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Greetings kind patrons of all kinds,

This past Wednesday, March 2nd, I took my dogs out for a walk, as I do every morning. There’s this canal that runs alongside my house, and I swear to God I’ve scolded my dog a hundred times and told him not to get too close to the water because he’d fall in one day, and, well, that day came.

My dog is old - he’s 12 - and he can’t swim. He was drowning, so I jumped in, and it all went to shit. The water was freezing cold, and with the temperature shock combined with my 75-pound dog, I couldn’t get us out, and I started fucking drowning, too. If it wasn’t for an older gentleman who threw out a hose for me to grab, I would not be alive right now writing this to you.

I ended up swallowing a LOT of nasty-ass water, and the physical effort I had made destroyed my muscles. En route to the hospital I suffered a micro-stroke (the cherry on top) but they were able to stabilize me.

I had to stay hospitalized for days, where they kept a close eye on my coronary activity and cleansed my lungs of the filthy canal water.

Luckily, I didn’t suffer any permanent damage to my heart, and my dog is safe and sound.

Considering how it all could have ended, I am extremely LUCKY.

I just wanted to let you all know why I’ve been out of the loop the last few days.

Please forgive me.



Glad you’re gonna be okay


Holy shit. Rest up. We shall be here waiting.

cameronhoodman .

Forgiveness not necessary the important thing is that you and your dog are safe get well and rest up


My man, I know that everybody would try so save their pets life but please take care of yourself too. I'm so glad you survived but damn please take it easy for now. See you whenever


No apology needed King, I’m glad you and the Doggo are safe. I don’t blame you for jumping in, I know I’d risk my life for my Pit. Get well soon, stay safe and stay healthy.


Please take care of yourself and your furry children. Your true fans will understand. Been with you for years and still will be. Get better and take care of yourself.


There is absolutely no need to apologize for this. What a harrowing experience. I'm glad both you and your dog came out of it okay. You take care of yourself, Beggar. Your health comes first and foremost so if you need some time off to recover, take it. We'll still be here. You rest up.

Hard Knox King

I'm glad you alright 👍🏿 👌 ☺️ and getting better stay healthy and keep on living bro


Glad to hear youre okay


Dude if you need to take a hiatus for month or so that’s fine with me. Near death experiences can really fuck with some people. Glad you and your dog are ok


Im so glad you are ok get well and plenty of rest...

Pineapple JAK

Nothing to forgive. You are alive and hopefully getting better. Take your R&R.


That's such scary experiences, hope you recover and get well soon!

Christopher Huddleston

Lucky you and dog are safe and alive that the most important get well...

Gray Metal Fox

I'm very happy this turned out to be a happy ending for both you and the dog. It really makes you think any day could be your last day. Wishing you a speedy recovery Begg, and put that hard-headed doggy of yours on a leash next time. ;-)


did you thank the old man

Scott Guy

Are you kidding? There is absolutely NOTHING to forgive! You are a hero for acting so fast to save your dog! Bravo sir! Take every minute you need to fully recover. When it comes to either your health or the game, to Hell with the game! I'd rather the game end right now and you continue living than having you work yourself to death just to please us. Priorities my friend!


espero que ten encuentre bien y te recuperes como los otros dicen lo mas importante es la salud y que bueno que pudiste salvar a tu perro.

jose hernandez

Me alegra saber que no sufriste nada permanente de ese accidente. Espero que te mejores tu y tu perro.


Never, EVER, apologize for life. Life happens, you can't stop it, you can only try to direct it. Just get better.


Glad your okay take some rest and feel better soon


Get well soon Beggar. If u need anything just ask us


Damn dude, glad you are ok now, I've had a few close calls at that level too.

Mister Glitch

I am legitimately upset to hear about this -- even though we don't know each other personally, I have followed your work for many years and, in a way, you feel like a friend (and many others probably feel the same way about you). Please do whatever is necessary to take care of yourself and do not worry about the game. As a dog owner too, I am equally relieved to hear your dog is safe -- they are just as important as family. Your dog is lucky to have you. We are lucky to have you. The gentleman who helped you is a comforting reminder that people are still fundamentally good to each other in times of need. Please take care, Beggar.


WOW , glad you letting us know and im glad your doing better , try to take it easy now because health is vary important . please take care Beggar .