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As you sit in the hot springs, enjoying your soak, you think you can hear the sound of two similar voices chatting to themselves as they approach your section of the water. Cocking an eyebrow as you listen to the two unseen people, you start thinking something is wrong to have two others join your bath, especially since your towel is just a few feet away from your body. However, your jaw drops as you see the two long white-haired twins make their way into the water and drop their towels. Two petite and gorgeous twin ladies joining your bath?! Either you died and went to heaven or something is very wrong here.

“I’m telling you, Kamui, your hips are certainly to die for but my ass is one hundred percent better and softer than yours!~” You eyes go wide as you realize how the two twins are, Corrin and Kamui, the Princess and Prince of Nohr and Hoshido respectively. As you open your mouth to ask just what the two are doing here and without having a problem whatsoever with joining your bath without even asking for permission, you hear Kamui pop his head out of the water and splash his twin sister in a bit of a childish manner. “Kamui! Watch what you’re doing! You’re going to splash this- Oh shit! Someone’s in here! Apologize!”

“You know what, Sis? Why am I going to apologize for splashing you? Are you just jealous of my hips? Camilla is even staring at times.” You notice Kamui’s long hair matches his twin sisters in length, fullness, and even sheen as he crawls his way over to Corrin. Not that you’re complaining by the way his ass pokes out of the water and gives you a full view of that round, plump, jiggling, and nearly perfect ass.

“Not for splashing me, idiot! To the man behind you who you’re letting get a full view of your ass!” Reaching down, Corrin quickly leaned over and swatted her brother’s ass, once again making it jiggles like ripples in the spring water. “Now turn around and apologize to him. I don’t want anyone complaining to our families that you made their relaxation time pointless.” It quickly became clear she was the more mature between the two, but it seemed they both knew how to have fun and enjoy each other’s company, even if it was a bit… different than most siblings.

“No one is going to complain, Corrin.” As he spoke, it dawned on you just how much his voice sounded like Corrin’s and you couldn’t help but become just a bit aroused at the sight of his ass jiggling from the slap. “Let’s have him handle our debate about who’s ass is better. Mine or yours.” The prince turns his way towards you and smiles a warm, nearly breathtakingly cute smile right at you. “As an apology for getting into your bath without permission. The landlady said no one was here, so we weren’t concerned. And as incentive for your silence…” The male quickly grabbed his sister’s hand and pulled her towards you before turning them both around and sticking their asses in your face, close enough for you to be able to lick them if you wanted to. “... You can taste the winner’s ass since it’d be the one you chose.”

Taking a deep breath, unsure of exactly what to say, you start to closely observe both sets of supple asscheeks that hang in front of your face. One set having a slightly wet set of pussylips underneath it while the other has a swollen ballsack under it. Once again, you feel yourself growing more and more aroused with each passing second, and it certainly doesn’t help as you feel the twins place their hands on your thighs. Reaching your hands up out of the water, you place a hand on Kamui’s rear end first and start to gently squeeze the soft flesh, smiling as the poor boy moans adorably to the touch. It’s almost like he’s been trained to find pleasure from his ass being played with. Your squeezing quickly turns into kneading the flesh, spreading his cheeks and taking a quick look at his puckered little hole.

“See that, Corrin?~” A soft moan left his lips as your flicked your tongue over the hole and let go of his cheeks. “Seems like my ass is the better one!~”

“Yeah, that’s why he’s letting you go and…. And…. Fuck!~” You inwardly chuckle as you watch the girl dip her head in the water while you start playing with her ass as well, a smile on your face as you squeeze the flesh between your fingers and watch it mold to your grip with each. Just like with Kamui, your squeezing turns into kneading, moving the soft asscheeks in your hands to see how far it would move and how soft it stayed. As she pulled her head from the water, you spread her cheeks and took a quick lick of her puckered hole, eliciting a sharp moan from the girl once again. “Seems…. Seems like he loves my ass, Kamui.~”

You can feel your cock twitch as you reach your hands back and slap both royals’ asses at the same time, watching the jiggle to see who would win their little contest. Once again, an adorable moan left both of their lips as their rear ends jigged in your face. However, you can’t contain the gasp that leaves your lips as you feel both of their hands connect with either side of your cock, forcing you to bring your hands back down hard on their asses once again. Their fingers start trailing their way along the length of your cock that seems to have them both enthralled by the heat and feeling of it.

“You know… Maybe we shouldn’t have him decide which ass is better just with his hands… Right, Kamui? It wouldn’t be fair to our friend here to leave him without a bit of relief, you know?~” Corrin smiled over to her brother and then at you, winking before meeting her brother's eyes once again and planting herself on one side of your lap.

“You’re quite right, Corrin. It just wouldn’t be something those is our position should do, royalty or otherwise.~” His sweet voice seems to echo through the hot spring walls as they both share your lap, sandwiching your cock between their supple behinds and once again bringing a gasp from their lips. “It’s so big!~” 

All that leaves Corrin’s mouth is a series of whines and quiet moans as she starts to guide her body up and down your length, doing her best to make sure every inch of your shaft grinding against her lower cheeks, and nearly even pushing Kamui out of the way to greedily take her entire cock to herself. Her movements start out long and slow, drawn out even, almost as if she’s planning ahead and saving her energy for something else. Or maybe it’ just the water keeping slowing her hips from bouncing up and down as fast as she’d like.

Though, none of that matters to you at the moment. You have two royal sibling twins in your lap, grinding their asses against your cock like they need it to sleep at night. Leaning your head back and relaxing into the pleasure, a smile comes to your lips as you feel the other pair of cheeks wrap around your member, fully sandwiching it now between them. A quiet moan leaves your lips as you feel Kamui start to match Corrin’s movements now. This continues for a few minutes before you start feeling like it could feel even better out of the water. Wrapping one hand around each siblings’ waist, you pull all three of your just out of the water so the three of you are just sitting on the edge of the spring water.

However, once you stop moving, Corrin quickly drops into the water and wraps her lips the head of your member. It’s quickly clear that she doesn’t care that Kamui’s ass is continually slapping against her cheek as she swirls her tongue around the tip of your cock and moans from the overwhelming taste alone. Though, having her brother grind against the cock she craves to be in her mouth does quickly become a problem. That was clear as she used her strength to shove the feminine boy back into the water and drove her face down your shaft until the reached the base, even going as far as to force her tongue out enough to lick your full sack. For a moment, you’re amazed that she didn’t even once gag on your member as you can feel her throat attempting to swallow you down.

“Corrin, that’s just not fair!” You hear a whine leave Kamui as he gets out of the water and approaches the two of you once again. The prince quickly drop to his knees beside his sister and forcefully pulls her off the cock as much as she’d allow him to, wrapping his lips around the side of your member in an attempt to get a fair taste as well. Just like his sister, he lets out a little moan from the moment his tongue comes in contact with your cock.

You can’t help but let a soft moan slip past your lips as the two suck down your cock with a passion that surpassess any you’ve ever come across. Not that you’re complaining as the two mouths wrapped around your shaft bring you closer and closer to orgasm with each passing second. Raising your hand to your lips, you bite down hard on your knuckle without breaking the skin to keep your noises quiet from anyone that might be around to possibly hear what’s going on.

However, it’s not long before Corrin and Kamui bring your impending orgasm to reality and eagerly moan as they both feel your cock swell slightly. Dropping her head to your base, and even gagging slightly on her way, Corrin is the first one to get a taste of your seed. She moans happily and loudly as you fill her mouth with every single drop you can give her, swallowing it down just as fast as it fills her mouth. At least, that’s the case until Kamui pushes her out of the way and they both get a splash on their faces.

The prince of Hoshido quickly wraps his lips around the head of your cock in an attempt to suck out any more cum that you may have stored. Unfortunately, for him, all you have is one final and small spurt that coats his tongue and not much else. But he happily takes it and savors the taste before swallowing it down and pulling his sister into a passionate kiss, forcing his tongue past her lips in a desperate attempt to get out any cum that he can. It almost looks a little aggressive as he reaches up to the poor girl’s face and wipes her clean of any cum, moving his fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean right in front of the two of you, clearly wanting more and willing to do almost anything to get it. “Sir, your cum is delicious!~” He breathes out, pulling his last finger out of his mouth and looking to you. “Would you like to fuck us now? One at a time and force my sister to watch how much better you’ll get off to me than you will to her?~”

“Kamui! That’s not right! Let him choose for himself!” You notice the blush that forms on Corrin’s cheeks as she listens to her brother's offer. “I mean… I want him inside me too…. He tastes and just… feels so good… But let him choose… Remember? This is a bet to see who he enjoys most!” Biting her lip, the princess stands up in the water, letting it drain from her slender body as she makes her way over to you. Before you can say anything to either of them, Corrin quickly pulls you into a passionate and loving kiss, smiling into it as she straddles your lap.

Kissing her back and ignoring her brother’s whines, you gently place your hands on her hips and wonder just how good and tight she’d feel if you took her right here and now. As these thoughts cross your mind, you fail to notice the white-haired dragon girl drop down into your lap. Though, you quickly find the answers to your question as she clamps down around your member in orgasm right then and there. But that doesn’t stop her from starting to bounce in your lap, trying to lower herself enough to get the entirety of your cock inside of her before she even lets you cum, not like you’re going to stop such an eager girl anyway.

With a smile on your face and your hands on the Princess of Nohr’s hips, you stand up in the water and start moving her along your shaft in the air, taking control of the situation in your own way. You know you’ll have to fuck the other one when you’re done with her, so you might as well make sure you can keep going at your own pace. Turning around, you lay the girl on her back on the edge of the water, listening to her gasp when her skin touches the cold ground. Listening to her giggle as she wraps her legs around your waist, you start thrusting into her once again, molding her cunt around your cock to be the perfect sleeve.


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