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Hi everyone,

It seems pCloud's server are back now. So you should be able to access the files again

I'll be exploring alternatives, maybe going forward i will use 2 links at the same time until i'm certain the new option will be better (i'll update the reward link post with the new cloud when available).

Not sure which but maybe i'll try google drive and mega for now. Dropbox's bandwidth is too small

Please let me know if you find any issue with pCloud or the other cloud in the future

Thank you!


Tom Brousseaux

The cloud is evaporating! D:

Tom Brousseaux

Does pCloud have large storage available or something? Just curious because I haven't seen too many artists using it.


We're at the point where free account's storage size is not enough right now, so the strong point of pCloud is in their lifetime subscription XD The sharing features like password and expiry date also helps a lot. Which website usually used by other artist?

Tom Brousseaux

As far as the artists I'm subscribed to on Patreon, none of them offer all the artwork they make on a monthly basis on a service like pCloud. Some offer them as zip files here in Patreon if there's lots of alts for a piece, but it's hard to search for anything on this site. Some artists I was subscribed to used Google Drive, but it only offers 15gb of free space before you have to pay a monthly fee. If you used it, you could provide a link to access the files instead of a password like pCloud, and then at the end of the month you would go and manually remove access to it on Google Drive.

Tom Brousseaux

Outside of Patreon, I've had a few artists use Mega to distribute files, but I've only downloaded from it. I don't know how well it works.


Yeah it's pretty unsafe too to put all files on Patreon 🤔 It seems the only choice right now is to adhere to monthly cloud fee and manual link management 😅, although not many offer a lot of transfer bandwidth (download cap). Thank you for your input 🍻