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After careful consideration I've decided I will be pausing my patreon for the month of June after all. I don't feel confident I can put together a good pack by the end of this month, and so the May pack will likely be sent out sometime mid-June. Our dog will likely be having her eye surgery in two weeks time and I don't want to be running myself thin while juggling her care and playing catch up on my patreon schedule.

The pause will go into effect from May 29 until June 29. This means current patrons will not be charged anything on the month of June.

To make up for some of the income I'll be losing next month, I will likely work on a few more commissions from my waitlist, so if you've got a spot in line it will likely be coming up sooner. Please keep an eye on your email if this is the case.

Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully by the time July rolls around, things will be a little calmer regarding our dog's health.



Take all the time you need, wishing your pupper an easy surgery and speedy recovery!