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im sure you all notice that all loli/bestiality post from my page disappear cause i remove it, apparently patreon just update their nsfw policies regarding about the content i just mention, so i can't post any related stuff in this page anymore but however im creating discord server just for lol/best stuff,

its just gonna be a post server no txt group chat or anything, i try finish it up by today cause i got besti stuff i need to post also



Well, that's a bummer. Here's hoping patreon changes there mind. But don't worry I still plan to stay subscribed so as to continue supporting you man. I'm sorry I'm listening to the dead island theme as I read this and it is making me more depressed than I should be. I just wish places like steam and Patreon would learn that people are weird, and these are the things they want, and quite trying to shove people into boxes and tell them what they are allowed to do and like. Anyway, I'll be sure to go look for you new discord server. Though I'm not all that familiar with discord, could we get a link? Until your next post, keep doing what you do man. We all love you for it.


yeah well what to do bout it. we can only go with the flow, also have u install discor on ur pc/mobile cause if not i realy suggest you do that since ur req mostly are BST related, if you still having trouble to link ur pat to discord please let me know so i can help you out


That sucks to hear but it's nice to hear that you are sticking to you and making the channel for the good stuff. As always stay strong toto!