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I put a lot of my thoughts about monster design in my experimental YT video this week, so I don't want to reiterate too much. But let's take a look at each piece individually.

Knight of Matarialis - I wrote about this piece last week but forgot to include it I think...

Dragons - I have two different "dragons" this week. The one with all the curly horns on its head is more appealing than the super spikey one. I'm not too fond of that one. Designs like this spikey dragon happen when I'm not creating concept art with a conceptual direction in mind. Whenever I see a design that's all jagged like this, I think that the artist was trying to compensate for a total lack of ideas, because that's what produces the same outcomes in my work.

Dragons in Angelarium should be surprising and exciting to see. They should not be generic background monster designs. In order to get to that point, I am going to have to pick a concrete direction that draws on visual metaphor. But first, I need to decide on what that metaphor is.

Yeti - The experiments I worked through with this Yeti design were really valuable. I don't know if they will ultimately become a part of the book, but I'm happy I worked through them!

Griffon - The arms for legs gimmick on this guy feels like something I want to dive deeper into. Even though I don't like this drawing specifically, it's a fertile line of thought to iterate from. I will definitely take another swing and making something similar to this soon.




The first dragon looks like a phyrexian.