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Blake and Kali visit a hot spring only to discover something lurking in the water.

It had been a long time since the Belladonna women had been able to go to a hot spring and enjoy themselves, especially without Ghira or having to worry about anyone trying to spy on them while in the water. The spring was on the outskirts of their home village, far enough away that they couldn’t be disturbed easily, but just far enough away where there did have to be a guard or two on duty to prevent beowolf attacks. Neither women were worried, however, as they stepped into the female’s portion of the hot spring and smiled to each other. It didn’t take long for the two to undress and start mentally comparing to the other’s body, Kali to see if she was still as young and attractive as her near spitting image daughter. Bake, on the other hand, comparing herself to her mother to see how she’d become when she was the woman’s age.

“Thank you for coming with me, Blake. It’s such a nice treat to be able to get away from everything and everyone while taking the time to just relax.” Kali finally broke the silence between the two, a smile on her face and a towel wrapped around her lithe and mature body. “And it’s been such a long time since we’ve spent any time together. It makes me happy that my little girl is willing to spend time with me, still.”

“Of course, Mom. And… I’m sorry for not having spent as much time with you as I did when growing up.” The young kitten smiled and wrapped a towel around her body, not feeling the need to hide anything from her mother, but just wanting to be polite and not seem like she was trying to show off to the woman. “Since I’m back home for awhile, I don’t mind spending more time with you like we used to. Just no more knitting. You’d always tease me with the yarn.”

“But you were so cute as a little girl!~” The older woman swooned over the memories of her little girl, smiling and putting a hand to her cheek. “You always played with the yarn ball like a real kitten and it was just too cute to handle.” Kali laughed to herself and kept her eyes on her daughter as the two walked into the closed off area, gasping quietly at the sight of the steam that gently settled on the spring water. She didn’t hesitate to make her way to the water, dipping her toe and letting out a soft sigh of relief from the warmth of it. “It feels so nice…” The golden-eyed woman slowly sank into the water, pulling the towel from around her body and not noticing the threat that was looming underneath the water’s surface.

“Well, it is a hot spring, Mom.~” The young kitten giggled softly and did the same as her mother, exposing herself and slipping into the water, her legs and body only a mere two feet away from another dangerous presence in the water. “But you’re not wrong… It does feel incredible to be in a hot spring once again.” The Belladonna women let out a swift and happy sigh together as they closed their eyes and relaxed into the water, letting go of all the stress of their week.

However, neither of the women realized that there were two alpha beowolves staying in the water of the hot springs, having killed the guards just the night before. Though, they quickly learned as the beasts slowly rose out of the water, their hot breath having an indistinguishable smell of death and decay. The two monsters howled into the air before grabbing the two faunus women, one immediately pinning Kali’s shoulders to the ground and plunging its cock down her throat. All while the other chased after Blake and eventually pinned her to the ground, prodding her plump rear end with its massive red shaft. The grimm didn’t hesitate to plunge its cock into the younger faunus’s rear end, thrusting in and out of her tight hole as it put its claw to the back of her head and held her to the ground.

Over and over again, its throbbing shaft plunged as deep as it could into the amber-eyed girl’s tight asshole, spreading and stretching it without caring for anything other than its own pleasure. The monster held hard to the younger girl’s head, leaning over her body in the perfect angle to reach as deep as it possibly could, driving its member into the poor girl faster and faster by the second. Its howl filled the room they were in as it continued to push forward.

Blake, on the other hand, could only grit her teeth and bear with the pain she was feeling of something filling her rear end without any lube. She wanted to cry out, wanted to scream, wanted to beg for it to stop, but all she could do was let out ragged moans each time she opened her mouth. Her body and mind were attempting to convert the pain she was feeling into pleasure to lessen the negative emotions coursing through her, lowering the risk of attracting even more grimm. Closing her amber eyes, the faunus’s mind focused entirely on the feeling of the thick cock plunging in and out of her ass with each passing second, twisting her thoughts into nothing but mush the longer this carried on. “Mom…. Mom!” She eventually managed to call out, only getting muffled noises in response and causing her to open one of her eyes. What she saw was something she never thought she’d witness.

The mother was on her back, eyes closed and hands on the grimm’s inner thighs while she tried to push it off of her to no avail. At an even faster pace than what Blake was dealing with, the older woman was forced to feel the monster’s incredible cock pushing down her throat, gagging as a bulge formed in her throat with each and every thrust. But despite the suddenness and aggressiveness of the alpha beowolf’s movements, Kali couldn’t hide the arousal that was starting to trickle between her thighs. Even as the beast’s knot continued pounding against her lips, the golden-eyed woman was having an amazing time, even slowly lowering her hands between her legs. Moans continually and hotly rose from her lips as her throat was assaulted, her eyes starting to roll back into her head as she was starting to lack the air to stay focused.

The monster that was assaulting the older woman’s throat growled and roared into the air as it kept its paws against her shoulders, keeping her firmly against the ground as it pulled back just enough to let a few quick ropes of cum land on her face. The hot ropes of cum were black as they pantied her, easily covering the left side of her face before it dove back into her throat. Once again, it was making a very clear bulge in the older woman’s neck as its knot firmly pressed against her lips, going as far as to let out a loud howl of pleasure once it got the bulge past her soft lips.

Blake continued to watch in horror as it was clear her mother was enjoying what was happening to her, both of her eyes open and a knot pressing against her rear end now as well. The feeling of the claws against her head only grew tighter as she was continually raped by the animal on top of her. There was no stopping the screams of pain and pleasure from leaving her open mouth as she started drooling against the hot spring floor, the feeling of her ass being fucked raw starting to become actually enjoyable for her. The kitten groaned and gasped as she felt the beast’s knot prod against her asshole, gasping as it started to enter her and screaming out in a mixture of bliss and horror at the feeling of it fully pressing into her plump rear. “Fuck!~”

It didn’t take much longer before the young faunus’s golden eyes rolled into the back of her head, the pleasure starting to get to her now more than ever. Her body instinctively starting to buck against the animal as it mounted her, loud moans leaving her as she felt the first few ropes of cum flood into her rear end. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” The young girl closed her eyes and clawed at the ground as hard as she was able to, digging marks as she continued to be violated. “Mom! It feels so good!~ Its so big!~”

Kali opened her eyes and tried to gasp as she felt rope after rope of the beowolf’s thick cum flood down her throat, bulging it even more and filling her stomach to the point of expanding ever so slightly. Though, she certainly didn’t argue as cum continued to be poured into her, and it started to overflow from her mouth, trailing down her face and into her hair and onto the floor. The woman did her best to try and swallow down every single drop that she was able to, a smile on her face as she audibly gulped down what she could. Even though the beast refused to pull out of her, its knot pulsing against her tongue, the golden-eyed mother continued to swallow it all down, not taking a chance to breathe as a few more ropes of cum filled her mouth.

Blake, on the other hand, screamed out in pleasure as her asshole was filled with grimm cum. The thick black liquid easily flooding her plump rear end and filling her stomach to its limit, making it expand just like Kali’s did as the young faunus continued to howl in pleasure. The young amber-eyed girl closed her eyes as tight as she could, doing her best to hold back the orgasm that she was on the verge of experiencing. Unfortunately, that struggle quickly ended as she felt the beast starting to thrust inside of her once again like it wanted to go for a second round. Another shrill scream of bliss left her as her orgasm tore through her, her juices coating her inner thighs and starting to drip onto the floor beneath her.

The mother was more than satisfied as she was finally able to swallow down the last drop of the grimm’s cum, a cum drunk smile on her face as it forced itself from her lips, its knot having shrunk just enough to pull out. Kali eagerly placed a few kisses onto its shaft before earning another string of cum landing in her nose and covering her face once again. “Sounds…. Sounds like my baby is having fun…”


Neither of the Belladonnas knew how long they had been at the hot spring, but neither of them were going to complain as the grimm finally ran off and left the area, having already coating them in cum together. Neither faunus’s knew how often or how much they had been swapped between the two animals, but none of them were going to complain about it.

“Mom…?” Blake spoke up, laying on her stomach as cum covered her body like water after a shower, panting quietly and trying to collect herself after the ordeal. “Is it… Is it okay that I liked this…?” She lightly coughed and spit up the beast’s cum, splattering the ground in front of her with the black liquid. “I know that…. You did…”

“Don’t tell your father.” Kali said in a happy tone, giggling to herself as she rubbed the alpha beowolf’s cum into her stomach. “We can come back together as often as you want.~” It was clear now with how happy she was just how often and how much the older woman had come back to this hot spring and been taken by a grimm. “Would you like to stay another night, dear?”


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