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Blake was relaxing in a hotel room while her roommate Yang was out to get some food for there beloved catgirl!

While Blake was reading a book, some one was sneaking up on her from behind to chloroform her with a sweet smelling rag!

After some struggling, Blake passed out...

Some mintues later she woke up from her little nap her cute mouth sealed with extra sticky tape and her hands got taped up into mittens making her totaly helpless!

We hope you'll like the nice GIF of Blake!^^

The set is coming with 41 pics.

We hope you like it! Feedback is always welcome!

You can download the set here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/84h7ka8fxtss0qe5sr0cz/Blake-Auswahl.zip?rlkey=m47q58mvh5nc6srdwqqzgbhkj&dl=0

The set is available until: 30.09.2023

After that you have to buy it in our Gumroad store.




Excellent job, you guys are the best!


Another incredible set! Kitty looks so pretty as usual


Um it's saying it was deleted?


I guess you'Re using the email link right? Just use the link on the post.^^ (Always do that.)


Wow, Kitty looks great as Blake! It's always nice to see her in a crop top and boots! ;)