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"So are you sure this is perfectly safe?" David asked.

He was sitting naked on a red chair. Behind him was a machine that he was told was supposed to make it all happen. He was feeling nervous but also very excited. He's been working really hard but was seeing no change in his body. The promise was almost too good to be true.

Christian put his hand on David's shoulder, reassuring him for the 15th time that day.

"It's safe David, look at my body, do you remember what I looked like a week ago?"

"Yeah, it's incredible! I couldn't believe my eyes" David answered.

"I was scrawnier than you are now" Christian reminded him.

David remembered sawing Christian in the gym last week, looking half the size he was now, struggling with the bench press, and gulping those useless protein shakes. Now he was looking like those Instagram personal trainers, wearing a black tank with his massive arms and chest showing.

"Besides it's much safer than those steroids I saw you injecting in the locker room" Christian Grinned.

"You saw that?" David looked ashamed

"Anyway, that's all behind you now. In a few days you'll wake up a new person, I promise you!"

"I can't believe you're doing this for me for free! I mean, guys would pay loads of money to have this done".

"Well I'm not officially on the market and I need some before/after photos of some guys. You wouldn't mind having your body showing off on Instagram right?"

"Are you kidding me? You couldn't stop me taking selfies if you tried.." They both laughed.

"Ok, so I'm gonna plug you in. You're gonna doze off. When you wake up you won't recognize yourself." Christian adjusted the machine's robotic arm to David's head.

"Are you ready?" Christian asked one last time.

"Ready! let's do this already!"

"Good night stud!" said Christian and flipped the switch. The machine got lit up with a bluish hue.

David shut down in an instant, his arms falling to his sides, the word "stud" echoing in his unconscious mind.

Christian picked up his phone and dialed.

"Yeah, he's under... no trouble at all... He's a cutie... " Christian said.

"I'll give it a few hours, don't want to rush the process..."

"Yep.. I told him he'll be out of it for a few days..."

"I let you know when it's done.." 

Christian hang-up, gave quick look to David and the machine and then left the room.



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