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Hey everyone,

Something a little different this month, as there's a cool theme linking the MotM and the three variants.

We haven't done an Elemental Shrine set for about 8 years, so it was well worth an update :)

This set of four 30x30 maps each has a different elemental gemstone in an ancient shrine, each set in a suitable environment.

We think they'll be a really useful set!


For this month's alt-version, we'd like to suggest the 5th elemental shrine.  Which element should it be (you don't have to stick to 'classic' elements), and what sort of environment/setting should the shrine be in?

Put your ideas in the comments, and we'll create a poll in a couple of days



Matthew J. Hunter

Time - with either a Sun Dial on a pedestal in the center, or some sort of depiction of a solar system in the surrounding walls?

Brian Guerrero

Ice, although Paizo, with their latest book, seems to have moved to include Metal and Wood as core elements.


I have to agree with Nicola, because it could double as "shadow" or "darkness" -- definitely trope-y, but well-placed in many games.


Shrine of the Void with a black hole looking thing in the middle!


Soul Essence, integrating some of your multi-colored transdimensional starry backgrounds.


I know the map is not finished …. But …. A common issue that has cropped up for me when using your maps is that there is too little room around the key feature (the altar, the house etc etc) for the PC to play with. Tight 30x30 maps are fine, but for outside maps, there needs to be a bit more space around them to allow the PC to yuan about a bit more. It this case, all the action might not take place at the altar, they might need to sneak up to rescue the sacrificial princess or whatever. This goes for other mays too. Currently I am using The Hand of Vath map and I had to try to blend it in with other creators maps to make a slightly bigger map so that the PCs have options on who to deal with the senario that is going to play out at the Hand itself. They just needed even 5-10 more hexes around so that they could have the option of lying in a bust or sneezing up , or even running off a bit before moving to the next map. So my suggestion …. Can we have a few more hexes around the key features to allow the PC options on game play, or create a suite of 4-5 basic enough Radom terrain maps that can join onto the new maps. For example in the last map, the royal hunting lodge. The building was shoved near to the left border with a lovely cliff next to it that offered interesting possibilities for activities outside , sneaking up for example. It was crying out for 5-6 more hexes on that side to give some space.


Excuse all the terrible auto speller typos

Heroic Maps

We make large maps, people ask for smaller ones... We make smaller maps, people ask for larger ones... 🤣 I'm afraid no map will ever be perfect for everyone, so that's why we make so many Regarding the house in the last map, it was on a 60x60 canvas, and we had decided that the woodland paths were more important to the setting (as it was a hunting lodge) than the cliff, hence our placement of the building in tharmt quadrant 👍