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How is everyone doing? I know it's been a while so I hope everyone is doing ok. I've missed everyone a lot the past month and while the dental surgery, accident, and Dr visits have taken a lot out of me, I'm in a better position to start recording again. Which means I'll start working through the backlog of the NSFW scripts first.

Those of you who have stuck with me through this, thank you. From the very bottom of my heart, I want to thank you the most. Without your aid, right now I don't even know where Afterdark and I would be, let alone, CutieFox ASMR who just moved in with us to escape an abusive household. (I highly recommend checking out her content as well)

Over the course of the next month, I hope to get through the missing 6 NSFW audios and get back on track with at least those, while working through the backlog of SFW scripts as I have time. And what a backlog it is! I have well over a dozen scripts just sitting here waiting for me and I've been looking forward to doing some of them for months.

If you've been able to catch any of the streams on Youtube, you may have noticed that though my cough is still there, I'm able to talk more normally at the very least. That means my surgery site is healing up nicely, I'm not coughing myself awake nearly as much at night, and while the pain in my thyroid is as bad as ever, it's not affecting how I talk most of the time. ^_^ I call this a win!

In the end though, I do this in the hopes that I can entertain others and for my own selfish reasons of 'this is what I can do so I'm going to do it and take pride in the fact that I can.' Thank you for being here and I hope you enjoy the content that I produce in the coming days. ^_^


Shaun The CHB

Really so glad to see you are ok Mama Bear and that Miss After Dark is doing good too. I'll definitely check out Cutie Fox channel. Your health is the biggest concern and I'm very happy that all seems to be going well. ♥