’t forget that this is my house, Ishtar. Where you belong to me.” 


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