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Earlier this month we asked you to suggest a map based on the word 'Vengeance'.  

We did a lucky dip, and our winner was Michael Rozmin who suggested:

How about an actual maze where prisoners who make it through the one correct path are set free. All other paths lead to deadly traps.

Well, how would we resist such a cool idea.  We had to do some thinking though, of how we could make it full of traps whilst not revealing them to everyone.

Then we had an idea! We planned a full maze, and then, apart from the 'perfect route', we blocked out trapped corridors. Then, for each of those blocks we created a trap tile that perfectly fits over that piece of the map, showing an active trap! That will make it easy to 'activate' a trap, whilst also having a full maze map to use as it is.

We think it#s a really fun map, and we're looking forward to sharing it with you in the near future!




This is awesome. I can always use more dungeon/maze maps :D


Here's my thoughts. When you make a map. It's not always immediately useful. But in the back of my mind I go "I know Heroic Maps made this!" and I can work in plots and such to use things later! So I appreciate all maps!