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So a bit more info for everyone so I don't worry you too terribly much. For the past 8 years now I've had brain tumors. For many years, they were stable, benign, perfectly fine - AKA little to no growth. I just had to deal with the migraines and seizures.

The past 2-3 years, the blood tests have indicated increased chances that they've gone cancerous. Go to do the MRI or PET or whatever we did last year, and they're not spikey or anything so they're NOT cancerous yet, but they're a little bigger and there are more of them. I can no longer just say I have brain tumors - they're in my neck now too. In fact, I have 3 of them pressing against my throat.

And it's that time of year where I get to donate 16-18 vials a couple times and get more scans. And what will the VA do? Even with me getting more sick and literally being able to feel some of them under the skin?

Well, we'll see. Right now I'm just glad I just have any sort of health care. Even if they do nothing, I'll at least know.

As for the Confession audio, I had a bit more planned out in it, but I just broke down and started crying and couldn't stop and I had trouble just getting anything else out. Thank you all for being here for me.

And if any of you have the means and want to support a good cause, cancer research is one that I will always recommend.



Always sending my best wishes. I personally can't recommend the Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund highly enough to all out there. My dads golf buddy used to run his own charity golf tourney, now he just donates all proceeds to the Shaver fund. Randy can point out every piece of equipment his fund has provided to the University of Minnesota cancer research department.


You are the most wondrous person I ever met don't sell yourself short live everyday like it's your last we will all be here for you

Shaun The CHB

I can't imagine how much of a struggle dealing with all that must be. My goodness. I'm hoping all the best for you.