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This is it, this is the next big exploration map! This map is a semi-Hawaiian inspired map that features a massive volcano in the middle (don't worry, eventually it will have lava)

This map aims to be a driving / drifting-focused map with many roads to drive on. Though of course, it will have secrets to find ;)

Also, as of right now the map is "Naked" as it doesn't have any trees. Don't worry, there will be a TON of trees, just getting the road layouts finished first (still have a ton more to add). Once the roadways are finished, then onto the detailing with trees, racetracks, abandoned buildings, small town, etc...

Hope you are excited for this as much as I am. Also forgot to mention, the map is 4km x 4km so theres TONS of room to play in :)

P.S. I will not abandon this project lol




wow, big map ... lot's of roads :-)


looks great!!