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There have been a lot of rumors and legends about a certain game that apparently hit the market some time ago. It just suddenly started to trend among all sorts of guilds, going even so far that some members, that were notorious fighting junkies, skipped on their duties just to play it more. It was apparently that addicting.

To others it was like a whole new world, reachable through a portal in their own game-like world that always seemed to suck them away unexpectedly for a day. They would just open at random, swallow one person and spit them back out at the end of the day. And all victims always wish for the same thing afterwards: To get swallowed up again as soon as possible.

Yet, there was a catch. While this game had many, many positive reviews and tons of people swearing that experiencing it was the best thing to ever happen in their life, no one, not even the players or victims themselves seemed to remember what even happens inside the game. The moment they log off or get spit out, none of their memories of anything inside the game would remain, aside from the intense longing to go back to experience something truly amazing all over again.

And that game’s name is Crossworld Yggdrasil Online - Altering Version, or CYOA for short.

The metallic and futuristic looking door opened, as a very out of place looking guy in green and black armor stepped into the room, followed by two robots dressed in maid uniforms. Everything in the room looked slick, clean and mechanical, making the guy look around in discomfort.

Although his mood lightened up a little, when his gaze fell into the middle of the room, where two girls were already sitting at a large metallic looking round table. Before he could utter a word, the maids pretty forcefully made him take a seat at the table, to which he just growled, but ultimately complied. And now the three of them were sitting at a table opposite each other, eyeing everything and everyone as one of the robot maids stepped up near the table.

“Greetings to each of you and welcome to “Das Böse” castle. My designated name is Camilla and my Ai is in charge of all the maidbots across the castle. Also the me you see here is my main body. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.” She said, bowing to all three of them. “May I ask each of you to briefly introduce yourself?”

“You can call me Noafumi Iwatani or Shield Hero, whatever you prefer.” Naofumi, the only guy in the room said, then crossed his arms. “And my very limited knowledge of German tells me that I don't want to be in this castle for very long.”

“Erza. Erza Scarlet.” Erza, the redheaded girl spoke, taking on a very similar body language to Naofumi. “I’m an S rank mage that also doesn’t plan to stay here for too long, since I have to find my friend Lucy again. To be honest, I don't think I am meant to be here.”

“Uhm… I am Raphtalia. And I am Master Naofumi’s proud…” The raccoon girl spoke, then backpedaled almost immediately. “No, I am the Katana Hero now. So call me Raphtalia or Katana Hero.”

“Master Naofumi, Mistress Erza, Mistress Raphtalia. You all might already know why you all were summoned here today, but allow me to explain.” Camila bowed again, then lifted her head and let a screen appear in midair and started to explain. “As you know, as the…”

Bling~ Bling~ Bling~

All three of them immediately got sidetracked as their virtual menu made a sound, causing them all to, as inconspicuous as they could, open it up to see what kind of message they had received. The only one who was a bit surprised by this event was Naofumi, as he couldn't recall Raphtalia ever having the ability to interact with the menu before. But he also knew that in other worlds rules could very well be different, so he began to read his message in tandem with the other.

“You’re role for today has been decided:

Race: Oni girl

Occupation: Evil Overlord

Physical traits: Detached Body Part, Cybernetic Enhancements,

Personality: Overprotective, desperately romantic, incredibly dense

Chest size: Plus Ultra

Ass size: Plus Ultra”

“What sort of joke is this?!?” Naofumi suddenly yelled, stunning all that sat on the table and Camilla as well. “Oni girl? Plus ultra in ass and chest? And all those stupid traits! What sort of pervert thought of all of this and why the heck does he think he can just decide my role like that?!?”

“I am afraid I am missing some context. Do you mind elaborating before I finish explaining?” Camila asked, her robotic eyes blinking as if she tried to process the situation.

“Good to know that I am not the only one who thinks this is ridiculous.” Erza then chimed in, giving off a large sigh. “So I am guessing you have Evil Overlord too as Occupation?”

“Me too. Although you saying Oni girl confuses me. Mine says Android here in the race line.” Raphtalia added, making the two others double check their own message, although they quickly noticed that Raphtalia was just the odd one out.

“This was enough madness for a day. I am not staying a moment longer.” Naofumi declared, standing up from his seat. “I have played along with this dumb game for too long anyways.”

“Yeah, my apologies.” Erza added, also standing up. “I have a friend to find, so i have no time to waste also.”

“I have nothing against you Camila, really.” Raphtalia gave a painful smile, but also stood up from the seat. “But I am going to follow Naofumi for now. Hope to see you again.”

“Wait, my lord and ladies!” Camila shouted as all of them walked towards the iron door. One could see that Camila is computing to the point of overheating what she had to say to make all of them stay. “This is a strategy meeting to invade the kingdom of Cridelle! If this succeeds, the kingdom and all people in it will fall into your hands!”

‘Why am I still here?’ All of them were thinking the same thing. In varying tones of aggressiveness, but all the same words. All three of them sat back at the table, looking at Camila as if they were about to burn a hole through her with their gazes.

Naofumi knew he wanted to leave, but something about having an entire kingdom fall into his hands was just too sweet to pass up. He couldn’t quite figure out why that sounded so appealing, but to him, it just did. And apparently to the others too.

There was a certain heat coursing through his body, a heat that wasn't quite normal. He felt it especially potently around his chest and his butt area, but he decided to pay it no mind. After all, what is the worst that could happen? His butt actually getting bigger like the message earlier said?


“So okay, what do we need to do to have this country fall into our hands.” Naofumi asked, his voice slightly cracking, which Erza, perceptive as she is, immediately noticed. Something was off about Naofumi's face. It looked rounder and daintier than before, softer too. Much more feminine than it did even just a few moments ago.

Because of that for a second there Erza actually thought about if the heat inside of her chest and backside meant something, but quickly dismissed that as just excitement of taking over a city soon. Clearly a normal thing, so she added. “And what do you mean with alliance of us three?”

“Our plan is to unite the Cyber-factions technological advantage with the Sword-factions offensive prowess and the Shield-factions defensive prowess to overwhelm and subjugate the opponent.” Camila explained, although Raphtalia’s eyes were still glued on Erza for some reason.

Erza’s bust seemed bigger. It very clearly was, but it still just fit perfectly into her armor, which made it hard for the raccoon girl to tell if something really had changed. But even as Erza’s breast expanded to sizes approaching her head, Raphtalia didn’t think much of it. Maybe it was because of the heat in her own chest and butt distracting her. Only the heat, because she certainly also didn't notice that her own chest was growing just as much as Erza’s.

“Cyber-faction?” She asked hesitantly. “Who would be representing that…?”

“That would be you, my lady.” Camila replied, almost as if an aside.

"Ridiculous." Naofumi slammed his fists onto the table, making everyone look at him as he stood up.

He had noticed from the start that something fishy was going on here, and this absurd declaration brought him over the edge. Yeah, right. Because Raphtalia looked anything like someone who could be in charge of the Cyber-faction.

Although, on second glance he did notice that her gloves had taken on a metallic sheen and actually didn’t even look like gloves anymore, but more like just her regular hands. And the more he analyzed, the more the silvery metallic texture seemed to spread up Raphtalia’s arms, replacing her elbows with mechanical joints as well until it even reached her shoulders.

That's when his brain went into overdrive, yet still managed to miss everything that was happening to himself in the process. Because while he was thinking about if everything about Raphtalia, like her mechanical arms and humongous boobs were normal, he completely missed that his own chest had expanded just like the girls if not even a little bit more to catch up, giving everyone the same amount of frontal weight.

“I agree!” Erza shouted, also slamming the desk with her hands and standing up. Although she was suddenly a lot more unsure what she even was agreeing on. She saw Naofumi’s first curl, but failed to notice that green pigments started to spread up his arms, turning his arms almost completely into a dark greenish tone.

Erza raised her own now red hand to her mouth, thinking about what she should say next. This whole thing was ridiculous, yes, but the fact that Naofumi’s butt and thighs were in very clean view and started to inflate like helium balloons just went completely past her. And so did the fact that she also had to adjust her stance because of her increasingly wider hips radius. She just couldn’t figure out if that curvy figure looked weird on Naofumi or if it looked natural.

“You two calm down for a sec!” Raphtalia also slammed her hands onto the table, however hers sounded more like metal clanking than a fist slamming on a table. Yet she didn’t care and stood up as well, struggling to find a balance for a moment due to her somehow irregularly heavy front and backside. Although the gyroscope inside of her midsection quickly helped her regain her balance.

Gyroscope in her mechanical midsection? Something about that didn't seem quite right to Raphtalia, but she didn't have time to prod on that further. So as the metallic sheen spread over her entire stomach and towards her legs, she took a stance against the two other extremely curvy people in the room.

She had always been a bit shyer than the other two on the table, but that didn’t mean she couldn't hold her own. Erza and Naofumi were both growing in size, easily now reaching over a 2 meter stature and still growing, but she herself wasn't that far behind. Their stomach and arms were getting more muscular and bulky, while Noafumi’s skin had turned almost entirely dark green, while Erza’s had turned into a dark red. Yet all Raphtalia could think about was how to stop both of them from rampaging and finally listen to Camila.

“Can we just all be quiet and listen to Camila for a bit?” Raphtalia spoke, her voice sounding a bit more artificial than she was used to as the metallic sheen traveled up her neck. “Yes, I am the Cyber-Overlord, just as much as Erza is the Sword-Overlord and Naofumi is the Shield-Overlord. Why are you questioning obvious things…?”


“Ack!” All three of them gasped simultaneously as something hard and metal clamped itself onto their backs. Although when feeling for it, they all somehow knew that it was just their metal supporting beam, meant to be an external spine-enhancement to lift the pressure of their backs and enhance their performance in other ways.

For all three of them, it went from around their inhuman hips, up their backs and to their shoulders, where the structure then continued down their arms to their hands, where they ultimately led to an oversized glove. But just as all three were checking out their new gear…


All of their thoughts fell silent for a moment. For Raphtalia, her eyes had just mechanized and been replaced by digital screens while her ears had turned fully metal and functioned more like antennas than ears. For Naofumi and Erza horns had grown out of their heads and their inhuman pigmentation had spread over the faces completely. But most importantly, the change had finally overtaken their entire head, which also caused all of their minds to slow down to the speed of a crawl for a few moments as their gazes just emptily wandered the room.

“Ugh… Alright, I’ll hear you out…” Naofumi moaned quietly, sitting back down on the chair. Although when his behind tried to place itself on the chair, his manhood quietly and unnoticed by everyone got crushed by his thighs, being forced back into his body and leaving nothing but a new cave behind.

Normally there was no way he could have ever missed something like that, but at the same time that his butt made contact with the chair, more than half of each of his thighs spilled over, making the edge of the chair dig into his enormous thighs which was more than just a little uncomfortable.

He was angry, but decided to hide it for now as he simply turned towards Camila and asked. “Before that, could you please get me a second chair? These ones are not fit for my size.”

“Right away, Ma’am.” Camila declared and the robot maids immediately moved to do something, however Naofumi’s mind was occupied with something else.

The word ‘Ma’am’ sounded so wrong yet so right to him. He took a look down and was unsurprised that he couldn't see very much. After all, his boobs were the size of boulders and already twice the size of his head each, making him wonder why he even tried to look down to begin with. So he just used his muscular arms to trace down his trim and muscular stomach, until he came to his tree trunk sized thighs.

And right between them, there was nothing. Just an entrance to new territory that Naofumi suddenly craved for someone else to explore.

There was no mistaking it nor did Naofumi know why he ever questioned it. Of course she was a girl. What else was she supposed to be?

“Excuse the delay.” Camila suddenly announced, breaking all three of them mostly out of their stupor. The robot maids readied a second chair for each of the Overlords, with them sitting down, one cheek per chair. And although it still was a bit uncomfortable as their cheeks were still spilling over a little bit, no one was comfortable enough to admit that their ass was too fat to fit onto two chairs in front of the others.

“Alright, then let’s continue.” Erza announced, feeling like all the weirdness was finally behind her. Although now a big question started to rush towards Erza’s mind, which she couldn’t help but ask. “But first things first. How are we going to kidnap the princess?”

"...excuse me?” Camila asked, trying to process the question Erza had just asked. “The current plan is to take over the country of Cridelle and…”

“...and steal all the princesses. We know.” Naofumi added much to Camila's continued confusion. However instead of explaining, Naofumi just dropped her two boulders on her chest that were around three times the size of her head on the table, and continued with: “So are we going to invade with the obvious tactic of using my forces for intruding into the palace, Erza’s forces to crush the enemy troops and Raphtalia’s for support and recon?”

“While that does sound like a plan, doesn’t that give Naofumi first crack at the princesses in the palace?” Raphtalia interjected, her robotic raccoon ears twitching as she spoke. “I agree to lend my recon unit if the first princess of the Cridelle is promised to be my wife and no one else's.”

“Minotaur crap!” Erza stood up again, making her ass jiggle just a bit too much thanks to her sudden movement. However she ignored it and just angrily declared. “Why should you be allowed the oldest and most beautiful princess? I am way more deserving of beauty!”

“I am going to steal the princesses, I am getting the first pick. End of discussion.” Naofumi defiantly declared, which had both others flare up and yell through the room. Their gloves then came off, floating into the air like a massive disembodied hand, as if to try to intimidate the others. Although as all three of them did it, it didn’t really lead to much besides making Camila concerned about her safety.

“May I inquire why kidnapping the princesses is such an important point in your plan…?” Camila asked, although that made all three of them just stare at her immediately.

“Isn't that obvious?” “Huh? You didn’t know?” “It’s not like it’s a secret.” They all responded at the same time, before shouting in unison. “Because I want a girlfriend!”

“Eh?” Camilla was stumped.

“Who wouldn’t want a soft girlfriend with some nice butt and nice breasts to play with, or even just to hug or kiss~” Erza fauned, leaning on her own chest as she went deep into her fantasy.

“Someone with power who can lead people, so that you can improve your own standing even more.” Naofumi added, nodding slowly in complete agreement.

“Someone with knowledge you can find in databases and give you experiences you have computed before.” Raphtalia agreed, even her robotic voice clearly pleased with the thought. Which is when all three simultaneously agreed.

“Princesses sure are the best waifus…”

Camila blinked as she calculated everything the three overlords had just said, and came to a very interesting conclusion. “...don’t all these factors also apply to you, my ladies? Why don’t you just ask each other…”

“I just noticed a fault in our plan.” Raphtalia suddenly declared her expression blank as if she was still calculating in the back of her metal head. “Nowhere in our plan do we guarantee the safety of big sister Camila.”

“...excuse me?” Camila's head started to overheat from all the computing again, making her look flushed.

“That’s true.” Erza suddenly looked very serious, much to Camila’s surprise. “Naofumi, think you can spare some of your troops to guard ‘Das Böse’ castle while we are out?”

“Will be rough. A nosedive into an enemy castle usually takes a lot of troops, as a lot of them need to clear the way for us to get through.” Naofumi also took on a thinking pose, then smiled as she leaned back and let her heavier than boulder chest bounce while putting her hands behind her head, her real ones and even the two floating metal ones as she smirked. “But I am sure we will find someone to protect her. Big sis Camila is too precious to put into harm's way after all.”

“Agreed.” “Umu.” The other two nodded their heads, to which Camila was still trying to compute the situation as Naofumi and then Erza and Raphtalia too all stood up.

All three's sheer size was enormous, probably reaching to around 2,3 meters when they stood tall. And Raphtalia’s body was even higher spec than Camila’s herself. All of them also sported breasts larger than any medicine ball in the world, a butt size that stuck out over a meter behind them and a hipwidth that made two chairs clearly not enough for them to comfortably sit upon.

Yet they all got together next to the table, thrusting their fists in the middle and then each placing their floating mechanical arms on top, as Raphtalia declared. “We hereby form the ‘Das Böse’ alliance between the Cyber-faction, the Sword-faction and the Shield-faction with the goal of kidnapping princesses to make our wives and protect our big sister Camila from harm!”

“May my sword strike down any who dare to stand in our way of wifes!” Erza declared.

“May my shield protect Camila until the end of time.” Naofumi added.

“May our technology trump everything that opposes us!” Raphtalia yelled.

“May ‘Das Böse’ triumph in the end.”

And that is how Camila for the first time since her Ai was developed, felt embarrassment in her system. But at least she achieved what she set out to do.

After all, the ‘Das Böse’ alliance was now officially formed.


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