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Hey everyone,

The winning idea for the alt-version, where we asked you for the 5th element to complete our Elemental Shrine pack, was Time!

We wanted to work with the idea of the sands of time, and so we have this ancient shrine in the middle of a temporal sandstorm :)

Makes for a nice map to complete the set!


James Long

Actually, it's hard to find just plain old monolith and stone circle maps. It might be cool to have the environment and monoliths without the shrine. ;) EDIT: In FACT.. Barovia has three/four known "fanes" or stone circles, so you could do a set of them in spooky environments, and they would all be useful! :D There's a mountain fane, a swamp fane, a forest fane, and one 'DMs Choice' fane.. with hints that more might exist.


I do like the map but tbh I was hoping for something more original, the sands of time idea has gotten a bit old as I first got introduced to it in the very first Prince of Persia game, it was neat but I’d love to finally see a different interpretation of the theme.