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It was a regular afternoon for most people in the city of Axel. The sun was peeking through the cloudy sky from time to time, people were buzzing around the market filled streets and the first few adventuring parties were just coming home from another day of hard work.

Kazuma meanwhile was basically beaming with a smile from one end of his face to the other, incredibly pleased about his results and eager to cause some more mischief. After all, he did just get the first power he could truly define as cheating. Naturally he would be excited to try this power out further. 

But you know how it is, excitement can only keep a secret for so long…

“...and that’s how I turned Aqua into a succubus. Also she is kinda stuck back home now until she drinks a bit more.” Kazuma laughed.

“That all sounds… way too hard to believe.” Chris mumbled, looking at Kazuma skeptically to which he simply shrugged his shoulders with a smug smile.

“Believe me or not, your choice~ But it’s a pretty awesome new power of mine to just be completely ignorant of.” Kazuma didn’t hold anything back from boasting, to which Chris just laughed weakly. 

“Sooooooo… Let’s start that conversation from the beginning again.” Chris laughed painfully, trying to steer the conversation away from strange Aqua succubi. “Fancy meeting you here. Were you heading off to anywhere in particular?”

“Yes, actually.” Kazuma stopped and turned to Chris. “I was looking for either Megumin or Darkness to try out my powers a bit more on them, but they weren’t home. I also don’t really know where they headed off to, so I am off looking for allies and victims~ And then I found a perfect ally for my newfound powers.”

“Ahahaha…” Chris laughed weakly. “You wouldn’t happen to talk about me, would ya?”

“I am talking about you.” Kazuma grinned.

“Ahaha… I am really sorry, but I really have to go somewhere else now. Have fun testing out your powers though…”

As Chris was about to stand up from the bench both of them were sitting on, Kazuma found his golden opportunity once again. “No, I don’t think so.” He declared with a smug. “Your plan for today is to stay by my side and help me experiment around with my power to find out as much as we can about it.”

“What the-…?” Chris was clearly stunned, but quickly tried to regain her composure. “N-no, I really have plans today. And they are… uhm…”

The more time Chris wasted trying to come up with something, the bigger Kazuma's smile became. 

“Having trouble coming up with something?”

“N-No! I mean… yes. But how…? What is this new power of yours? It just sounds delusional and crazy to me.”

“No, I don’t think so,” Kazuma retorted, wagging his finger. “It sounds irresistibly interesting to you, which is why you want to know everything about this power. Isn't that right.”

Immediately after the words left Kazuma's mouth, Chris behind plopped back down on the bench. She looked confused and flustered, but most importantly incredibly curious and definitely embarrassed about her overwhelming curiosity. 

“I don’t know how you did it but fine, you win. I am curious.” Chris stated, turning towards Kazuma with half a blush on her face. “Tell me everything you know about that power. I am listening.”

“Perfect~ Then you probably already felt that power on your own self, right?”

“Definitely have. What happened?” Chris asked, tilting her head.

“It's a new cheat power called ‘I know reality better than you’ and it's actually kinda wild. The short and sweet version is, if I can say ‘No, I don't think so,’ then anything I say afterwards will become reality. No matter how off-the-charts-wrong I am, the world will bend for me to be right.”

“So you said I have no other plans and that I am curious, so both of them became true?” Chris pondered out loud, which made Kazuma nod in satisfaction.

“I knew you were the right one to ask. You catch on really quickly.”

“This power sounds really powerful. What is the most outrageous thing you have done with that power yet?” Chris asked, partly concerned but with an unhidable curiosity flickering in her eyes.

“I would say turning her goddess into a succubus is probably the biggest thing.” Kazuma replied, shrugging his shoulders. Chris however looks horrified for a second.

“Yeah, you told me you turned Aqua into a Succubus… That sounds like that power of yours is nearly unstoppable. I thought Aqua was completely immune to any and all status magic like that.” 

“Huh. I never thought about it like that.” Kazuma stopped to think. Chris brought up a good point. Aqua has been immune to practically all magic so far, even magic from archdemons or timestops can't slow her down. 

So for Kazuma’s ability to work on her, it must be packing one hell of a punch. 

“Welp, no point dwelling on it now~ It’s time to have some fun~” Kazuma declared, hopping up from the bench. “Do you want to help me try a few things?”

“Help you…? How so?” Chris asked, still sitting on the bench puzzled.

“How do you think?” A mischievous grin plotted on his face. “You are going to say things, and I am going to disagree with you. Sounds good?”

“...okay.” Chris looked just as curious about this as Kazuma had hoped. “What do you want to test?”

“I want to test how much something said by someone can influence another. Could you say ‘That kid over there is wearing a blue shirt’?” Kazuma asked, pointing at a kid playing with a ball a few meters away from the two of them. 

“I see what you are getting at. Yeah, that kid over there definitely wears a blue shirt.”

“No, I don’t think so. He is definitely wearing a green shirt!” Kazuma instantly countered, to which both of them stared at the kid for a little bit.

Nothing happened. Neither to him nor to his shirt.

“...it didn't work,” Chris stated flatly.

“I wonder why.” Kazuma started to think. “Could it be that one words can not affect someone else? Hmm… Could you try to say that your… uhm… ‘top’ is gray next? Let’s see if this works if you talk about yourself.”

“Sure, but don’t turn it green.” Chris sighed. “My rouge top is gray.”

“No, I don’t think so. It’s definitely black.” Kazuma countered. 

…again, nothing happened. This one had Kazuma in kind of a shock too.

“Okay, something is going wrong with this strategy.” Chris said, checking on her top multiple times before looking back to Kazuma. 

“Hmm… I think I have an idea what went wrong.” He said after a little while of thinking, making Chris blink. “This power is definitely harder to use than I thought. More limitations than I thought. Could you say the same thing again. The thing with the gray top. I think its hiding much more than what's beneath~”

Chris looked at him with unimpressed eyes, before bursting into laughter herself. “You might be a pervert, Kazuma, but at least you are funny. What’s hiding beneath my top you ask? Dude, you know what it is and you know how utterly unimpressive they are. My lack of mounds is literally the reason why I get mistaken for a boy so often.”

“No, I don’t think so.” Kazuma countered, catching Chris completely off guard visibly. “You have two very bountiful breasts on your chest, perfectly held in place by your top~” 

Chris' chest immediately reacted to Kazuma’s words, pushing her top forwards in ways she had never seen before. Slowly stitching the fabric as more and more mass gathered behind her increasing mounds. However Kazuma wasn't done yet. “And because you are showing so much cleavage and underboob, no one has ever mistaken you for a boy.”

At that point, her top stopped gaining thickness, instead only accommodating in length. Chris bust was firmly shooting through the cup size ranks, a far cry from what she had originally claimed them to be. And they only stopped when both of her now massive mammaries had overtaken the size of her head, something that had Chris’ brain apparently malfunction in a number of ways.

“I…Boobs…me… what?!? HUH?!?” Chris was staring at the newly acquired weight on her chest, her gaze bouncing between her cleavage and Kazuma. “I thought we were doing-…?!?”

“And that made all the difference.” Kazuma declared, crossing his arms with an evil smile. “After all, it’s not really countering an argument in a fight if I tell you what to say, now is it?”

That’s when he pointed at her and winked while adding a small “Also: You’re welcome.”

“You-…! I-…! I can’t believe it!” Chris stood up, her chest jiggling way less than both of them expected, yet still much more than Chris would have liked. “What do you then even need me for?”

“I want you as an informant and a partner in mischief. That’s all!” Kazuma declared with an innocent smile. 

“Forget it. I won’t be spreading mischief with you. That goes against-…!” Chris realized just a bit too late why saying that might have been a grave mistake.

“No, I don’t think so. You are all for abusing my power, you are my partner and you love your job as my informant for anything. It’s a passion job for you.” Kazuma grinned, as Chris held her head in disdain.

“N-No! I-I-… I… won't-… I probably won’t-…” she said, however her struggle just kinda stopped. “That is… so weird…”

“Haaaaaa… Fine. There are worse fates.” She suddenly said, making a complete 180 from her previous panic. “This power of yours is quite scary indeed. What are your plans with it for now?”

“For now, I was thinking of just messing around a bit. Maybe punish a few people with some fun commands~” Kazuma declared as he briefly thought about the possibilities. “And you know, I felt like I could really use a certain second pair of eyes.”

“Ha! I bet I am on that list of people you want to punish too. So go on, trick me. Or don’t you want me to lend you my pair of eyes?” Chris declared, her smile a lot more wicked than Kazuma was used to. However…

“No, I don’t think so.” Kazuma said, to which Chris blinked. He could bet she didn't expect to have said something wrong with that line. “I don’t want your pair of eyes. I want all eight of your spider eyes for my cause!”

“Spider eyes…?” Already as it was still dawning on Chris what would now happen. Kazuma already saw her face changing in a major way. Chris' eyes dulled out, becoming monochrome and fully purple while at the same time, more and more eyes blinked open up her forehead, until she had a full set of 4 pairs of spider eyes on her face. 

“That is so strange…” Chris let out, feeling her new eyes with her hands in curiosity. “I’m not mad, don't worry. You got me fair and square. I am just confused that my eyes feel so alien and yet so familiar.”

"Interesting. So you can see perfectly, even with completely different eyes?” Kazuma asked out of curiosity.

"Strange, isn't it?” 

“Welp, at least you don’t have to worry about anyone calling you Spider-burglar ever again~” Kazuma laughed, much to Chris’ confusion.

“What? No one has ever called me Spider burglar before…?”

“No, I don’t think so.” Kazuma laughed, before pointing at Chris' legs. “You have a thorax and 8 spider legs down there. Combine that with your profession as informant and rogue and Spider-burglar has practically become your Nickname.”

“Ah. Yeah, that one's on me…” Chris sighed, not even bothering to watch her legs morph. Each legs split apart into four thin and pointy legs in a heartbeat, all while her butt extended backwards, becoming bigger and fuller as it grew. And when all eight legs shifted into place and her thorax stopped expanding, gone was Chris the human and there stood Chris the Arachne. 

“Not gonna lie, you have your way with words, Kazuma. I feel like tricking me multiple times in a row despite me knowing that it comes is quite something,” Chris admitted, to which even Kazuma was impressed. That Chris wouldn't complain in any way because of that was really odd. 

"Uhm, thanks?" he said, being slightly confused about the sudden praise. 

“I kinda want to put that to the test,” she suddenly added, stepping forward and staring at Kazuma's face with all eight of her eyes. “I’ll give you… hmm… two shots. I’ll say something generally true about me and you are free to punish me however you want. However, I’ll only give you 5 seconds to come up with something. Sounds good?”

“You really want to see how well I can improvise, don’t you?” Kazuma asked, but he could feel the challenge taunting him.

“Yap.” Chris replied with a smirk.

“Alright, you're on. No cheating. I have 5 seconds for each sentence. Go for it.” 

Chris grinned and started to think for a little bit. Then she simply said. “I am a rogue, as you can see.”

“No, I don’t think so.” Kazuma shot out less than a second after she finished, however now he still had to come up with something. Chris was looking at him in anticipation… that's when an idea came to his mind. “You are wearing a swimsuit… that you made from your own thread. And because you only ever wear things you have crafted yourself, until you make yourself a rogue-attire, no one would be able to tell that you are a rogue!”

“Interesting. So you start talking under presuuuuuuaaaaaaaahhh!” Suddenly masses upon masses of spider silk spewed out from Chris’ thorax, leaving the girl almost collapsing onto all eight of her legs due to the sudden attack of weakness. Her clothes started to dissolve, while the string began to neatly tie itself all around her very curvy body. 

Within seconds, all of her rogue attire completely vanished and was replaced with what could only be described as a slightly less revealing swimsuit, made in front of both of their eyes from the string out of her butt. Though despite being less revealing, thanks to Chris’ now uber impressive chest size, it still showed a lot of cleavage and underboob.

“...hehehe. Interesting.” Chris laughed, pulling slightly at her new top and pants. “Those things are surprisingly comfortable. Anyway, let's go to round two.” That's when she looked at Kazuma again, who cracked his knuckles in preparation. He was more than ready.

“I like flying~” She declared, to which Kazuma’s eyes went wide. That was something he did not expect. That was a lie, and denying a lie wouldn't do much, would it. Kazuma’s thoughts were racing faster than Chris could even count down, until brilliance struck.


“No, I don’t think so.” Kazuma declared, cutting Chris' countdown off. “You are obsessed with hanging upside down from buildings. That is not flying! Know the difference!”

“Ahahaha! Nice one!” Chris said, her body visibly shivering shortly before she looked back at Kazuma. “I have never liked punishment, nor mischief. Yet here you are, showing me a completely new side of fun I have never felt before.”

“No hard feelings?” Kazuma asked with a smile.

“Nah, you tricked me and then won our little thing fair and square.” Chris shrugged, a wide smile on her face too before it turned into a smirk. “Guess I’ll be your informant from now on. What sort of Info would you like me to gather?”

“I would like to know where Megumin and Darkness went. Also if you find any other person worth adjusting or info worth sharing, I would also never say no to that,” Kazuma explained, to which Chris held out her fist.

“Gotcha. What are you going to do?”

“Oh, I am just gonna visit the guild real quick. Might find some interesting people there~”

And thus, the two of them fistbumped, signaling the start of a very mischievous partnership…


An ally and informant is great in every situation. Let the spider-spionage commence~

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