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Here is our Ladybug video reward for this month!^-^

Damsel:  Ladybug

The model is over 21. Dont post or upload our video some where else or we´ll go for legal consequences!

Ladybug was saving the day once again! And she also saved her true love Adrien aswell!

After  delivering him to his model job location, Ladybug was searching for a  room where she can transform herself back into Marinette. She was lucky  one of the door rooms where open and she walked in, but...
The room wasnt empty!

Adrien was inside the room and Ladybug was pretty suprised! But something doesnt seems right here... What is it???

She´ll find out pretty soon...

Video includes: Tapegag, electrical tapegag, heavy tape tied, catsuit, bodysuit, boxtie,  chloroform, layred tapegag, on screen tieing, on screen gagging,  hopping damsel, struggling, moaning, gagtalk, blooper

Video Length: 30:00 Minutes

You can download the video here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0vxgqz1rsl4vrwbu40f2a/Ladybug-out-of-Luck-072023.mp4?rlkey=2ziza1c6beevvyout0exidfn6&dl=0

The video is available until: 31.08.2023 after that you have to buy it in our Gumroad store.^^




Fantastic video again. Love the bodysuit costume look. The Miraculous Ladybutt is great!


More tight outfits!