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It feels like I keep saying this, but it feels like we spend half our time at a Dr's office and today is my turn at the VA hospital. On the bright side, Afterdark is feeling a bit better and we should start getting back to a normal schedule, for the most part. Thank you all for staying here and bearing with us through this.

As for Lady Dimi's Milkies 2, we went with a unique take based on the events in the new RE8 DLC. I need to finish recording the last part and finish up with the SFX and that's it. I really hope you all enjoy it. 

Then there's Mommy Dommy Ghost. The script is done and the SFW part is recorded. I just need to figure out what to do for the NSFW part and finish up with the SFX and call it good. I'll probably finish this one up tomorrow before the stream so if anyone has any requests for how this motherly ghost makes love to you, speak up now. ^_^

Again, thank you all so very much for sticking with us while we've had so many health issues. I can't tell you all how much we both appreciate it. Afterdark and I and our cats love you all so very much.



Ok, 3 spicy audios for the month done and one left to make and that one is by special request by the top Patron. I'll do my best to get it out as soon as possible. For now though, start thinking of anything special you may want for December! ^_^