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First up, Becky.

With that out of the way:  A few people have requested a patron Discord server in the past. I'm not opposed to the idea in principle, but i'm more just wondering what use it would serve.

Possible things it could be used for:

1. Patron chat (both text and voice variations). The obvious one. Thing is, would anybody actually talk to each other? I suppose I could lurk in it to answer questions and post WIP stuff, but I can do that on here already.

2. Video game channels. For playing online games with other patrons (or me) maybe? Would probably have to make them semi-public given there aren't *that* many people here though.

Can't really think of anything else. So both opinions and suggestions on the matter are welcome.

Thanks peeps!




My personal opinion: at this point in time, you really don't need a Discord. It wouldn't add anything and just be an extra place you would have to monitor. So I vote "No" on the matter of you opening a Discord.


I don’t keep up with discord chats I have now, and if anyone wants to play video games together (or with you.) wouldn’t the better route be to just ask?


I second the notion that you don't really need a Discord at this point. You already do a great job of answering the questions here so it'd be a tad superfluous.


If you play videogames regularly then Yes to the Video game channel. I would decline the Discord


I'm kinda iffy on the idea of posting WIP on Discord, I would prefer if all your artworks and sketches were collected in one place rather than multiple places, it is easier to follow you that way.


I don't see the point of it. I am on a few discords through patreon and none of them seem necessary, they just kind of are. Also see a few artist get trapped on them replying to every little question and could see it being time consummating to manage.


I'm just here for the art. (More Anastasia, please!)


I'm in the discord of a few other artists on Patreon. Short version: you don't 'need' one. They're fun, and occasionally convenient. They're more convenient if you're crowdsourcing ideas, or doing a stream, or what have you. But no, you don't need one.


Thanks for the input everyone.