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Writer and friend of the show Sarah Miller (@sarahlovescali) joins us to talk about her recent piece in Popula, wherein she went undercover as a potential homebuyer to find out how real estate agents in Miami are talking about real estate in the face of impending climate catastrophe. You can read Sarah's piece here: https://popula.com/2019/04/02/heaven-or-high-water/




I like your stuff guys, but "marxism is a science"? From wikipedia: "Science (from the Latin word scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe." I think the operative word there is "testable". You can say that marxism is a theory about social relations, or a theory of economics, or a history-based theory about the development of societies, or, in fact, some combination of all three of these, but a 'science'? C'mon.


They're referring to the concept of Scientific Socialism - the idea that instead of promoting a utopian vision of Socialism they base their approach off of a historical materialist understanding of the past and an empirical, system, and materialist understanding of the present. It's scientific in the sense that natural histories are scientific. In science there is a place for forming conclusions based off of natural observations that frankly can never be tested for various reasons.


<a href="https://www.marxists.org/subject/marxmyths/john-holloway/article.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.marxists.org/subject/marxmyths/john-holloway/article.htm</a>


I guess I'm just an uneducated goof, but it seems to me that 1) just calling something 'scientific' does not make it science (c.f. 'creation science'); 2) as to the link from marxwasright, that content struck this reader as 60 paragraphs of argle-bargle, even though at the end it seemed to agree with me that 'scientific marxism' is, in fact, a rather goofy oxymoron. But maybe I'm unsophisticated. I don't know. Peace out.