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It wasn’t the first time that Yang and Pyrrha have stumbled into team JNPR’s dorm making out and not caring about if anyone else was in there already or not, but this was the first time that the two girls were already topless before even getting to the doorframe. When the door slammed behind them thanks to Yang pushing her redheaded lover onto her bed, the room echoed with the sound of the Mistral girl’s gasp and excited whine. “You gonna fuck me with that perfect cock of yours, blondie?~” 

“You know you wouldn’t have it any other way, Pyrrha.~” Yang laughed out, making her way to her lover’s bed and kissing her again, running her hands along the girl’s toned and slender figure. “Not that I’m saying no.” Pulling away slightly, the blonde girl kissed down from Pyrrha’s lips along her jawline and down to her exposed breasts, quickly wrapping her lips around one while her hands worked at removing the rest of her clothing. Much to her surprise, her emerald eyes lover didn’t bother stopping her as she bit the girl’s nipple and gently tugged on it. “You usually hate that.~ Have I changed your opinion?~”

The redhead chuckled and shook her head, working to rid herself of her own clothing while watching her blonde lover. “I just love my girlfriend’s cock that much and I want her to be happy.” A sharp gasp left her lips when she felt the blonde’s hand cup her already soaked cunt and tease her clit right out the gate. “Oh fuck, Yang! Stop teasing me!~” The tone of her voice took a more begging shift than a moment ago, already grinding her needy cunt against the brawler’s fingers. “I want my girlfriend to fuck me so well that I want her child! So don’t disappoint me.~”

Rolling her eyes at her lover’s seriousness, the blonde did as told and licked up the redhead’s body, biting down on her neck as she forced her way into her tight cunt. Not a single sound left her as she let Pyrrha’s howl of pleasure fill the room from just penetration alone. It didn’t help that her cock reached all the way to the champion’s cervix with every thrust she made. Grabbing her lover’s breasts and pulling her to the very edge of the bed, Yang quickly lifted the redhead’s hips and forcefully adjusted her into the mating press. “You wanna be bred, you’ll be bred, babe!”

A moan would’ve left Pyrrha’s lips if they had been occupied by Yang’s in a passionate and loving kiss, her body already shaking from a near pleasure overload. The Mistral girl loved it when her girlfriend fucked her like an animal and it only made things better when there was a large creampie at the end of things. Over the course of their six-month relationship of near-constant fucking after a boxing match together, the emerald-eyed girl had gotten onto birth control to prevent any accidental pregnancies, especially since they were still in school. However, in the past week, she had gotten off the birth control and told her blonde lover to continue cumming inside of her in hopes that she would be knocked up from this fantastic cock that belonged to the young woman she loved.

While Yang loved and adored Pyrrha, she didn’t know if she was fully ready to have her own child, but that didn’t stop her from being a good girlfriend and giving the redhead exactly what she wanted. Three creampies a day for the past week, all while making sure not a single drop of cum was wasted in any way. “You’ve gotten addicted, Pyrrha. Can’t say I blame you though.~” As she started biting her girlfriend’s neck while kneading her breasts, the blonde’s hips started moving faster with each passing second. Grazing her thumbs over her lover’s nipples, the brawler was quick to activate her semblance just to have that extra power in her movements.


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