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Hi everyone,

After some exploring and testing, right now i'll try to use both Mega and pCloud for file sharing. The links for this months rewards already changed to Mega, if you still wanted to use the pCloud link, look at the description of the post.

Mega will be used for:

- Main link for monthly reward on Patreon

- Links for Gumroad

pCloud will be used for:

- Backup for monthly reward on Patreon (until i'm certain that Mega is better)

- Hi-res Vault

- [Time Machine] tier's file request

Hope this solution is a more permanent one than other solutions. Please let me know if you find any issue with either cloud.

Thank you ^^


I've expended some time to explore some clouds, so i figure why don't i put some essays here on why i don't choose few other cloud storage XD

- Google drive: No expiry & password for file sharing (except by using roundabout method like google form). Unclear download bandwidth cap (some says 750GB, others 10TB)

- Dropbox: Only 400GB download bandwidth/day (when we reach peak we exceed 800GB/day). Unless using the business plan

- OneDrive: Unclear download bandwidth cap (Some says 200GB?)

- IceDrive: 2TB monthly bandwidth limit (we exceeded that number already). Unless using the pricier plan

- Sync.com: Honestly i forgot, i tried it last year but quickly backtracked on that decision. So i don't try it again this time. Not a popular option compared to others

- iCloud: Well.... Apple. Not friendly with other OS

- iDrive: Not a cloud sharing service, mainly intended for cloud backup (personal use without file sharing)

- BackBlaze: Extremely pricy transfer bandwidth

If my understanding is correct, Mega will use visitor's download bandwidth cap first  (~5GB/day and there's a lot of solution on google on how to bypass it) before using my bandwidth. That's why i'm interested to try it. If i'm mistaken... i'll need to explore other option again 🥲

-= Thank you for coming to my TED Talk =-



Well, I hope mega works... Its the main cloud I use, so it would be nice.

Tom Brousseaux

Pretty soon you'll have to send all the artwork out to everyone by carrier pigeon XD


Be careful with mega they can be very touchy on being used to share nsfw stuff