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1rst place: P-guy Full image set here.

2nd place: Larissa Full image here 

3rd place: Rhozek: Full image here

4th place: Mattacker:  Full image here 

5th place: BadSpider: Full image here

6th place:  Ziggurat: Full story here 

 "The wind in Aurelia dies, and training comes to halt as its magic cannot be used. In the lull, a charming new Lord comes to town in search of a wife, but sinister intent creeps beneath his charismatic smile. When his choice is revealed, the citizens of Aurelia discover there is far more at play than love and politics—and the wedding must be stopped before it’s too late." 

7th place:  Drio: Full image here 

8th place:  Bongfurious: Full image here 

9th place:  Cheese: Full story here

"Thomas just chuckled to himself, walking towards his destination. The door was closed and the sign was turned to closed, but he was invited so he knocked on the door. Not even a second passed before it opened with Lily standing in the doorway. 
She smiled at him and before he could even say hi, she drew him into the shaded half-lit store, closing the door behind him, locking it immediately. He just watched, surprised at her abruptness and haste. She turned around with a beaming smile, before she embraced him, her lips meeting his immediately."

10th place: Crabble42: Full story here 

"The horned lady seemed amused by his story. “So you just happened to accidentally unseal me, the great demon Erza, while looking for a book? What kind of magical grimoire did you hope to find in a place like this?” 



P-guy went full Plus Ultra.


Congratulations to all the Winners !


Well, apparently an incredibly big job has been done. Judging by these passages, these stories are fascinating!


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