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Heya fellas!

How are y'all faring? I hope all of you are doing fine. It's been some rainy days over here (thanks Yaku, first cyclone in my life lol). Like really really rainy. Never seen so much rain in my life. And that's like 30+ years lmao.

Bits of updates here and there. Late apologies for the slow February. It was quite a difficult month for different reasons.
First, it's summer here, it's awful. And with no AC, shit sucks bro.
Second, I got burntout hard. But I'm managing.
Third, this one's more personal, since late November my folks and I were taking care of a close relative of ours in a bad medical and finacial situation. I personally accompany them if their first appointments since stuff look not okay but still manageable. Fast forward 3 months, this relative passed away after fighting for what turned out to be an almost House MD episode. By all means I tried to keep a cool head around the stuff happening, but it was stressing all the same. It's not easy seeing someone go from okay-ish to ICU in the span of 2 months. Even less if you've known them you whole life. But, that's how it goes sometimes. We tried. We all really did.

Now after all that stuff happening, we get to March.
And right to the issue at hand:
Fellas, I have a list of things I wanna draw, but each time I'm looking at the canvas, I just don't know what to draw, my stylus doesn't produce anything. By all means, I feel a bit lost. Aimless even. And this is something that usually happens after finishing a big project like the progressions, so it's nothing new to me, yet I still can't find a good fix for it.

One of the things I can rely to get out of this funk, it's my board of directors. This means all of you. At this point I know a lot of you came for the progressions, another chunk came for the animations, another for the boobs, the chubbiness, the milfs and so on. But what I need to know right now is moreso to give me some kind of north.

I need to know what you guys expect/want to see from me and my art. That means  nothing specific like "oh I want this one character from this one franchise with a HUGE belly". If I get an idea of what you all want, I can intersect with also stuff I want to (or didn't know I want to) draw. I need that kickstart to produce stuff again because sincerely, I'm a bit creatively spent atm.

I hope this isn't too bothersome, but I really need some guidance on what to do. No worries, I still draw, mostly figure drawing and studies. But that's to keep myself in shape. The good stuff, though, the booba, tums and such, that's what I need help with.

Thank you all for your patience, thank you for understanding.
I'm still trying my best, just have a cloudy head.




I understand the feeling of having a loved one be fine one day, then a week later, be tied up to a machine in a bed, the next. Its a miserable feeling, but for the sake of your own sanity, I hope you can get over this tough period with something to look foward to for the future. For your art, have you thought about doing 4koma before? I think it would be fun to add some small world building to your progessions, like, why/how did Purah make the rune for Zelda?

Lux Rolls

Sorry for your loss mate, trust me I've been there theise last few months and your parts really helped me through it. I'm here for your art style itself, the way you draw what you do activated the happy chemical, also your positioning and posing are always just awesome!!


Here's hoping for better days. One thing you could try is before and after type images. For instance, have a character in a yoga pose, or doing an activity they normally do before pregnancy/weigh gain, and then an after image of them trying said activity after. Could be fun to see characters trying to deal with a new voluptuous body.


Sorry for you loss, I hope you get through this alright. Generally I like your drawing style, specially the proportions, you always get them right. Contentwise I like your pregnancy sequences most, the last one with Princess Zelda is best one so far. I love everything from the amount of pictures to things like the preggo sex. I would like to see more content of that sort, with other characters, e. g. Princess Midna or even crossovers like the Samus x Rosalina.


Take all the time you need. The loss of a loved one is never easy, and should take priority with your mental health. As for what to draw, pregnancy worship. Tender, loving worship


My condolences for your loss. I have a similar situation playing out with my grandparents, so I empathize. As far as your Patreon; I came here for milky boobs (bigger the better) and preg/breeding. I'll also reiterate someone else's suggestion about the 'permapreg', I got a little into that myself recently with squishy eggs instead of babies.

Kicks Yerdoya

I’m sorry lifes been hitting you hard and I hope the family member didn’t suffer in the end I’m mostly here for big wholesome/lewd tum. You’re one of the few big artists I know who does big pregnant or cumflated bellies that doesn’t involves animals,weird domination/abuse, etc stuff so that’s largely why I’m here. I hope things get better for you and can’t wait to see whatever you put out next!

Competent Cobana

Good luck with all of your family stuff man, we're all wishing you the best. As far as suggestions go, I absolutely love the big milky booba that you draw as well as the extremely exaggerated 12 hours post delivery mom bods (that Zelda did some stuff to me, holy shit). I also agree with an earlier suggestion that now might be a good time to go a bit further into the surreal and see what happens when hyper preg goes even further than the wonderful progressions you've done.


Having a relative pass is never easy. My condolences. As to what I like about your art is the sheer quality of it. You go for details most people would just leave out to get the work done quicker. And some of these details really get the motor revving. Keep it up... And if you ever do a Hinata Hyuga set, at least I'd pay for money for it... :D

W C Purdy

I'm very sorry for your loss. it seems like a lot of people are going through hard times recently. Personally, I joined this patreon specifically for content like Samus/Rosalina/Zelda's pregnancy journeys. Not only are they sexy, lewd, and wholesome, but I like the way the first two actually start to cross over and how Samus and Rosalina sortakinda become space girlfriends (and I wouldn't mind seeing Zelda get in on this 'canon') as well. As for the future... I'd love to see even more sequences like that. If blondes are your thing then maybe a double sequence starring Cynthia and Lusamine?

Sam Hain

We are patrons. Not directors. Whether the rest of your patrons realize it or not, a patronage is not a transactional relationship. We agree to provide funds to alleviate some financial burdens in the hopes you will have to spend less time worrying about where your next meal is coming from from, and more time producing the art we enjoy. Sometimes, the time you need to spend working on your art means spending time on yourself. If you're burned out, step away for a bit. Take a vacation. Do something else. Clear your mind. Then, when you rediscover that spark that drives you, and when you're ready, come back to it.

Medulla Oblongthota

I think Slice is just seeking clarity and hoping his patrons might have some ideas that resonate with him. That way he can rediscover the spark while also giving his audiences something nice.

Sam Hain

But that -is- the idea I'm putting forward. Take a break, recharge, and let the inspiration come naturally.


One way I work through my writing/artist blocks: -Draw something that I normally would never bother to. Say, a bookshelf. Draw this bookshelf with a particular style (Ikea? Oak? Metal/industrial? How many shelves?). As little or as much detail as you like. -Add books to this shelf. Specific books, real ones and ones whose titles you just made up. How many books are there? Are there bookends? Plants? Pictures? -Now that you have a furnished bookshelf, what kind of person would have a bookshelf like this? Never mind if it's not who you would normally care about or draw about. Draw the person near the shelf, doing something unrelated to it. Are they sitting at a computer? Knitting? Doing dishes? Training their dog? -Now, what kind of people does this person know in their lives, from their present or their past? Are any of those people interesting? And so on. Basically, start with a grain of an idea that you have no interest in and isn't related to what your end goal should be/what you'd like it to be. The exercise in thinking about the trivial or unrelated starts a creative process that at least leads SOMEWHERE. It doesn't need to take you to a place that you actually wanted to arrive to, what you make may not be interesting at all. The point is to start by starting the journey on something unrelated, and see where it takes you, and never mind if it's ever relevant. This has never failed to stir my creative juices, and I hope this might work for you as well. Artist block is a hell of a thing, and I hope things go better for you soon.


Hrm, I would enjoy some sphere preg, if you would find that interesting to draw.


Personally, I'm here for the big booba and the pregnancy progression stuff.


I believe grieving is one of the hardest things to go through and I feel really sorry for you and your family during this stressful time. This isn’t about me, but I just wanted to let you know that your style as an artist is what inspired me to make a patreon; to access quality content while playing some part in tipping you for the service. You never fail to disappoint me and I’m sure that goes for the rest of this wonderful community. On a less formal note, I was personally looking forward to seeing what you were going to do with the Cerestia progression. With her body type and your vision as an artist, I know you can do a great job (your Zelda progression is perfect evidence). You really are a top notch artist and I’m always excited to see your posts over most of, if not all, other artists on this platform for *reasons* so I know whatever piece you pursue next will be amazing! Sorry if this was a long post. Take care Coffee. Cheers right back!


for drawing stuff? maybe do a poll for 2-3 different series of media, get a line up of the different characters you'd want to draw. then draw one of the characters and rotate to one of the other series, to keep it fresh


Try a poll for characters your interested in. Then do a poll on what to do of the character. Like single, normal and preg, or progression.


But in the end we all came for YOUR art not anything really specific. Whatever you do we will gladly have.

Draegon Manaka

That’s a good idea. It will help us understand what kind of characters Coffeeslice likes.