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Hiyah Patrons!

Since last time, me and my BG artist have been working on getting a rough animation test of a scene in LOVEHANDLES put together.

Check it out by clicking the link below:


Everything is subject to change, since it's so early on in development! That being said, I hope you like these initial doodles!

Still not 100% set on the names... but I seem to be gravitating towards calling the female protagonist "Stacy" this time around... as for the guy ( who got a new hair-do since last time ) Zach? Maybe? idk haha

Then there's a side character who shows up on the other side of a phone call... hmmm... Jessica?

I remember I went through a few names before I settled on "Tyler" as the name for the male protag in the last film, so I guess we'll see later what sticks haha!

Thanks for your support!



Ainz The Reaper

She looks squishy. I like squishy


I like this this is really cool