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Warning: This story contains curse elements, explicit wrong behavior, more mature language than usual and a bad ending.


It was an ordinary Sunday afternoon. A guy named Frank had just finished his drink and waved his wallet to show the cute waitress that he was ready to pay. And not long after, the cute girl hurried over to him, frantically pulling the receipt out of the device in her hand. She looked like she was new as a waitress and clumsy to boot. It gave Frank an evil idea.

“Uhm… I hope you enjoyed your meal. Your total comes to…,” She started, but Frank just pulled a single note out of his wallet, put it on the table and waved dismissively.

“Keep the change,” He laughed and as he grabbed his empty glass and leaned back into his seat.

With two fingers pressed together he drew circles around the edges of the glass, until suddenly, his fingers started to glow. Water appeared inside the glass, filling it at a constant rate, seemingly out of nowhere. After a few seconds, the glass was completely filled up again, albeit with water.

“Here! I didn’t quite empty my glass, I hope you don't mind,” Frank said with a sadistic smile as he handed the refilled glass over to the slightly confused waitress. Yet she didn’t look confused that he had just filled the glass with magic. She was confused because she could have sworn that the glass was empty a few seconds ago.

“Oh, no problem,” She said and tried to look professional, then took his glass and made her way back behind the counter of the restaurant. At least she tried to, but…


A mighty gust of wind pushed her from behind, making her trip over and fall to the ground. And as she did, she threw the glass up in the air, where it seemed to slow its fall, unnaturally curve through the air and land straight on her butt, soaking her pants through to her panties.

“I don’t mind giving a large tip, if you are going to pay me back with an amazing sight anyway,” Frank whispered to himself and stood up from his seat, fully taking in the sight of the soaking wet girl in front of him. Ahh, there was nothing quite like wet pants clinging tightly to the juicy behind of a girl. Bonus points for her panties that were visible through them as well.

“Ah~ I am so clumsy… why me…?” The girl cried, trying to get off the floor and clean up the mess she thought she had made. She really hadn’t noticed a thing. It was amazing with what blatant use of magic he could just get away with. So he left the restaurant, content with how amazing his entire day had been.

It had been three days since Frank had found the item that had changed his life so much for the better. It was a simple orange-black wristband with a small button in the middle he had found on the sidewalk on his way home from work, but it was so much more than that. It was thanks to that wristband Frank was now the most powerful person in the world, and no one would ever notice.

When he got home he spared no time and pressed the small button on his wristband right away, knowing full well what was about to happen. Not even a second later, a dark portal appeared next to him and a solitary female figure stepped out of it.

She was quite the cutie in her own right, with a cute face, ample chest and a very nice ass, that could even be seen through her black robe without the help of Frank’s magic. And as anyone could probably tell by now, Frank really liked those. She also had orange hair that really shone through the rest of her dark appearance, especially so because her darker skin tone made her look quite exotic. As soon as that girl fully stepped through the portal and it closed behind her, she immediately fell to one knee and bowed her head.

“You have called upon me, Master Frank? Is it time for your third wish?” She said, holding her position and making Frank feel even more powerful than he already did. His days as an office slave that nobody cared about were over, and it was all thanks to that girl.

“Not yet. I was just in the mood to see you again. Go and grab me a beer from the fridge,” Frank commanded, undressing himself and throwing himself onto his couch. A few moments later, the girl appeared again from his kitchen with an opened beer bottle in her hand.

“Here you go, Master Frank,” the girl spoke and handed the bottle over to him. And he took a big sip of it to celebrate the day.

“Ahh~ This is life~” Frank said, looking at the wonderful servant that was to his every beck and call. It kind of made him remember how he outsmarted her and turned her into a permanent servant of himself. And she was so dumb that she didn’t even realize how screwed she was yet. Maybe it was time to reveal the truth to her, just for fun.

“Hey, servant. Explain the rules of this band to me once more,” Frank said, with a big grin on his face.

“My name is Nagisa…” She answered politely, but Frank interrupted her. “I don't care. But okay then. Nagisa, explain those rules again.”

“Whoever holds this band holds complete power over me for three wishes. And I will always do my best to fulfill them to the best of my abilities. But I have to be able to fulfill them with my magic, and as I made it just a simple rule that you only get three wishes, that is not something you can wish to increase” Nagisa explained.

“Do you mind explaining my first two wishes to me as well again?” Frank asked condescendingly.

“Your first wish was to be the richest person in terms of money on the planet. And that no one would ever question you where you got that money from.” Nagisa explained.

And that was true so far. His bank account was suddenly home to absurd numbers that he had never seen associated with money before. Just the sheer number of digits on his account made him giddy, but he got used to it really fast. It felt so good to not care about money ever again.

“Your second wish was to be able to use magic, like the people do in games and novels. And that no one would ever notice when you did.” she continued.

That wish had actually backfired on him, even if just a little bit. She had obviously tried to fulfill his wish and had made him capable of casting basically every sort of spell under the sun, but due to the fact that he had never used magic before, he really didn’t know how to cast most spells.

She told him that learning every spell he was now capable of would take him around 1000 years and she even offered to let him skip the learning by using his third wish. It was a good deal all things considered, since what could be better than almost limitless power and wealth?

Well, almost limitless power, wealth and a cute servant that did his every whim definitely beat that, so naturally he refused. Frank had noticed on his first day already that this girl Nagisa obeyed every word he said, as long as she didn’t have to use her magic. Thus he had found a loophole and he was going to exploit the heck out of it.

“Listen, Nagisa. I hate to be the bearer of bad news… Well, bad news for you that is,” Frank said, as he stood up and looked down on the confused girl in front of him.

“There is not going to be a third wish from me. Ever. Who cares if I don't know all the spells right away? I can learn them, I have time, money and a sexy servant that does whatever I want,” Frank spat with a cruel look in his eyes. He then slowly walked past her and…


…smacked her juicy ass. The smile on her face had disappeared instantly and now she had a blank look on her face. Exactly what Frank wanted to see.

“Hahaha. Oh yeah, and now let's even go one step further. How about you don't go back to wherever you usually go at night. I command you to stay by my side, as I always want a ghetto booty like yours to be within smacking distance of me. Anyone as smart as me deserves at least that, don't you think?” Frank was laughing like a maniac at that point, but what he didn’t notice was that Nagisa had grown a smile on her face again.

“Oh, you are sooo right.” Nagisa spoke, this time sarcasm was eminent in her voice and Frank had a very bad feeling all of a sudden. Did he miss anything just now?

“I agree, there really should be a ‘ghetto booty’ within your reach at any time. That can’t be mine, because I obviously can’t always be at your side,” Nagisa continued as she walked towards him menacingly. She was scaring the daylights out of him, so he wanted to run away. Or at least move.

But he didn’t. He couldn’t. It was as if his entire body was frozen in place. He felt like he was at the complete mercy of Nagisa, and that was terrifying.

“Yet I do see a booty that will always be in your reach,” She commented as she walked behind him. She lightly patted him on his ass and he immediately felt a tingle run up his spine. “Let me help you with that~ How about you stick it out a bit…”

Suddenly a shock coursed through his body originating from his ass and he had to adjust his balance. Yet… somehow… his body was moving in a weird way against his will, but not by very much. He now leaned slightly forwards while pushing his ass out as far as possible without falling over.

“There we go. But that isn’t really the ‘ghetto booty’ you wanted, right? It is way too small for someone as good as yourself, so let me show you something,” Nagisa snapped her fingers and suddenly he could move again.

He tried to run away, but quickly noticed a few things. First, the door to the room was suddenly locked, even though the door didn’t even have a key, so getting away was practically impossible.

And second, he couldn’t stop leaning forwards and it was driving him nuts. No matter whether he was walking, running or standing still, he always pushed his ass out in a way that made it look like he wanted everyone to take him from behind.


“Ehh~” Frank let out as Nagisa hit his behind completely out of nowhere. Then he suddenly felt it. A bubbling sensation deep inside his butt. It felt like a monster waiting to be awakened from its slumber, and that just now  was to give him a taste of the terrifying power it was capable of.

But suddenly it cooled down again and he was kind of glad that nothing happened to him. Although… Was he sticking out his butt further than before? It kind of felt like it was a bit rounder too… Oh no.

“Oh yes,” Nagisa spoke up laughing at his face. “I think you have already figured out what will happen if people spank your butt. I mean, It only makes sense really. If your ass is worth smacking, then obviously it has to be a ‘nice ass’, as you call it. I simply make yours fit the description. Aren’t I the nicest person around?”

“I changed my mind, Okay?!? I am ready for my third wish, and I wish…” Suddenly Frank could not make a sound anymore. Nagisa put her finger in front of her mouth and hushed him. By that point he knew that he was completely screwed.

“But honey, you have already used your third wish. You wished for everyone smarter than you to be able to enjoy your ‘ghetto booty’. And since you thought that you could control me, you must be pretty dumb, right? So I’ll just assume that you meant literally everyone when you referred to those smarter than you,” Nagisa locked eyes with him, the wide sadistic smile on her face instead of his this time.

“No… That's not…,” Frank was pleading by now, but Nagisa didn’t seem to stop.

“Don’t worry, everyone will love to smack your ass for you. It’ll be the most normal thing on the planet, like your money and magic. I promise that you will have your perfect ass in no time,” Nagisa said, but finally took a few steps back, giving the panicking guy a bit of breathing room.

“That being said, granting wishes for you was fun. It was an honor to be of service to you, until next we meet!” She said and snapped her fingers, causing the wristband on his hand to shatter.

“W-Wait! You can’t…” Frank said as she opened a large dark portal. And with a final sadistic wink, disappeared through it.

About an hour had passed since Nagisa left Frank behind. It was slowly getting dark outside, but that was the least of his concerns. Whenever he tried to stand up, he was painfully reminded about how hard he messed up. He really gave it his all to stop, even pressing himself face first against a wall in order to stop himself from sticking his ass outwards, but nothing helped. After a while, he just gave up.

“How can a perfect day go so wrong…? I need a drink…” Frank sighed and waddled over to his fridge. But sadly there wasn’t really any good drink inside besides beer, much to his dismay.

“...guess I am going to a bar.” He said, as that was really the only option he had left. It's not like he had money issues anymore, so he could just drink to his heart's content. Maybe that will help him figure out how to deal with his curious situation. Or at least drink his worries away.

So he left his home, with his head hanging low and his ass sticking out as far as ever. The only really good part was that he at least could still walk and run normally, even if he looked inredibly stupid as he started walking down the road.

A few moments later, two young men appeared on the road in front, walking towards Frank. Of course, he would normally have never minded them as they walked past him. After all, why would he watch every stranger he met on the street? But suddenly…

Smack! “Eh?”

Smack! “Ahh~?”

…both men stopped briefly right behind him and hit him directly on his ass, one buttcheek each, making him stumble forward a bit. The bubbling sensation was back and even stronger than it was before. It felt like he needed to brace himself for what was to come, so he turned around towards them and covered his ass with his hands.

He could feel it. His cheeks started to expand against his hands like balloons getting inflated with helium, but that wasn’t the only thing affected this time. His hips also felt like they were getting wider as his previously baggy pants now seemed to get stretched to their limits.

In the end, the bubbling sensation seemed to course all throughout his body, but thankfully stopped relatively soon, even if he quickly noticed that some damage had already been done to the rest of his body. His skin looked a lot fairer than it did before as well as softer, because it also seemed like a lot of the body hair around his body had literally been slapped out of him.

Whatever that bubbling thing was in his butt, he needed to avoid it at all cost. It was no doubt responsible for the massive swelling of his behind and those other weird changes, and seems to appear whenever he gets slapped. The only remotely good thing that came out of that was that he could stand a little bit more upright now with his massive new backweight.

“H-Hey! Why did you assholes slap me!?!” Frank spat at the two men, who had just continued on their walk as if nothing had happened. Both of them turned around while looking confused.

“What are you talking about? Anyone would slap your butt, if you stick it out like that. Weirdo.” And with that, the two guys went on their way, leaving a flabbergasted Frank behind.

“Oh no.” Frank panicked. Nagisa had made it normal for people to slap his behind, just like she did with his magic and money. This was bad, this was bad. He desperately needed to…

[Calm down.]

Yes, he needed to just calm down. It wasn’t so bad if he could just avoid other people. If he just turned back and [got a drink]... Then he could just forget his troubles for a while and maybe even come up with a new plan. The bar wasn’t that far away anyway. Perfect.

“Alright,” He sighed, and made his way further down the street. He made sure to avoid any other pedestrians on the street, although luckily there weren’t any others at this time of day. So he could enter his favorite bar without any issues, much to his relief.

But the inside of the bar was a different story entirely. Even though it was only filled to about half capacity with people, there were still around 20 people inside. It made him gulp as he tried to figure out how he would get to the counter basically undetected by everyone. So far he could see no route that would avoid…

Smack! “Eep!”

“Hey, you are blocking the door!” A man called out to him from behind, after naturally smacking Frank’s behind with a satisfying sound. The bubbling sensation was once again rising, so it was ‘do or die’ time for him now.

He just needed to hurry through all the people towards the counter to sit down and not get slapped another time…

Slap! What? Why did that sitting girl just… Wait! Girls would slap him too?!? Oh no, the sensation…

Smack! “Ahh~” No, he wasn’t looking behind him again. There was another man. Oh no! he could feel the bubbling sensation stretch his pants to their limits.

Slap! N-No! Even the waitress just passing by gave him a slap. The bubbling sensation was nearly unbearable by that point. He needed to sit down. and he had also finally made it to the counter. So as he breathed a sigh of relief…

Smack! “Ahhh! Hey! That's unfair!” A man that seemingly came from the toilet just walked by him and gave him another one for good measure.

By this point it felt like the swelling of his behind wouldn’t ever stop. Even when he tried his best to hold his ass back, it just inflated further and further. He couldn’t even hold a single ass cheeks with both of his hands anymore, as they looked like two basketballs sticking out from behind him.

The intense bubbling feeling was slowly spreading to the rest of his body, but at least it seemed to let go of his ass. Now he should really sit down and…


Frank’s eyes went wide. Suddenly his bottom half… felt a lot breezier than it did before. Slowly, he reached down to his ass to find… exactly what he feared. When he sat down on the stool, his pants finally gave in under the pressure of his mighty behind, ripping apart straight though the middle. Now he was flashing his giant naked orbs to everyone in the room. Great. Exactly what he needed.

“One… Ah~ One cocktail of the day… please,” Frank ordered from the barkeeper while panting. He shimmied a bit on the stool, quickly noticing that despite his naked ass completely spilling over the stool on all sides, it still was way more comfortable now than it ever had been before. It felt to him like he was sitting on a stack of pillows, and he didn’t really know how to feel about that.

But now he had a different problem to deal with. He was getting hornier at an incredible rate, most likely from all of the butt touching and bubbling feelings across his body. His wood was standing higher than ever before and his whole body was feeling weak from the massive erection he was having.

He was rubbing his thighs against his manhood to get some relief, but quickly noticed that the strange bubbling feeling had taken hold in his thighs by now. As he rubbed his wood, his thighs started to swell just like his ass did before. He couldn’t concentrate, he couldn't stop, everything just felt way too good.

After a short while, his thighs had reached a size where one could reasonably see that they belonged to his killer ass, which wasn’t exactly a thing he wanted. The legs of his pants had also ripped in the process, destroying it completely and leaving him with nothing more than his boxers sitting in a public place.

But that had another effect, because now he could actually see how his lower body had changed. His legs were smooth and completely devoid of hair, padded with fat and so thick that he couldn’t even sit in a way that wouldn’t completely sandwich his dick between them. Every movement of his legs just massaged his manhood, bringing Frank further to the edge. The only good thing was that he could feel the bubbling sensation leave his legs…finally.

“Haa… Haa…” Frank was panting. He was still so horny and wanted to relieve himself so badly, but his willpower was great enough for him to resist doing it in a public place. But thankfully, the barkeeper finally returned with the drink in his hand, so Frank breathed a sigh of relief.

Although… the barkeeper went around the counter to her side with the drink in his hand. Why would he do that instead of just handing it… Oh no!

Smack! “Eeep~”

“There you go, my lady with the big booty. I hope you enjoy your booty-slap and I hope you like your drink as well.” The barkeep laughed as he placed the drink in front of her, before heading back behind his counter.

Frank, however, had different worries. He didn’t notice that his ass was so big by now that he could even be slapped when he was sitting on the stool. That meant that not even now he was safe from the slaps.

The bubbling feeling completely skipped his ass this time, shooting straight into his dick, which got even more erect, if that was even possible. And to add on top of that, now even his chest felt itchy all of a sudden. It felt soft…malleable all of a sudden.

<my lady with the big booty>

<my lady>


“Uhg…” Frank's head was pulsing, the words of the barkeeper bouncing through his head. With every pulse the word “Lady” seemed to get bigger in his head, and at the same time his dick receded a bit more into his body while his chest pushed out a little bit more.

[lady] [Lady] -LADY]

After seconds, his dick had completely receded into his body, opening up a fresh new hole in his privates as it became the clit of a fresh new womanhood. His new opening burned and made him gasp at how hot it was. He didn’t have a moment to process it as his balls followed immediately after, getting sucked into this new hole of his and turning into the ovaries of the now definitely female Frank.


“AHH~” Frank moaned out loud in a rugged yet strangely feminie voice, as a huge pleasure spike hit her and made her cum for the first time as a woman. Her boxers, that thankfully somehow still hadn’t ripped yet, were completely soaked now and she collapsed on the counter, almost tipping over her drink in the process.

“I have to… finish this quickly… and go home…” She said, still recovering from the intense orgasm she felt moments before. She slowly reached for her glass and carefully drank a few sips from it while looking around to see who was staring at her.

No one.

She had just let out a moan like a pornstar and no one was looking. How normal was this situation of hers to all those people around her? This was insane.

When she turned back around she could feel her chest jiggling. One look down told her that she did, in fact, possess large boobs about the size of oranges now, but they were practically tiny in comparison to what her ass had become. She couldn’t help herself but feel herself up a little bit.

“Damn… I really am a big assed lady now. This feels so weird to be able to touch on my own body…” She said as she touched herself around her changed body while drinking. She quickly decided that she needed to go home as soon as possible, to avoid future butt-slaps and their consequences.

With an empty glass on the table and way too high dollar bill right next to it, Frank braced herself for another walk through the crowd and towards the exit. There were way less people around than before, but she still did not want to be hit again because of her carelessness. As soon as she stood up from her seat, she was painfully reminded again about the other part of the curse. Only this time, it was much worse, as her massive behind made up about half of her entire body's mass. She couldn’t even take a step anymore, without her sway making her ass jiggle uncontrollably.

But somehow, despite all her alien sensations and jiggling, she managed to get out of the bar without her ass getting molested any further. Considering what happened when she entered the bar this was quite the miracle. Now all she needed to do was go home and…

“Hey boys! Look what nice ass I just found~” A manly voice said.

Smack! “Eep! Oh no!”

From behind her, a gang consisting of five teenage boys quickly surrounded her. And now she was panicking again, because she felt like she was at the complete mercy of those boys. Not to mention that her ass had started to feel bubbly again…

“Yeah, and it's even attached to a girl with such a sexy face as well” The second boy declared.

Smack! “Ahh~ S-Stop it!”

The bubbling sensation instantly shot into her face, making it feel like her bones were rearranged from the inside. Her cheekbone rose a bit as her nose shrank and became more cute. Her eyes grew a bit in size and gained that an alluring look while her lips swelled up a bit, becoming puffy and kissable. Finally, her Adam's apple receded completely into her body, making her moans sound even more sexy than before.

She had to stop this mess before it got completely out of hand…

“I agree. And her long hair makes it even better.” The third boy added.

Smack! “Ahh~ N-No… please…”

There was a huge tingle on her scalp now and suddenly her hair started to cascade down her back. As it grew past her shoulder, she started to see glimpses of it changing colors as well, from the deep black he originally had to a sort of shining orange color that reminded him of the girl that cursed him in the first place.

But she could feel her butt swelling as her hair was still growing. Both only stopped when her hair was long enough to reach her wonderful ass, but it almost felt like her ass was trying its hardest to accelerate the process. Okay, back to the bad situation. What could she do to…

“I might be a fan of huge tits, but even I can enjoy a nice ass every once in a while!” The fourth one remarked.

Smack! “Stop it! Or I…”

She kind of already knew what was happening next, and she knew she was right the moment the bubbling feeling returned to her chest. But instead of focusing on the pleasure that was her expanding breasts, that continued to rub against her now way too small shirt, she tried to think of a way out of this mess.

As her breasts approached the size of basketballs as well, her butt seemingly got jealous and started bubbling as well once again. Within seconds, it blew its own size out of the water, now looking like she had strapped two beach balls to her behind. It looked absolutely ridiculous, especially since her boxers were now on the verge of giving up as well.

She needed to find a way to stop those boys from exploiting that curse even further. If only the magic wouldn’t respond to them anymore… Magic? MAGIC!

“Haha, I get…” The fifth boy laughed, but Frank interrupted him and screamed. “Get away from me!”

Suddenly, a huge gust of wind blew back all five of the boys, making all of them fall to the ground. This was the opening she needed to get away from them, so she ran as fast as she could, with her shaking naked booty giving all of the boys a nice image as she ran into the night.

“That was so close…” She sighed in relief the moment she got inside her apartment. Without any hesitation, she locked the door to make sure that no one would ever suddenly walz into her home and slap her. She was just that paranoid.

“My body looks like the wet dream of a horny boy…” She said, taking off what little clothes had survived her body's rapid change. Her head hurt, she wanted to sleep. At this point she wanted nothing less than to just go to sleep, wake up the next day and see that everything was back as it should be.

So, without doing much else, she threw herself into her bed, ready for sleep to take her.


Beeb Beeb Beeb

The annoying sound of the alarm clock went off and Frank found herself waking up and pressing it without even thinking about it. She sat up on her bed and immediately noticed that she still had way more cushion on her bottom half than what should ever be allowed.

It wasn’t a dream. She still was cursed with this body.

“Morning sweetheart. I can see that your evening yesterday was eventful,” a familiar taunting voice spoke, making Frank turn to face her.

Nagisa was back, wearing the same smug expression she did the day prior. She was not hiding her obvious disdain for Frank at all anymore, and she could feel it. Still, Nagisa was probably the only person in the world to fix what had become of Frank’s body, so she felt like she had no choice but to beg for her forgiveness.

“Nagisa, I am sorry for what I did yesterday. Could you please turn me back? I don’t want to lock myself up in my room for the rest of my life because I am scared of… slaps,” Frank spoke, hoping that that would change his situation.

“But honey, I am not mad at you. You have just used your three wishes very creatively and I am sure you will get used to it very soon. But it looks like the clothes you have don't fit you anymore, so let me give you a little freeby before you have to go out into the world completely naked,” Nagisa hummed and twirled her finger, making a dark vortex appear around Frank.

A tight black corset appeared around her core, followed by a huge black thong slithering in between her legs. Then, originating from the corset a big purple dress like curtain flowed down her body, covering her ridiculous booty for the first time completely. And the corset even extended upwards, forming a bra for her massive bazongas and gloves for her now dainty hands.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized that the request she made of Nagisa could have ended much, MUCH worse for her than it actually did. Fitting clothes were definitely something that she desperately needed, though they do look kind of unconventional…

“Now just add the cherry on top~” Nagisa sang and with a sudden ‘poof’ a giant witches hat fell from the sky directly onto Frank's head. And then it slowly dawned on her.

“Now you can finally be Franzine, the bootylicious rich witch. Don’t you think that's more fitting~?” Nagisa laughed.

Frank felt dizzy all of a sudden. It felt like Nagisa was reaching into her mind and plucking out her original name from within. She didn’t want to forget her old name, and she knew it wasn’t Franzine… but… Suddenly she felt like that was the only name she had ever been associated with. Franzine, the bootylicious rich witch, that had always been her title.

“It would be such a shame if a wonderful person like you were confined in her room for the rest of her life. It would also go against your final wish. Everyone deserves to slap your booty!” Nagisa spoke and her evil grin got even wider. Franzine shuddered.

“You will go to work everyday, just like you did before. You don’t want to keep your colleagues hanging right? And let's add something fun on top of that as well. Because money is not really an issue for you anymore, everything you buy costs an additional booty slap more to buy. Then even the waiters and salespeople can get in on the action,” Nagisa explained and leaned forward until she was right next to the girl.

“Next time, think twice before hitting the butt of a goddess,” she whispered into her ears, then backed off and winked at her sadistically again. “Well then, good bye for real. Have fun at work~”

The portal opened again and Nagisa went through it before Franzine could even react. She continued to stare briefly at the spot where the goddess had just disappeared, then suddenly got up like she was on autopilot.

“Oh right, I am going to be late for work…” She said subconsciously, only realizing afterwards what she had said. She really didn't want to go, but something deep and powerful within her told her that she had no choice. She was going to work, no matter what.

As she left her apartment and walked her usual route to work, only with way more sway in her step, she remembered something and her expression instantly soured. She had to ride the bus to work, and that one was usually jam packed with people.

This was going to be such a pain in the ass for her. Literally.


Hi everyone, Nagisa speaking. I just want to give a brief disclaimer that I don't usually curse people for such a minor rudeness. I am normally a very patient person. I only cursed that guy because ever since the first time I wrote a story, people had been asking me what curses of mine would look like.

Now you know.

Sincerely, Nagisa Fulkami.

Link to pic 



I liked the curse part of this story. I'm not so into ass slapping, but the rest was great


Hahaha. I can understand that. To me, her ass just looked kind of slappable, so I made a story around that concept.