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Hey everyone,

We've been sooooo busy the last few weeks working on 4 brand new DM Resource packs for the iconic Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure.

It's a classic in its own right, but of course it also forms the first part of the new Shattered Obelisk book that's coming out in September, so it's a perfect time to pick this up.

We've split the adventure across the four chapters, each one containing loads of maps (some of which are huge - the whole of Phandalin at battlemap scale, anyone?), plus Resource Packs full of amazing tables with NPCs, alternative ways to play for those who've done the adventure before, items, weather tables, plot hooks and more and more!  Plus, VTT Token Maestro Devin Night has worked with us to create amazing VTT tokens of every single character and monster from the adventure!  Plus, if you've got the Roll20 module for this adventure, we've got maps that will fit straight over the existing ones and preserve dynamic lighting walls etc.

Even if you're not playing the adventure, the packs are worth picking up. Ruined villages, dungeons, castles, forest trails and caves, plus over 50 VTT tokens and 30 tables of GM goodies! 

You can view the sets here 

If you'd like to get these sets for 40% off, use the codes below (it's a better deal than the bundle price, but only valid for 2 weeks)

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 

Hope you check them out!


Joe & Sarah



It would be awesome to have a renovated Tressendar Manor... What with all the mine profits and all. :)


I got the whole set too, I don't much care for the tokens, not my style, but the maps are gorgeous, this is easily the best map set for Lost Mine, love it.